What is your suggestion?: well i have over 1000 of every herb using kingdom of misc and i never get any snap dragons please add snap dragons to the table of kingdom
Is this in OSRS?:i think it is im not sure jus googled all over couldnt find out if it is in osrs or not
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:i dont know what u mean by accepted already ive talked to my ingame friends and they dont get snap drags either
How would this benefit Alora?:the only way to get bulk snap dragons is venenatis and it took me 220 kils for my first 100 grimy snap dragon drop it would help hardcores get super restores and all other iron / reg / realism accs be able to make super restores for there raid runs or other bosses
please add them to misc it would be a huge help on my iron restores are all i need to continue doing raids but i have to kill the green ghost slayer monster to farm them rn nothing in gamee drops more than 3 and it takes ages
killing venenatis i got a total of 3.5k red spider eggs in drops but only 1 100 snapdragon drop its hendering me from doin cox / tob