Hey guys, So I've been working on the next part of Alora for me and that is my ironman. When I first started Alora I set myself a goal and that was to max every game mode.
Bigblockcrew (normie) [✔] COMPLETE
Smallblock (Ironman) (In Progress)
HC BBC (hardcore) (not started)
EIM BBC (Elite ironman) (Not Started)
Realism BBC (Realism) (Not Started)
I personally am enjoying ironman mode so far, cannot wait to see what I can make of smallblock aswell as the other accounts.
Set of small goals for Smallblock
Barrows - complete all sets
Zulrah- blowpipe/ magic fang
Kraken- tent/Trident.
Obtain onyx for fury
*Doing this through ice barrage @
Fight caves on lvl 149 and 133s
Selling loot to stores for
Tokol. (Pretty quick)
Finish 99 Slayer (favorite skillcape)
Eventually max as said previously.
Long term goals:
Chambers of xerics:
1.) Prayer scroll x2 (rigour and augury)
2.) Dragon hunter crossbow
3.) Ancestral
4.) Twisted bow
Corporeal Beast:
1.) Arcane
2.) Elysian
Don't really care so much for spectral.
Just some things to keep myself entertained. Any input is welcome.:)

Change of Scenery!
Started By BigBlockCrew , May 15 2022 12:58 AM
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