What is your suggestion?:
[XP rates I am referancing are from GIM game mode, while soloing]
1. Increase XP rates. Current rates at peak efficiency are roughly 400-500k/hr fishing, 50k/hr cooking, and 60k/hr construction
Traditional training methods for fishing and cooking are 1.5m/hr and 3-4m/hr and are relatively AFK compared to Tempeross which requires a fair bit of active effort especially while you're learning the mechanics. Construction XP rates could be buffed especially considering if you're playing with a team the rates will be dramatically lower as you're sharing repairing responsibilities. XP rates for actions during tempeross could be improved more than individual actions in wintertotd for example because theres no bulk amount of xp given as a reward for completion.
2. Increase the amount of high level raw food, seaweed received as a reward, replace normal plank rewards with teak or mahogany, and buff the drop rate of the dragon harpoon. This could be done via direct improvements, the vote book boost, or potentially a skilling minigames booster available in ::store as also discussed in my Wintertotd Improvements. When you look at the rewards you currently receive and consider the sheer amount of time it takes to complete these games solo efficiently (max points by stretching games to 30-40mins) its no wonder that nobody is participating in this content.
Is this in OSRS?:
In OSRS XP rates for tempeross are 70-80% of the maximum efficiency traditional training methods
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No
How would this benefit Alora?:
As discussed in my Wintertotd Improvements suggestion may of these skilling minigames have become dead content shortly after release with Tempeross being one of the most prominent examples of this because there is very few if any Tempeross events, the XP rates are downright awful, and the rewards are mediocre except for the pet and some cosmetics that are already incredibly hard to obtain because of the issues with Aerial fishing. As previously discussed it would make more sense that a player completing skilling minigames/bosses would receive comparable if not better skilling material rewards than someone completing solely PvM activities.