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[14/12/21] Christmas Sale & Total Spent Special, Salamanders, Gauntlet changes & more!

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Posted 14 December 2021 - 03:29 PM #1



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Hello everyone,
We hope you're enjoying your holidays thus far! We're back with another update before Christmas, and while we're still awaiting the release of OSRS's Christmas event, we've got some cool updates to share in the meantime as well as a refresher to our Store, and the start of our Christmas Sale!
We've made some much-needed Gauntlet changes such as adding the Escape Crystal and ability to create Crystal paddlefish, added Salamander functionality as well as tar making, added new Monkey cape variants for the top 3 donator ranks, and a few other cool updates such as the Bake pie spell and resetting Raid time records for a clean slate.



You won't want to miss out on our holiday sale, with 25% bonus tokens on all purchases, discounts on numerous items, exclusive Christmas-only items (including the new Christmas mystery box), new Slayer helmet ornament kits, Rainbow ankou set, and for the first time ever, our bonus offer on total spent donations:

  • For a limited time, all total spent donations will provide 1:4.5 towards rank rather than 1:4. So, for every $100 you spend for rank, you'll get $450 rather than $400. If you're looking to upgrade your rank, there's no better time to do so than now!

Store updates:

  • 25% bonus tokens on all purchases.
  • New items:
    • Rainbow Ankou outfit: (5,000 tokens)
      • Never seen before in any RSPS, this eye-catching color-changing outfit is sure to make a statement, all while being super satisfying to look at. Priced for exclusivity, only a select few will be able to show off this rare outfit.
    • Christmas box: (300 tokens)
      • Similar to Mystery boxes, this Ironman-accessible box will provide all of the Christmas cosmetics you could ever wish for! Possible rewards include:
        • Rare rewards:
          • Santa outfit (full outfit is given)
          • Anti-santa outfit (full outfit is given)
          • Santa hat
          • Inverted santa hat
          • Black Santa hat
          • Wise old man's santa hat
          • Christmas cracker (can be used on another player for a random party hat, but beware it will randomly give the party hat to either you or the other player! Can be used on your own account if you'd like)
            • These also have a rare chance of obtaining a more exclusive partyhat, such as the Rainbow partyhat.
        • Normal rewards:
          • Candy cane
          • A jester stick
          • Silly jester outfit
          • Jester hat
          • Jester cape
          • Jester scarf
          • Marionette (green, red or blue)
          • Yoyo
          • Cozy cabin blueprints (winter PoH theme)
          • Goblin decorations (Makes PoH objects look Christmas-themed)
          • Wintumber tree (PoH Christmas tree) 
    • Slayer helmet ornament kits:
      • Tzkal slayer helmet ornament kit
        • 1,000 tokens
      • Tztok slayer helmet ornament kit
        • 750 tokens
      • Vampiric slayer helmet ornament kit
        • 750 tokens


  • Donator Monkey Variants:
    • There are 3 new Monkey variants for the Master/Immortal/Eternal donators:
      • Players can click the “Transform” option on the monkey in their inventory to select an option to transform the monkey into.
        • Along with the old monkey morphs, players will now also see the 3 new donator morph options.
    • The Monkey transform menu has also been moved from chatbox dialogue to quest scroll to make it easier to swap monkeys.
  • Goblin Decorations:
    • These decorations, which can be obtained from the Christmas mystery Box, can be used to decorate various objects in a player’s house to be Christmas Themed!
      • Players must simply use these decorations on an eligible object in their house, and it will become decorated for Christmas.
  • Wintumber Tree:
    • This is a tree that players can obtain from the Christmas Mystery Box.
      • Players can plant this tree in any room in their house, as long as it’s not on top of an object/hotspot.
        • Players must be in build mode to plant this tree.
        • Players can have up to 10 Wintumber Trees in their house.
  • Gauntlet Changes:
    • The Crafting menu in the Gauntlet will now be static.
      • This means that it will now show all crafting options, rather than only the ones the player had the materials for.
        • The exception is that it will only show the current best tier of an type of item that the player can make.
          • For example, if the player has a Basic crystal bow, it will show the Attuned crystal bow in the crystal bow slot.
    • Crystal Paddlefish:
      • Players can now create Crystal Paddlefish using the Singing bowl.
        • Players will need a regular cooked paddlefish, and 10 Crystal shards to create a Crystal Paddlefish.
      • This food heals 16 hitpoints, rather than the standard 20, but can be eating as a combo food with regular paddlefish (similar to how Karambwans work).
    • Escape Crystal:
      • Players can now create an Escape Crystal using the Singing bowl.
        • Players will need 200 crystal shards create this item.
      • Players can activate the escape crystal at any point during the Gauntlet and it will pull them out of the session, and back to the lobby.
  • Salamanders:
    • Players can now equip and use Salamanders/Swamp Lizards for combat.
      • There are 4 types of lizards/salamanders:
        • Swamp Lizard:
          • This lizard requires level 30 Attack, Range, and Magic to wield.
          • Every attack done with this weapon will consume 1 Guam Tar (must be equipped in the ammunition slot).
          • Players can catch Swamp Lizards with net traps at level 29 Hunter.
          • The Swamp Lizard has a chance to inflict poison on the target, starting at 6 damage.
        • Orange Salamander:
          • This Salamander requires level 50 Attack, Range, and Magic to wield.
          • Every attack done with this weapon will consume 1 Marrentill Tar (must be equipped in the ammunition slot).
          • Players can catch Orange Salamanders with net traps at level 47 Hunter.
        • Red Salamander:
          • This Salamander requires level 60 Attack, Range, and Magic to wield.
          • Every attack done with this weapon will consume 1 Tarromin Tar (must be equipped in the ammunition slot).
          • Players can catch Red Salamanders with net traps at level 59 Hunter.
        • Black Salamander:
          • This Salamander requires level 70 Attack, Range, and Magic to wield.
          • Every attack done with this weapon will consume 1 Harralander Tar (must be equipped in the ammunition slot).
          • Players can catch Black Salamanders with net traps at level 67 Hunter.
      • The salamanders/lizards have 3 attack styles:
        • Melee:
          • This attack style gives melee experience equivalent 4 x damage.
        • Range:
          • This attack style is 1 tick faster than melee/magic (4 ticks, rather than 5), and gives range experience equivalent to 4 x damage.
        • Magic:
          • This attack style gives magic experience equivalent to 2 x damage.
    • The Damage dealt for the Melee style will be calculated similar to other melee weapons, based on the strength level and strength bonus of the player.
    • The Damage dealt for the Range attack style will be calculated similar to other range weapons, based on the range level and ranged strength of the player.
      • The tars give the following ranged strength bonus:
        • Guam Tar: 16 Ranged Strength
        • Marrentill Tar: 22 Ranged Strength
        • Tarromin Tar: 31 Ranged Strength
        • Harralander Tar: 49 Ranged Strength
    • The Damage dealt for the Magic attack style will be calculated using the following formula:
      • MaxDamage = floor(0.5 + MagicLevel*(64 + Bonus)/640
        • The Bonus for each salamander/lizard is as follows:
          • Swamp Lizard: 56
          • Orange Salamander: 59
          • Red Salamander: 77
          • Black Salamander: 92
  • Tar Making:
    • Players can now make Guam/Marrentill/Tarromin/Harralander tar.
      • The process to do so requires using a clean Guam/Marrentill/Tarromin/Harralander herb on at least 15 swamp tar.
        • Players doing this will need to have a pestle and mortar in their inventory to crush the herb into the tar.
        • The Requirements/Experience is as follows:
          • Guam Tar:
            • Requires level 19 Herblore to make, providing 30 base Herblore experience for every herb used.
          • Marrentill tar:
            • Requires level 31 Herblore to make, providing 42.5 base Herblore experience for every herb used.
          • Tarromin tar:
            • Requires level 39 Herblore to make, providing 55 base Herblore experience for every herb used.
          • Harralander tar:
            • Requires level 44 Herblore to make, providing 72.5 base Herblore experience for every herb used.
  • Raid time record reset:
    • All raid time records have been reset, including Chambers of Xeric, Theatre of Blood, and Hard Mode Theatre of Blood.
      • Given the many changes to PvM formulas and other weapon nerfs and buffs, we have decided to wipe these records to give a fair chance to players to set new records with the current mechanics on Alora.
  • Bake Pie Spell:
    • Players with level 65 Magic or higher can now cast the Bake Pie spell in the Lunar spellbook.
      • This spell requires 1 Astral Rune, 5 Fire Runes, and 4 Water runes for each pie baked, and provides 60 base magic experience, along with the experience the player would get for cooking the pie normally.
        • This spell will automatically bake all of the pies in the players inventory that they have the cooking level for, however one set of the runes required will be consumed for every pie baked.
        • There is no chance of burning a pie when using this spell.
  • Blamish Oil:
    • Players can now make Blamish Oil.
      • This requires level 25 Herblore to do, and provides 80 base Herblore experience for doing so.
        • To make Blamish Oil, players will need a thin snail, and an empty vial or sample bottle.
          • Use a pestle and mortar on the thin snail with the vial/bottle in your inventory, and it will provide Blamish snail slime, which can then be used on an unfinished Harralander potion to create the Blamish oil.
            • Players can obtain thin snails by killing Ochre or Mort Myre blemish snails in Mort Myre swamp.
    • Blamish oil can be used on regular/pearl fishing rods to create the oily variant used to fish infernal eels.
      • Players can use a cleaning cloth on the oily rod to revert it back to the regular fishing rod.
  • Runecrafting Exit Portals:
    • Players can now use the Runecrafting exit portals for the following Altars:
      • Air Altar - Right outside of Falador, near Rimmington.
      • Water Altar - Lumbridge Swamp
      • Earth Altar - Between Varrock and the Sawmill
      • Fire Altar - Just outside of the Duel arena
      • Law Altar - Entrana
      • Nature Altar - Karamja Jungle (near hardwood grove)
      • Chaos Altar - Level 9 wilderness, just west of Edgeville
        • Players will be warned before exiting this altar.
  • Clockworks:
    • Players can now make Clockworks at the clockwork bench in their POH, as long as it is the second tier or higher.
      • This will require level 8 Crafting, and 1 steel bar, and provide 15 base crafting experience.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Players can now mine with the Black Pickaxe.
    • Removed the wilderness sword 4/Varrock armour 4/Ardougne Cloak 4 from the reclaimables shop.
      • These items, as with all other diary armour, must be re-purchased from the achievement shop if lost.
    • Black Chinchompa's now have a +30 Ranged Strength bonus.
      • This will significantly increase their maximum damage.
    • The Slayer Helmet boost will now apply to all mobs in the Fight Caves, rather than just Jad.
    • Players will now automatically stop fishing Karambwanji after 3 minutes.
    • Fixed a bug with the gnome guard attack/defend animations.
    • Players can no longer note the regular archaic emblem.
    • Fixed a bug where the regular Youngllef pet did not have a "Metamorphosis" option for players who had unlocked the corrupted version.
    • Fixed a bug where player's daily login streaks would be incorrectly reset under rare circumstances.
    • The monkey cape variants now have a +2 range strength bonus, similar to the regular max/completionist monkeys.
    • Fixed a bug where pies did not give any cooking experience.
    • Fixed a bug where scrolling on an interface using the mouse wheel would sometimes cause the game to zoom out.
    • Fixed bugged wall textures in the donator zone on 2010 mode 117 HD.
    • Fixed a bug with the double fishing spot graphic on 2010 mode at Tempoross.
    • Fixed a bug where the Armadyl godsword special attack graphic would be bugged when switching from 2010->2007 mode.
    • Removed a custom mechanic that only drained amulet of blood fury charges on successful hits.
      • This was an obscure/confusing mechanic on the blood fury meant to act as a buff for the item when it initially released and had a 10% chance to heal 10% of the hit.
        • Now that this amulet has a 20% chance to heal 30%, it no longer needs this buff.
  • Quality of Life:
    • King Black Dragon will no longer deal damage through melee protection prayer when attacking with his Melee attack.
    • Players will now stop burning Karambwans at level 99 cooking.
    • The wilderness swords 1/2/3/4 can now cut webs while in the player's inventory.
    • Dwarven rock cakes are now untradable, and will go to the reclaimables shop upon death.
    • Added a placeholder for the Corrupted Youngllef pet.
    • Added placeholders for the Sraracha pet variants.
    • Players with 16+ Agility can now use the Yanille tunnel shortcut.
    • Oily Fishing Rods can now be stored in the tackle box.
    • The Prifddinas Allotment has been added to the Farmer's Blessing.
      • Players must still have access to Prifddinas to use this teleport.
    • Elite/group ironman players can now use the rejuvination pools in their partner/group members POH's.
    • The Chaos Elemental Slayer task will no longer be assigned as a boss task by Nieve/Konar.
    • Adjusted the price of some items in the cooking supplies shops to not be so expensive (namely flour, cooking apples, and chocolate bars).



We hope you enjoy this update, and we're looking forward to releasing a Christmas event in the near future!
Happy Holidays,
Omicron & Chad

Posted 14 December 2021 - 03:36 PM #2


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Thanks for the Christmas update Omicron. It's nice to see the zuk slayer helm etc. get added. Sucks I can't afford it tho. 



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Posted 14 December 2021 - 03:41 PM #3


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Thanks for the update. Would like to see the Zuk helm achievable by people that can't afford to buy it, would make people grind a lot more. Nonetheless, thank you.
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Posted 14 December 2021 - 03:42 PM #4


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Nice update! thanks @Omicron !

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Posted 14 December 2021 - 03:43 PM #5


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Happy to see that new slayer helms have been added, but it would've been nice if they didn't cost $75-100 respectively. It would be great if there was a way to grind for it, rather than a money gate. Nice bug fixes and QOL all around as well.

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Posted 14 December 2021 - 03:47 PM #6

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Thanks for pool fix!

Posted 14 December 2021 - 03:47 PM #7


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Incredibly disappointed to see the Combat Achievement helms come from a cash grab rather than something actually based on PVM skill or dedication. They're meant to be symbols of accomplishment, not something anyone with $75 or $100 can obtain.

Posted 14 December 2021 - 03:52 PM #8

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Great update, thanks Omicron!




Posted 14 December 2021 - 03:52 PM #9

Real Alan

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Nice bug fixes and Christmas content.  A little disappointed by the lack of store items on sale though.


Sure there are new slayer helms... new outfits... new mystery boxes... but nothing's really on sale.  


750 tokens... 1,000 tokens... 5,000 tokens... 300 tokens... doesn't seem like a discount.


Boosters, farmers blessing, and other purchases are all exactly the same price.


If i'm understanding this correctly, at least a $10 alora bond should now yield 125 tokens, correct?


Also, I don't like how poh decorations are locked behind tokens.  I'd much rather have a christmas event that rewards players with these poh items like... wintumber trees, cozy cabin blueprint, goblin decorations.  In the past, the halloween event rewarded us with candy bowls that we could add to our POH.  This seems much more rewarding than p2w methods costing 300 tokens.


By the way, what's the point of having an escape crystal.  It's not like hardcores risk their statuses when they do gauntlet.  It's a straight waste of time to invest 200 shards into a escape crystal when you can just die or log out to escape gauntlet.



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Posted 14 December 2021 - 04:01 PM #10

Sassa fras

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Some of the new Christmas content is pretty cool, but I agree with above posters on the new slayer helm variants.

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Posted 14 December 2021 - 04:06 PM #11


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All this time we've been waiting on those slayer helms coming with combat achievements. And ma man decides to add them to the store as a quick money grab. Really dissapointed. Rainbow ankou looks kinda sick too but thought we were trying to stay classy and not go the custom item route (same with the monkeys wth man).
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Posted 14 December 2021 - 04:25 PM #12

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Very sad to see these slayer helmets added to store rather than combat achievement. Money over content

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Posted 14 December 2021 - 04:33 PM #13


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Alot of QoL updates in this one. 


With the slayer helmets. I feel like they should be more of a grind based reward. Rather than a token only reward.

Atleast them being only available for a limited time might make it so people buying it now. Might end up buying it for early bragging rights and become an achieveable reward through playing the game in future.


Really good update overal QoL life wise, just a really sour taste about the slayer helmets.

Posted 14 December 2021 - 04:49 PM #14



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@Mack @Sassa fras @Extremedanny

It's completely understandable that players want a method to obtain the ornament kits for the Slayer helmets in-game, and we will be adding a way to do that in the future as well. It likely won't be through Combat achievements though, due to the differences between Alora and OSRS. We have a few ideas for how to introduce them into the game, and we'll share that likely in the next full update.

It's more-so an early release for those who support Alora, especially as the game matures and players aren't donating for items as much anymore, so we have to find ways to rejuvenate the store in order to maintain the same level of updates, marketing and quality of the game. With that being said, we have opted for adding cosmetic items which don't tend to negatively affect players, rather than releasing end-game items into the store. For those who want to earn the items in-game, if you want them right away, they are tradable and can be purchased from another player or via buying bonds, or there will be a method to obtain them in-game without the store in the near future if you're willing to wait a bit for it.

@Real Alan
As for the discounts on items, since we're doing a total spent bonus this time around (for the first time) and store items already become cheaper because of the 25% bonus, we decided to not put individual discounts on items. That doesn't mean that discounts are not going to be there for future sales, we've just decided to provide a different bonus (total spent) this time around.

Hope that clears things up for you guys and gives you a better perspective on our though process behind the updates.

Posted 14 December 2021 - 05:45 PM #15

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Those slayer helmets....kinda prove the definition of the whole "Pay2Play" kind of field. I feel like they could've been implemented into the game without having taken this road.


For the Tzhaar themed slay helms, why not have 1 method be 1/100 drop from Inferno and 1/1k drop from Fight Caves? Idk if you got anything for the third slay helm but I do hope changes for those come soon


(Not too soon cause I got no bank space for 3 more slay helm right now lol)




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Posted 14 December 2021 - 05:52 PM #16


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@Mack @Sassa fras @Extremedanny

It's completely understandable that players want a method to obtain the ornament kits for the Slayer helmets in-game, and we will be adding a way to do that in the future as well. It likely won't be through Combat achievements though, due to the differences between Alora and OSRS. We have a few ideas for how to introduce them into the game, and we'll share that likely in the next full update.

It's more-so an early release for those who support Alora, especially as the game matures and players aren't donating for items as much anymore, so we have to find ways to rejuvenate the store in order to maintain the same level of updates, marketing and quality of the game. With that being said, we have opted for adding cosmetic items which don't tend to negatively affect players, rather than releasing end-game items into the store. For those who want to earn the items in-game, if you want them right away, they are tradable and can be purchased from another player or via buying bonds, or there will be a method to obtain them in-game without the store in the near future if you're willing to wait a bit for it.

@Real Alan
As for the discounts on items, since we're doing a total spent bonus this time around (for the first time) and store items already become cheaper because of the 25% bonus, we decided to not put individual discounts on items. That doesn't mean that discounts are not going to be there for future sales, we've just decided to provide a different bonus (total spent) this time around.

Hope that clears things up for you guys and gives you a better perspective on our though process behind the updates.

Understandably, changes have to be made to continue to make the server profitable. However, you're missing the point entirely. Money is not the issue at all, at least in my case. I could very easily purchase these with GP or USD, but that is not the point. The entire point of these items is exclusivity, achievement, and prestige. They are symbols of status, skill, and dedication to playing the game. That is completely taken away when anyone with $75-$100 can obtain them.  A brand-new account with 30 seconds of in-game time could obtain these items despite lacking the requirements to use them, a single boss kill count, or any combat XP. It's the equivalent of putting the gold-trimmed completionist monkey in the store for 1500 tokens. You can play the game and grind out 4.6B XP or just pay $150.
 Even if a suitable method to obtain them in-game was added down the line, it doesn't matter because anyone with a credit card can have the same thing without putting in any effort. They've been completely devalued by placing a price tag on them. 

Posted 14 December 2021 - 05:52 PM #17

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Really thankful for Black Chinchompa, Gauntlet and Fight Caves updates

Posted 14 December 2021 - 06:06 PM #18

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Great update overall except for the fact that the new slayer helmets are obtainable through irl money instead of adding new content to the game and being able to obtain them through in-game activities.

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Posted 14 December 2021 - 06:17 PM #19

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Let’s go rgb ankou



















Posted 14 December 2021 - 06:59 PM #20


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Heyyyy guys!  :Poggers:  I am not going to lie here, gonna keep it 100 with yall  :wacko: this update does fill like a BIT  :huh:  of a cashgrab, especially with the slayer helm kits!  </3 Some items and achievements shouldn't be completed because you can afford them IRL, that will make people donate less because there will be nothing to grind for and the prestige of obtaining them is gone!  :PepeKkay:  the prestige of obtaining the ornament kits and the time put into it would be much more valuable down the road for everyone!  :pepegun:   merry xmas you guys, I am totally not disappointed with this at all!  :withlove:

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