What is your suggestion?: The possibility of buying low/medium tier impling jars from a dedicated shop (Hunter shop?)
Is this in OSRS?: Yes and no. There is no shop on OSRS that sells impling jars, but due to large amount of players online there is always a supply of jars being sold in the Grand Exchange.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Not aware of it
How would this benefit Alora?: Currently there is no other way to obtain impling jars other than going to Puro Puro and catching them by yourself. These jars are mostly known becasue of their loot table, one of the items on the table being clue scrolls. Having these impling jars in shop would bring us an easier way of obtaining low/mid tier clue scrolls. For example, right now it is pretty annoying to get alot of medium clue scrolls because the only good way is to kill guards in Falador. My suggestion is that there could be a limited (maybe unlimited amount? up to discussion) of impling jars (from Baby imp. jars up to Magpies) in the shop for a decent price so it doesnt ruin the economy by bringing alot of alchables and other items from the loot table into the game from the implings. This shop would be available only for normal/classic accounts and it would be a good alternative to get clue scrolls or any other items from the implings loot table. Im curious about what other people think about this