Trouble With Graphical Artifacts on the Runelite sidebar?
Here is a picture of what it might look like if you are facing this issue:
This happens due to a RuneLite feature called Hardware acceleration which attempts to utilize your graphics card for certain processes rather than relying on the CPU.
The currently recommended solution for this is to run Alora using a special launcher that disables Hardware acceleration. You can simply delete the old Alora launcher, and start using this one instead:
Click here to download the launcher with no hardware acceleration
For those of you who don't have any graphical issues with the sidebar, it is recommended that you keep using the launcher found on the download page, as Hardware acceleration is useful when it works as intended.
Trouble Opening the Launcher/the Jar File Won't Run?
If your client launcher doesn't show anything at all when you run it, it could very well be that your computer isn't associating .jar files with Java. This tool quickly fixes it for you:
The canvas of Alora HD won't fill my screen:
To fix this issue, simply go to your display settings on for your windows device, and turn off Display scaling, as this down-scales the HD canvas.
My Client is Constantly Stuttering No Matter What I Do:
This generally means that the version used to run the client is not java 11, so the appropriate steps to fix the issue would be to first download and install java 11, and then uninstall the earlier non-java 11 version.
Java 11 can be downloaded through the link below:
The 117 HD/GPU Plugins Crash in Certain Areas:
This is usually caused by an out-of-memory error due to the client running on a 32-bit version of Java. To fix the issue, you will need to download and install the 64-bit version of Java, which should also improve FPS in many cases. To do so, follow the link below, and download the version of java for your operating system with "(64-bit)" in the name:
The 117 HD/GPU Plugin Fill The Entire Screen With One Color:
Tile Marker Plugin Won't Properly Mark Tiles:
Inventory Setups Won't Save:
These issues are potentially caused by using a 64-bit Java version. While the 64-bit Java version (on a 64-bit operating system) can provide large performance gains, it has also been known to cause some issues in some cases. The issues listed above are some examples; if you're experiencing any of these issues, try to download and install the 32-bit version of Java instead, which can be found here: Download the version corresponding to your operating system that does not have "(64-bit)" listed in the name.
The 117 HD/GPU Plugins Won't Start:
1. The most common issue is that your hardware is old/doesn't support the version of openGL used by the plugins. Anything older than 2013 is unlikely to work. 2. Some players may have issues starting the 117 HD and GPU plugins. While these plugins are not guaranteed to work for everyone, there are a few known fixes. If you are experiencing an issue with the 117 HD/GPU plugin, please see the trouble shooting guide below, made by @Spudmo: 3. For laptops with dual GPUs, if your laptop is a gaming laptop, there's a good chance that Runelite is trying to use the Integrated GPU rather than the high performance dedicated GPU. To fix this issue, follow these instructions: 4. It is also possible that you may not have a supported GPU. You can find a nearly complete list of supported GPU's here:
My Client Used To Work Fine But Now It Crashes:
There are a few reasons this could happen. The first thing we recommend is to delete your Cache and Client and to re-download the client. Check out the Deleting Your Cache section near the bottom of this thread if you don't know how to do this. If the issue still persists on Runelite, we recommend players uninstall all of the plugin-hub plugins, as they may have been updated to a version which now causes the client to crash. This can be done by clicking the Plugin Configurations tab on the Runelite sidebar, and scrolling to the very bottom, then clicking the "Plugin Hub" button. Once you've clicked on this option, go through all of the plugins and uninstall them.
My Screen Turns White After Minimizing Another Game:
In rare instances, players may experience an issue where their canvas will turn completely white until they resize their client or move it to another display. We're still investigating the cause of this issue for now, but if this is happening to you, the issue is should only be present on the Runelite standard definition version of the game, so if you're experiencing it, you can either turn on the GPU or 117 HD plugin, toggle Alora's native HD, or use the vanilla client to fix the issue.
My Client won't launch properly, and I'm getting the "error java.lang.exceptioninitializererror":
This likely means you're not running the client using Java 8, but rather a newer version, such as Java 17. To check your Java version, you can open the terminal/command prompt and type "java -version", then press enter. The solution would be to simply uninstall the current version of java and install java 8, or set the default version to Java 1.8. Java 1.8 can be downloaded through the link below:
Runelite won't launch properly on Linux:
This looks like bug with JDK 10+. The solution is either to downgrade to JDK 8 (or 9) or to delete /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/conf/ (for JDK 11 on Ubuntu, for 10 the path should be similar).
How to get HD (OpenGL) working on Mac OSX High Sierra / Mojave
Please note this guide is quite old(2018) so it most likely won't work on newer Mac's(2020+).
How to get HD working on Mac OSX
Please note this guide is quite old(2017) so it most likely won't work on newer Mac's(2020+).
Fixing Client Issues on Mac OSX.
My client disconnects me every few minutes:
This issue may have many causes, however the main causes are generally ISP or host issues. If it's a host issue, then it the issue will generally resolve itself within 24 hours without you needing to take any action. If not, then it's potentially an ISP/hardware issue, in which case you should call your ISP and tell them about the issue, so they can see if there's any packet-loss or intermittent connection interruptions. A possible cause of recurring disconnections would be frequency interference from networks that split into a 2.4 GHz and a 5GHz frequency, so disabling the 2.4 GHz frequency may fix the disconnection issue; this may even be an issue if the device experiencing the issues is using a wired connection. This guide may help you resolve this issue:
Deleting your Cache:
Majority of the time simply deleting your cache can solve your issue. This can be done two ways: If you have the Runelite client open, click the information tab located on the right side of your client. You will see a Clear Alora Cache button. Click it which will force close your client and delete the cache automatically. The second method is to go to your C: Drive and delete it manually. Go to your PC, and open your C: Drive. You should see aloracache folder. Delete it. You will then open the Users folder, click your name and find a folder named alora. Delete it. Once that is done, head back to and download the client that matches your system.
Verifying Proper Java Installation:
Java is the platform that Alora runs on. To be sure that we are not simply running into an error because of the wrong Java version we will verify that we have the proper Java installed on our computer.
Click the link below to be taken to the Java website. This webpage will run an application that checks your Java version and will tell you if you need to download an updated Java or not.
For Other Issues:
If you haven't found what you're looking for, check out this guide that talks about other common issues that occur.
If you're still struggling with issues, make a thread in the Technical Support section and we will get your issue resolved.