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So I decided it was time for a new grind and set my mind on Vorkath in hopes of receiving the ever elusive Vorki!
After a long couple minutes my grind has finally come to an end with quite the pay off!
So glad that's finally over, hope you never experience this long grind ever again at another boss.
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Friendly reminder that breaks are healthy! Don't grind too hard and get burnt out man.
Congratulations on finishing that HARD AF grind.
Wow what a grind. You must be exhausted.
Gratz on the pet.
Great Journey. Its bad when the quest probably took longer to complete than the pet XD.
wow big grind! very happy you made it, gzz on pet ^^
Now this is what hard work really looks like, ladies and gentlemen.
What better gift to receive after thousands, no, countless hours of grinding to achieve what many thought was unattainable...
So big congratulations on your pet drop, many more to come!
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