What is your suggestion?:
Add the Completionist Cape to Alora.
(Picture taken from another popular oldschool private server today)
Is this in OSRS?:
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
How would this benefit Alora?:
This has been suggested last year and declined for several reasons, those being;
1) Players wanted to keep the monkey because it is unique to Alora.
My suggestion is to make it optional to have either the Monkey or the Completionist cape.
If you have the Monkey in-game you would know that there is a transform option when you right click it, by simply adding a "Completionist Cape" option it would allow people to either have the monkeys or the cape and everyone would be happy.
2) It's a pre-eoc item, not in Osrs.
Alora has many items that are "not in osrs", some examples would be the Ely ornament kit, the various different donator capes and veteran shields and the donator monkey recolours. Even the rainbow ankou set is an item that isn't in osrs. The list goes on and on.
This "pre-eoc" item is simply a max cape with slightly different shades of red and some grey lines.
3) Omicron tried to add it years ago but it didn't work.
I don't really understand why and maybe @ Omicron could explain, but all it is, is a max cape with slightly more detail? It wouldn't need any particles or any new animations, it wouldn't even need the different variants e.g Infernal Completionist Cape and so on because it's already got all the bonuses of all the capes in it. Other oldschool private servers have added this cape to their games recently and it turned out fine, but I'm not a developer so I don't know what the exact reasons are.
Refrain from making stupid comments below, thanks.