After a whole year of waiting… It’s finally here! Christmas time has arrived and everyone in Gielinor is celebrating! The streets of Varrock, Falador, Ardougne and all the other cities and settlements are filled with the most bright and colorful lights, children decorate their Christmas tree, pull christmas crackers with their friends and hang socks on their chimney, the streets are filled with joy, the celebrations are endless and everyone waits dearly for Christmas Eve!
But, without their knowledge or even the least suspicion… trouble is brewing!
In a land far, far away of the northern wilderness, where not even the bravest PK’ers dare to set foot, a tragedy is about to take place! Tired of being slaughtered day after day, all year long, and especially during the ICExAM Bingo Event, the bosses of Gielinor got together and prepared a revolution - a plan to ruin Christmas! Knowing that they would fall prey to the mighty whips and swords of brave warriors, so their loot could be gifted as christmas presents, the bosses got together and stormed Santa Claus’ village, defeating every Elf Warrior in sight and, worst of all, stealing every single Christmas present!
How can this be? How can such bad fortune befall Gielinor, especially at this time of the year? With no answers to these questions, with no ideas on how to fix this, Santa Claus turns to his only hope… You!
Yes, you! With all your endless adventures and with all the time passed slaying the most evil and dangerous creatures and roaming the most obscure and eerie places you will certainly be key to this puzzle - the star on top of the tree! Your duty is to pay back these mischievous bosses, one by one, and make sure that you retrieve every single one of the stolen presents so that you can save Christmas! Every man, woman and child is counting on you! Especially Santa Claus, who will reward you quite handsomely and be forever in your debt should you help him through this!
So… what are you waiting for? Gear up!
ICE is proud to present to you this year's Christmas Event - the Santa's Little Helper! Gather all your gear and supplies for a month filled with gameplay, PvM'ing, interaction and lots of fun! Along with this Event, we will be hosting various activities that will most definitely keep you occupied and entertained while you wait for that sweet Christmas Eve on 24th December!
How to Participate?
That is very simple! If you are a member of our clan, just reply to this post with your in-game username so we can sign you up! Also, make sure to join our clan's Discord ( so you don't miss out on any information about the event. Plus, it's a very fun environment... double win!
Keep in mind that only ranked members may participate in the events! But until then, you have time to apply for a rank! Check out this topic!
You have until November 30th to sign up! More details about this event will be posted in our Discord!
When is it happening?
SLH Event will take place between 1st December and 24th December! But we are full of surprises for you throughout the entire month!