Hey guys, this is something i have had in mind for a while now, and i have decided to now share it with you guys,
Before i actually get into the suggestion itself, i want to say that this has no relevance to non iron man players.
Currently, i feel as if there may not be a real incentive for iron men to donate, this is of course due to not being able to use tokens as an iron man, and for some iron men out there, they do not have an alt account they play on, almost making there tokens useless.
I am simply suggesting an iron man only donator store, in which iron men CAN use there tokens.
After speaking to various different iron men on the server, i have come up with a small list of potential items for this shop if it was to be added:
- Third age sets
- Golden hammer
- Golden tinder box
- Ring of wealth (i)
- Exclusive iron man only cape (not sure if this is possible.)
- Exclusive iron man only banner (not sure if this is possible either.)
Though this is a small list, i can say i based it off of talking to active iron men on our server. Everyone i spoke to seems to agree that if this shop was added, then it would basically be all cosmetics, with few exceptions such as the ring of wealth (i).
It would be really nice to hear your guys opinions, especially the iron men. If you have any other item suggestions for this shop feel free to share them bellow with us!
Too those who may think that this is "taking away the challenge" or making iron man pay to win, i would like to say its the complete opposite of that as its not like we would have blowpipes or anything silly like that in the shop if it was to be added.
Thanks for reading, look forward to hearing some feedback!