My 4.6b Hardcore End
Just a quick little PC crash is all it took >.<
But with that being said the journey of this Hardcore has come to an end. Honestly speaking i did not get too upset about it, if anything i have been talking about not wanting to
be a Hardcore Account for a while now. I figured it be stupid to just kill the account or de-iron without it happening naturally. Got to a point where
this boredom helped me build up enough courage to do 1 of 2 contents i refused to do for such a long period of time (exception to wilderness) was Corp & Nightmare.
Only thing that's mildly upsetting is that i died to a out of game situation like most Hardcores and not to something i "messed up" ingame and can accept lightly but best
to not let it bother me since i have already been past the point of having not much left to do.
Thank you to all those that have supported me throughout my Hardcore journey. I wish i can list all the names that have been lots of you out there and you know who you are
I will still be playing, this does not demotivate me hope to see you all around! Enjoy all the pictures below of my pre-death experience!
Bank Pictures
Raids & Pets
Thank you everyone, much love