It's about that time of the month again, Paragon is back with more leaks fresh off the press!
We're an all game modes clan that prides ourselves on being a positive and supportive family for all our members.
If you're interested in joining us on our crusades feel free to apply on the link below, we can't wait to meet you!
Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes - Other Clans - Alora RSPS | Oldschool MMORPG
As usual we like to take the first section to recognize some of our biggest gamers and their achievements this month.
This month we're lucky to have very few gamers not accomplish their big goals, but big ups for the gamers still grinding away hard
We try not to take ourselves or this Java based game from the 00's too seriously. We're always poking fun at each other, others, and doing what we can to get some laughs in while we're grinding out our goals, PvM adventures, or out in the wilderness. Here's some of those moments with little to no context.
What a switch up this month! @longNstrong pulled up and ripped the crown of King Spoon @
AmrH420 head.
There is plenty of other paragoonians born with a golden spoon in their mouths here's some of the best:
With Ice/Peeks hiding behind their new found love for the ironman game mode, and Aftermath still rebuilding their PKing scene; Paragoons have been rediagnosed with a very serious case of SfSS (suffering from Success Syndrome). Our best and brightest got their minds together to find a new challenge while the other Alora clans and Pking teams gather their resources and launch a new offensive on the Paragoonian Authority.
We decided to take on the self proclaimed #1 Realist Bounty Hunter otherwise known as: @
Real Alan, @
real anal, @
Baby impling, and many more as he truly is the man of many names. This was a challenge unlike any of ours in the past - because typically our opponent's primary goal is to fight back not to escape. This made all our well practiced tactics obsolete, we needed to go back to the drawing board to devise strategies to counter his brief but threatening offensives.
Our gang of ragtag rev hunters assembled their room temperature IQ's together under the leadership of the one, the only, @
After countless sleepless nights, vigorous research and hours of preparation we were convinced we could not only slay the infamous @
Real Alan but made it our goal to shut down not one, but ALL of his killstreaks to avenge the countless defenseless PvMers lost in the revenant caves during Moe's PKing events. It was time for us to take some advice from his very own guide.
Mission #1 Codename: Imbued Heart.
The #1 Realism Hunter loves a free, quick kill. One great example of this is his notorious World Skotizo Spec Tele - or WSST for short. He targets world skotizo spawns under and at 30 wilderness, equiping high str bonus gear, a DDS and keeps a few javs ready just in case. He'll use the ancient shard to tele into the skotizo spawn halfway through the kill, hoping to catch an unsuspecting Skot Runner with a high DDS spec while Skotizo is attacking them. Alora allows him to dump his specs, tele away, hit the pool, and return all while risking essentially nothing - with everything to gain.
Our Skotizo hunters were equipped with a custom made preset designed to not only defend from his attacks, but also with a surprise in store. Our 3 skot runners come with 2 spears, and 1 TB switch, while our heavy hitters stay on standby so to not spook our pray. In this instance @
Realmungard came prepared, hit his imbued heart as he saw Alan teleport in, and with a swift click had the hunter Teleblocked, entangled, and in comes @
Bolewicki and the boys to finish the job. Unfortunately as we mentioned, he is able to risk essentially nothing and repeat this process over and over regardless of our efforts. The only effective counter is a consistently well-prepared team that is able to insight fear in the hunters eyes acting as a deterrent. We were able to execute this tactic multiple times, and now it seems we have kept the WSST threat at bay, @
Dreamland was able to capture what the look looks like if you're able to kill him, and @
Realmungard shares a preset YOU can use to take down those who use the WSST tactic as well.

Mission #2 Codename: Life's a Trip
This one was a solo mission by one of our Lead Shooters @
Bolewicki as any team efforts at the Revenant cave quickly result in @
TRIP OVER finding the quickest escape route even moreso than he already does even when there's only a single threat in singles+. Unfortunately the strategy used cannot be disclosed, but the proof is in the results our newest Lead Shooter makes swift work of TRIP OVER's killstreak after landing a quick teleblock and countering his attempts to DD-log or make use of the cave entrances. Our team of part time TB slaves and full time artists quickly went to work to immortalize this moment in Paragon History:

That wasn't enough though - one of our younger shooters @
Q was able to get a lucky shot at TRIP OVER at a shooting star trying to rebuild his killstreak with what he thought was some easy pray, but after nearly escaping by logging out after being tb'd he logged back in and found himself quickly in edgeville. He claims he was the victim of Alora's login bug, which if true is an unfortunately reality but in the past he's also taken advantage of other's DCing at revs and shown no mercy - the karma of the wilderness seems to have returned in this case.
Q remembered Rule #2 of Pk Rules: Everybody Eats!
It's important to remember that @
Real Alan does not stray from a fight when publicly called out for a fair 1v1 at ::edgepvp, even though things don't usually go his way. @
To gain has this lovely throwback thursday from a quick 7 minute 32 second session with him not too long ago:
Our Paragoons weren't solely devoted to tackling the Realism Hunter, we were able to keep a well balanced diet and continue to assert our dominance on the Alora Wildereness with the desperate hopes that we will push other players and clans to fight back against the Paragoonian Authority and help keep multi pking alive.
Here's some highlights from our adventures in the wilderness we hope you enjoy them:
With his insane amount of gaming this month, including FINALLY finishing the Nightmare log, getting 3 pets in one day, finishing the skilling pet log and so much more. He truly is the greatest to ever do it, he's quickly become a cornerstone of the Paragon community and when he's not found helping fellow cc members, having a few laughs, he can normally be found at :tele 3350 3350 with @
Omicron himself. Check out some of his posts below!