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[29/10/21] Halloween event, FPS unlocking, Dynamic GFX mode changing & more!

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Posted 29 October 2021 - 07:57 PM #1



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Hello everyone,

Happy Halloween! The Halloween event is now live, speak to the monks in Edgeville to get started. Brother Jered of the Edgeville Monastery requires some assistance saving the Monastery this year, and you will be rewarded for your assistance! We've also added the FPS Unlocking plugin (FPS Control) on RuneLite, the ability to change your GFX mode (2007 or 2010) dynamically in-game without rebooting the client, and a huge amount of QoL changes and small content additions, such as POH updates (fancy dress box, house lectern), yak-hide armour, and bones to peaches/bananas, to name a few. We'll let you take a look at the update list for yourself below:

  • GPU/117 HD FPS unlocking:
    • “The GPU/117 HD plugins have a new Unlock FPS option which disables the 50 FPS hard cap on the client and allows the client to render frames at the maximum rate supported by your system. For most users, this will be 60 FPS, unless you have a display and GPU which supports a higher refresh rate. The higher frame rate is applied to camera movements, like how the (OSRS) steam and mobile clients work, which results in a smoother feel when moving the camera with mouse or keyboard input.”
  • Chambers of Xeric Loot Changes:
    • We’ve removed the ability to unlock the Preserve prayer from the Prayer Scroll, and have added the Torn prayer scroll as a common drop from the Chambers of Xeric.
      • The regular Prayer scroll will now only be for Rigour and Augury.
    • We’ve added the Dark Relic as common loot from the Chambers of Xeric.
      • When used, this will work similar to an experience lamp, and will provide the following amount of experience:
        • If the chosen skill is one of the skills used in the Chambers of Xeric – Combat skills, Mining, Woodcutting, Herblore, Farming, Hunter, Cooking, Fishing, Thieving, Firemaking, or Agility - the player will receive 150 times their level in that skill as experience.
        • If the chosen skill is not on this list, the player will instead only receive 50 times the corresponding skill level as experience.
      • The player’s game mode multiplier will factor into the experience provided from these relics.
    • We’ve added the noted teak and mahogany planks as common loot from the Chambers of Xeric.
  • Revenant Changes:
    • Revenant healing mechanics now match the new OSRS changes.
      • The changes are as follow:
        • They now have a cooldown that begins once they have healed, preventing them from healing again for 15 cycles (9 seconds).
        • They are now guaranteed a heal whenever they attack while they're below half HP, so long as their heal is ready and not on cooldown.
        • They can only heal themselves a total of 8-36 times before being unable to heal again.
    • The Revenant heal graphic has been updated to match OSRS.
    • Revenants will now drop between 1-10 revenant cave teleport scrolls, rather than just 1.
  • Theatre of Blood Chest Changes:
    • Players can now loot the chests outside of the Theatre of Blood if they recently finished a Theatre and forgot to loot their chest in the reward room.
      • This chest will be available to be looted until a player either logs out, or enters another Theatre of Blood session.
      • Players who try to enter the Theatre of Blood without fully looting the chest containing their previous Theatre of Blood loot will be warned/prompted before being able to enter.
  • Fancy Dress Box:
    • Players can now store the following random event sets in their POH Fancy Dress Box in their Costume room:
      • Beekeeper Outfit
      • Camo Outfit
      • Frog Prince Outfit
      • For Princess Outfit
      • Lederhosen Outfit
      • Mime Outfit
      • Zombie Outfit
    • There are 3 types of Fancy Dress Boxes to build.
      • Oak Fancy Dress Box:
        • This dress box stores up to 2 random event outfits.
      • Teak Fancy Dress Box:
        • This dress box stores up to 4 random event outfits.
      • Mahogany Fancy Dress Box:
        • This dress box stores all possible random event outfits.
  • Blast Furnace Changes:
    • The Blast Furnace now accepts ores/coal in a similar fashion to OSRS.
      • Previously, we allowed a maximum of 200 coal/primary ores to be deposited into the blast furnace.
        • This was problematic if players had deposited too many primary ores, since if a player deposited 200 adamant ores, for example, they would not be able to deposit anymore coal, and therefore would need to log out to reset the blast furnace, losing all of their ores.
        • The new system will allow players to deposit up to 254 Coal into the blast furnace, and have up to 28 bars ready to be collected at any given moment.
  • Farming Changes:
    • The Harmony Island Herb and Allotment patches now work properly.
      • We’ve also added the tool leprechaun there, so players can access their tool storage.
    • The Harmony Island Herb Patch has been added to the Farmer’s blessing, next to the other herb patches.
      • Players can also access this patch by using the harmony island teleport in the Arceuus spellbook.
  • Crab Changes:
    • All Crab npc’s (Sand crabs, king sand crabs, rock crabs, and ammonite crabs) will now automatically walk back to their spawns and go dormant if they have not attacked a player or been attacked by a player for at least 1 minute.
      • This will also reset their hitpoints when re-awakened.
  • Quality of Life:
    • Added a tip that Shanomi sells defenders at the Warrior's guild.
    • The blighted super restore potions will now be recognized as prayer restoring potions by runelite.
    • Added an option to adjust the Dinh's bulwark threshold through the Special attack counter plugin.
    • The Woodcutting plugin now allows players to select a specific tier of clue nest to notify the player for.
    • The "Loading - Please wait" and Connection lost boxes will now properly be drawn when the GPU plugin is enabled.
      • This change will likely come in a future update for the 117 HD plugin.
    • Updated the skill calculator to include the experience/level requirements for all javelin types.
    • There is now a one-way entrance to the Revenant Caves in level 28 wilderness.
      • The entrance will prompt the user that this is a one-way entrance, and players will not be able to leave the way they entered.
        • There is a secondary option to skip this dialogue, which players can make their primary option if they have the “quick pass” option on the menu entry swapper plugin enabled.
    • Removed the extra pieces of elegant equipment in the Medium Clue scroll collection log.
    • Removed the black boxes around the POH costume room storage interfaces.
    • Players can now obtain the Beekeeper outfit from doing random events.
      • There are 5 pieces to this set that the player will need to obtain to complete the full set.
    • The Blisterwood Flail will now be announced in Yell when a player receives it from Pyramid Plunder.
    • Players can now store the Alora 4th Anniversary Balloons, and upcoming 5th anniversary balloons in their POH toy box.
    • Players will now make 10 amethyst darts rather than 8.
    • Cave Krakens will now revert back into a whirlpool and have their health restored after not being attacked/attacking a player for at least 1 minute.
    • Players will now receive noted vials of blood when uncharging their scythe of vitur if they don't have enough free slots in their inventory for all the vials.
    • Disabled/fixed many of the ladders/entrances around the game that brought you to random/invalid locations.
      • If you find any more of these, let us know!
    • Players can now cook raw yak meat into cooked meat.
    • The Clueless scroll now uses the proper stand/walk/run animations.
    • Added Aubury's Rune Shop accessibility to Ironmen.
      • The prices of runes are the same as the ones at the Wizard Guild Rune Shop, and various other ironmen rune shops.
    • Players (of all game modes) can now purchase the various staffs from Zaff's Superior Staffs in Varrock.
      • Zaff sells the following staves:
        • Battle staff
        • Staff
        • Magic Staff
        • Staff of Air
        • Staff of Water
        • Staff of Earth
        • Staff of Fire
    • The dragon pickaxe (or) now uses the proper animation when mining.
    • Players can now read the quest list in another player's house to see the quests they've completed.
    • Increased the value of the Dagannoth king rings from 1 coin to a few million (depending on the ring).
    • The experience tracker progress bar will now move higher towards the top of the player’s screen if they disable the xp counter.
    • Fishing potions will now provide a +3 fishing boost.
    • Removed the delay players experiencing when opening the smithing interface.
    • Added a "Xp rate" indicator in the server statistics quest tab.
      • This will show the current Xp rate that the player has, including all boosts available.
        • Note that this will not show the rate of combat xp multipliers for regular players, since those are different.
        • It will also only show the rate of skills below level 99, so it will not show the rate that regular ironmen/regular players for a skill after level 99 (40x->15x).
    • Increased the value of caskets to 50k so that they will be more highly prioritized in item piles on the ground.q
    • Raised the resizable chatbox/tabs a bit on GPU/HD so they're not cut off.
    • All of the player's dragonstone jewellery will now be charged when using jewellery on the Fountain of Rune.
    • The level-5 enchant spell will now enchant dragonstone jewelry to the uncharged enchanted versions of the item.
    • The collection log/achievement pop up banner will now default as an overlay which will not be closed by combat/other action interruptions.
      • This will apply for most areas, except for specific areas where there is already an overlay shown (example: barrows).
    • Players can now cure their parasite infection by clicking on the health orb while fighting the Nightmare, given that they have a dose of Sanfew serum or Relicym’s balm in their inventory.
    • Achievement/Daily/League slayer task achievements will now count for the partner of a player who gets the last kill on a slayer task.
      • Previously, only the player who got the last kill would complete any task/achievement related to the slayer task completed.
    • Players will now receive 1000 Dragon Javelins, and 1000 Dragon arrows when receiving the heavy ballista/dark bow in LMS.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed a bug where players could crush herblore ingredients twice as fast sometimes.
    • The trading post will no longer recognize the Musketter tabard as a noted item.
    • The Banked Experience plugin will now properly show Amethyst darts as a fletching item.
    • Fixed a bugged staircase in the varrock museum that would allow players to no-clip.
    • Fixed a bug where a trade session would be auto-declined if one of the two players was being targeted by an NPC that could not reach them.
    • Fixed a bug with the infernal cape texture being broken on Alora’s 2008 HD.
    • Fixed a bug where players could interact with ground items through their inventory interface on resizable.
    • Fixed a bug with the GWD rope not bringing players outside the GWD.
    • Fixed a bug where the wilderness login graphic was wrong on 2007 mode.
    • Players can no longer go through cave entrances or up/down ladders while frozen.
    • Fixed a bug where trying to use the "Remove room" option on a trap door in a player's POH would remove the upstairs room.
    • Fixed a bug where using or configuring a portal nexus would mess up the player's F-keys until they re-logged.
    • Fixed a bug where runelite world map overlays would not show in the top left corner of the world map.
    • Fixed a bug where interface models would sometimes become transparent when switching to GPU/HD mode.
    • Fixed a bug where some interface models (example: fairy ring interface) would still be incorrect on 2010 mode.
    • Fixed a bug where players could not re-purchase the pink baby mole rat pet after losing it, even if it was insured.
    • Fixed a bug where the player's equipped weapon would not refresh in the combat tab after using the "deposit equipment" option in the shared GIM bank.
    • Fixed a bug where the Screenshot plugin wouldn't screenshot hardmode theatre of blood loot.
    • Fixed a bug where the overload effect would sometimes wear off early if the player took a sip after dying.
    • Players will no longer be given a puzzle box if the cryptic clue step has a secondary requirement (Example: -1 prayer bonus for the Abbott Langley step.
    • The golden prospector pieces will now properly be counted towards the Collection log by the Collector.
    • Fixed a bug where the "Deposit All" button on the group ironman bank interface would stop depositing items once it hit the first untradable item.
    • Fixed a bug where players would not receive the extra experiencing from mining an extra ore with the varrock platebody 4 in some instances.
    • Fixed a bug where players could not use the World Map without restarting their client if they logged in with HD and it failed to startup or they toggled it off.
    • Fixed a bug where the Ardougne/Falador patch teleports would only show up on the farmer's blessing teleport list if the player completed the hard Lumbridge/Ardougne diaries, rather than the medium ones.
    • Fixed a bug where npc/object clickboxes were slightly offset on HD/GPU mode.
      • This also applied to the hovered tile indicator on windows.
    • Fixed a bug where slayer npc overlays would stop showing up after a while on task, or sometimes not show up at all.
    • Fixed a bug where the "Max damage hitmarkers" and Critical hitmarkers (2010 hitsplats) wouldn't factor in bonus damage from slayer helmets when calculating a player's max hit.
    • Fixed a bug where a player's cannon would sometimes disappear when fighting Sarachnis.
    • Fixed a bug where the inventory presets plugin would still add runes to your rune pouch if you didn't have one in your bank/inventory.
    • Fixed a bug where the slayer plugin would not properly remember the player's slayer task after logging out.
    • The bounty hunter teleport should no longer teleport players onto a wall or object.
    • Hasta's no longer have an attack range of 2 tiles.
    • Fixed the bugged fossil island wyverns cave entrance.
    • Fixed a bug where the "Stake Change" dialogue would sometimes show the wrong amount added/removed of a stackable item.
    • Fixed bug with GPU and HD plugin not automatically starting up when the client loads.
    • Fixed a bug where the Tears of Guthix overlays would not draw.
    • The Items kept on death interface will now calculate wealth based off of the highest value of an item, rather than just the exchange price.
      • This will fix issues with items like the Bow of Faerdhinen © being worth 1 gp in that interface.
    • Fixed a bug where players could not use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out on Alora’s HD.
    • Fixed a bug with the special attack bar not displaying the correct models on 2007 mode.
    • Fixed a bug where the big muttadile would follow players through hallways by walking through walls.
    • Centred the new smithing interface on Resizable mode.
    • Adjusted the attack style interface and attack animation of the ham join to reflect that of a crush weapon.
    • Fixed a bug with the fade interface not properly fading in/out on HD/GPU mode.
    • Cerberus will no longer deal any damage to the player after when it has 0 hp.
    • Fixed a bug where players could pick fruit off of some grown trees without having any inventory space to acquire the fruit.
    • Fixed a bug where clicking the "cancel" option on the autocast interface wouldn't remove the currently selected autocast spell.
    • Players can no longer add the Occult necklace to their LMS loadouts.
      • Any players who had this previously in their loadouts will have it automatically removed when trying to join a game of LMS, or editing their current loadout.
    • Fixed the defensive attack animation of the Abyssal bludgeon.
    • Players who are killed by another player and lose their amulet of blood fury will now have the charges reset on it.
  • Yak-Hide Armour:
    • Players can now craft and equip Yak-hide armour.
      • By curing the Yak-hide form Yaks, and using a needle and thread on the cured hides, players can create the following items:
        • Yak-hide top:
          • This piece of armour requires level 43 crafting to create, and level 20 defence to equip.
            • Players can make this item with 2 pieces of cured yak-hide.
        • Yak-hide legs:
          • This piece of armour requires level 43 crafting to create, and level 20 defence to equip.
            • Players can make this item with 1 piece of cured yak-hide.
  • Random Event Changes:
    • Players can now click the “Open” or “Unlock” option on the jail door after they’ve been jailed for failing a random event.
      • By doing so, they’ll be given a chance to solve the failed question again, which will allow them to be unjailed without needing to ask a staff member to do so.
      • This does not apply when a staff member manually jails you, and the only way to get out in that case would be to be manually unjailed.
      • Players will not ever fumble the rubber chicken, so there’s need to worry about losing this item when whacking other players.
    • We’ve also fixed an issue where players would be continuously prompted with the random event question, even after failing 3 times and being jailed.
      • The prompt for the question will now go away after failing the random event and being jailed.
  • Extra Settings Interface Changes:
    • We’ve removed many of the useless settings options in the “Extra Settings” interface menu when using Runelite.
      • Previously, most of these settings would simply tell you to use a runelite plugin.
    • We’ve also added a few new options to this interface for Runelite users:
      • Click off interfaces:
        • When toggled on, this option will allow players to click outside of the interface bounds to walk/interact with objects/npcs/items/players.
          • This will also allow an alternative way to close an interface, simply by clicking outside of the bounds of that interface.
      • Escape closes interfaces:
        • This option is toggled on by default, and allows the player to close interfaces by pressing the escape key.
      • Force Right-Click:
        • When toggled on, this setting will force all left clicks to open the context menu (as a right click would) assuming one is not already opened.
  • Rubber Chicken/Golden Tench Options:
    • Players who have the Rubber Chicken or Golden Tench equipped will now have an option to “Whack” players with their chicken/tench when right-clicking them.
      • This option will not appear in areas such as the Duel arena, wilderness, or as the owner of a POH, or anywhere else where there is a unique right-click option.
    • The Rubber chicken’s “Dance” option in the inventory/equipment interface will now also make the player do a chicken dance animation.
  • Players can now cast the Bones to Peaches and Bones to Bananas spells in the standard spellbook.
    • Bones to Peaches:
      • This spell requires level 60 magic to cast, and provides 35.5 base Magic experience.
        • It will turn all eligible bones in the player’s inventory into peaches that can be consumed, healing 8 hit points.
          • The eligible bones include bones, big bones, burnt bones, bat bones, monkey bones, and wolf bones.
            • Any bones that provide more experience than big bones cannot be turned into peaches.
      • To cast this spell, players will need to complete the Varrock easy and medium diaries.
        • This restriction does not apply to using the bones to peaches tablets, however to make them, the player will need the diaries done.
    • Bones to Bananas:
      • This spell requires level 15 magic to cast, and provides 25 base Magic experience.
        • It will turn all eligible bones in the player’s inventory into bananas that can be consumed, healing 2 hit points.
          • The eligible bones include bones, big bones, burnt bones, bat bones, monkey bones, and wolf bones.
            • Any bones that provide more experience than big bones cannot be turned into bananas.
  • Player-Owned-House Lectern:
    • Players can now make all standard teleport tablets, as well as bones to peaches and bones to bananas spell tablets.
      • Players will need to have completed the Varrock easy/medium diaries to make bones to peaches tablets.
    • To begin making tablets, simply go to a Study in any player-owned-house, and study the Lectern, and an interface will appear, allowing players to select a tablet to make.
      • Please note that all enchantment tablets are not currently cartable at this time.
      • Making tablets will require the runes to cast the spell, as well as 1 soft clay per tablet.
      • Some tablets can only be made on higher tier lecterns, the full list showing which lecterns can make what tabs can be found here:
    • Players can now also build a new lectern, the Marble Lectern, which is the highest tier Lectern, and allows players to make all possible tablets.
    • We’ve also removed the teleport tablets from the ironman shop, since it is now possible to acquire them properly.
  • Elven Crystal Chest Changes:
    • Players will now receive an extra reward from the Elven Crystal Chest in the form of the same “common” items found in the regular Crystal Chest.
      • These items include noted dragon stones, noted glories, rune bars, coins, magic logs, and raw karambwans.
    • Players will now also have a rare chance to get Infinity boots, and a very rare chance to get ranger boots from the Elven Crystal Chest.
      • The chance of getting these items is still very low, however it’s more common than it would be in the regular Crystal chest.
  • Dynamic Graphic Style Changing:
    • Players can now switch between the 2010 and 2007 graphics style without having to restart their clients.
      • This new option will be present in the settings tab, replacing the “Accept Aid” button.
        • The Accept Aid button has been moved to the “Controls” section of the settings tab, next to the f-key setup button.
  • Collection Log Changes:
    • Added a “Rooftop Agility” section to the collection log that logs the amount of graceful pieces and marks of grace the player has obtained, as well as the Ring of endurance, and Dark acorn.
      • This only tracks the regular graceful set, so players will not need to obtain each recolour to complete the log.
      • Players can see The Collector to add any color graceful piece to their collection log.
      • If the player already has a dark acorn, or dark squirrel pet, simply bring the dark squirrel pet (in the inventory) or the dark acorn to the collector, and he will log the acorn.
    • Added the blue/orange egg sac’s to the Miscellaneous section of the collection log.
      • If a player has already obtained one or both egg sacs, they can take them to The Collector to be logged.
        • If the egg sacs have been used on the Sraracha pet, simply bring the paper color metamorphed pet to The Collector (pet in the inventory), and he will log the egg sac color.
  • Dinh’s Bulwark Changes:
    • The Dinh’s Bulwark has been changed to match the recent OSRS changes.
      • These changes include:
        • Reducing the slash/stab/crush/mage defensive bonuses.
        • Increasing the attack speed to 5 ticks.
        • Adding a bonus effect that allows the players strength bonus to be increased with their defence.
      • The special attack will now reduce the opponents attack by 5%.
  • Plugin Hub Expansion:
    • Players now have access to the Mahogany Homes plugin via the Plugin Hub.
      • This plugin will help players complete their mahogany homes tasks by showing hint arrows for where to go, as well as marking the home to go to on the World map.
      • It will also highlight all the objects that still need to be repaired, and highlight any staircases or ladders the player needs to climb to repair objects.
  • Trading Post Changes:
    • Players can now click on the name of an item in the trading post listings to view it's recent purchase history.
    • Fixed an issue where the history on the trading post would be from both the realism and the regular trading post.
      • To fix this issues, we’ve had to add a new indicator the trading post history to differentiate between realism/regular activity, which means that only trades done after this update will be shown on the extended history.
  • The Nightmare Changes:
    • Reverted the hit delay change from the nightmare's melee attacks, as it was far too slow.
      • The hit will now land 3 ticks after the animation, rather than 4.
    • Fixed a bug where it was possible to get the parasitic egg from the normal nightmare version.
    • Added Cannonballs and Snapdragon seeds to The Nightmare's drop table.
    • The parasitic egg drop from The Nightmare will now be announced over yell when obtained.
    • Parasite Attack:
      • The Nightmare’s Parasite attack will now deal 50-70 damage to the player infected with the parasite if they do not drink a sanfew serum or Reclym’s balm while infected.
        • If they do, the damage taken will be 4-12.
      • The parasites that burst from the player will now be the level 86 variants only if the player did cure themselves while infected.
        • Previously this was just a 50/50 chance for the weak one or the strong one.
    • Drop table changes:
      • Reduced the chance to hit the rare drop table on Phosani’s nightmare, as it was too high previously.
      • We’ve now added approximate rates for the Nightmare/Phosani’s Nightmare rare drops.
        • These rates will assume that the player was the Mvp for the regular nightmare (no MVP for Phosani).
        • These rates will also ignore the chance to roll on the unique drop table a second time for the regular nightmare, since that requires information about the party size.
      • We’ve added the proper drop table for Phosani’s Nightmare, which gives the non-unique drops a huge buff.
        • To put the buff into perspective, this image will show the difference between the regular Nightmare/Phosani’s Nightmare after 1000 kills (unique drops disabled):
        • This table can also be looked up on the npc drop searcher interface.

We hope you enjoy this update!
Omicron & Chad

Posted 29 October 2021 - 08:02 PM #2


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Nice update, I like the addition of the torn prayer scroll :D



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Posted 29 October 2021 - 08:07 PM #3


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One loves to see it. Time to grind some phosani! Lets gooooo.


Rip Schnappy At Cox,

I will never forget your glorious 360s through walls to snap @Fiji, @longNstrong, @Totipotent and other honorary members of the Meme Team.

Posted 29 October 2021 - 08:11 PM #4

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thank you the great update (and fps unlock)!! cant wait to see the Halloween event!

Posted 29 October 2021 - 08:25 PM #5

Prof Magnata

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Great update as usual Omi!
Thanks for them and Happy Halloween.




Posted 29 October 2021 - 08:26 PM #6


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Thanks for the update, buzzing for Halloween event!

Posted 29 October 2021 - 08:31 PM #7


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very niiiice! updates are juicy as always!


Posted 29 October 2021 - 08:34 PM #8


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lots of great QOL in this update! Love it!

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Posted 29 October 2021 - 10:03 PM #9


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Nice updates as always. 

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Posted 30 October 2021 - 12:16 AM #10

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Absolutely solid update, lots of bug fixes which is always nice to see! Good job Omi and Chad.

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Posted 30 October 2021 - 12:43 AM #11


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Great update, thanks for your time and work.

Posted 30 October 2021 - 01:43 AM #12

Real Alan

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Omicron, on 29 Oct 2021 - 6:57 PM, said: Revenant Changes: Revenant healing mechanics now match the new OSRS changes. The changes are as follow: They now have a cooldown that begins once they have healed, preventing them from healing again for 15 cycles (9 seconds). They are now guaranteed a heal whenever they attack while they're below half HP, so long as their heal is ready and not on cooldown. They can only heal themselves a total of 8-36 times before being unable to heal again. The Revenant heal graphic has been updated to match OSRS. Revenants will now drop between 1-10 revenant cave teleport scrolls, rather than just 1.

Why don't revenants do 25% damage on players that are using brace?
It's been on OSRS for a year now.

The updated bulwark is sick! (2x speed in clip)



The new bones to peaches tablets look mighty fine!




Fixed the bugged fossil island wyverns cave entrance.



Fixed the fossil island wyvern cave entrance?  That doesn't seem right...





While we're on the topic of improving fossil island, could we get this bank working?


As for the phosani nightmare nerf... I don't really like it.

I think it was fine the way it was.



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Posted 30 October 2021 - 04:18 AM #13

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Why don't revenants do 25% damage on players that are using brace?
It's been on OSRS for a year now.

The updated bulwark is sick! (2x speed in clip)
The new bones to peaches tablets look mighty fine!
Fixed the fossil island wyvern cave entrance?  That doesn't seem right...
While we're on the topic of improving fossil island, could we get this bank working?
As for the phosani nightmare nerf... I don't really like it.
I think it was fine the way it was.

Everything he said 1000%

Posted 30 October 2021 - 04:53 AM #14



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Many good changes & bug fixes in this update. Thank you 


Also The Collector guy won't log Ring of endurance if it's fully charged. 




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Posted 30 October 2021 - 06:46 AM #15

Real Korn

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Sweet update! this might make me want to do cox for the supplies now O.O 

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Posted 30 October 2021 - 06:57 AM #16



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very great updates! thx alot omi ^^

Posted 30 October 2021 - 07:40 AM #17


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Very nice update! Love to see you guys constantly adding QoL and new content!  :wub:

Posted 30 October 2021 - 09:32 AM #18



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Great QoL changes and bug fixes. Love the PoH additions as well. Not a fan of the Phosani change myself but okay. Thanks @Omicron.


In regards to the Fancy box in PoH, I tried to add my Zombie outfit to the Fancy box and it requires Zombie boots, however, I have yet to obtain them. I've had 20+ of each of the other pieces but never boots. Is it not possible to be obtained or have I been incredibly unlucky? :o

Posted 30 October 2021 - 10:11 AM #19



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Great QoL changes and bug fixes. Love the PoH additions as well. Not a fan of the Phosani change myself but okay. Thanks @Omicron.


In regards to the Fancy box in PoH, I tried to add my Zombie outfit to the Fancy box and it requires Zombie boots, however, I have yet to obtain them. I've had 20+ of each of the other pieces but never boots. Is it not possible to be obtained or have I been incredibly unlucky? :o

It looks like the boots are in the list of rewards, so it seems it's just back luck.

@Real Alan Just to clarify, when we say we've fixed bugged entrances, we're mostly referring to entrances that bring players to areas where they can't move at all, or areas that are "outside" of the games bounds (black areas). The case of the fossil island tunnel actually seems to be coded to take you to that island, so that must be some kind of Easter egg that Dan added... 

Many good changes & bug fixes in this update. Thank you 


Also The Collector guy won't log Ring of endurance if it's fully charged. 


The Collector only logs untradable items, and pets that were not previously in the player's collection log. The Ring of Endurance is a tradable item, so it cannot be logged by him.

Posted 30 October 2021 - 11:24 AM #20

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The Phosani pet rate is way off in alora



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