Who are you? What the hell do you know? And why are you making this guide?
Hi, I'm @Real Alan but I go by many names.
@real anal, @
Real Alan is Realism most experienced hunter
Click here for Baby Impling's story
Click here for Real Anal's story
Trip Over's story will be released after unlocking cape of skulls (500/1,000 kills)
To some, I am the notorious Realists cult leader. To others, I am the most toxic / worst pker in the game.
But guess what? I don't really care what you or they think. At the end of the day, I'm just a player that enjoys @Omicron's work of art that is Alora.
As a player, my goal is to explore as much content as I can, understand game mechanics, and note down any life hacks I find along the way to share with my friends.
That means both PVM and PVP... Which brings us to one of my biggest pet peeves here on Alora.
I absolutely hate it when players claim to be just PVMers and refuse to learn about PVP. "Off! I'm iron!"
Shamans, Barrows, Cox, Tob, Gauntlet, and Nightmare are all quite literally drills to build you up for no honor player killing (NHing).
Shamans - bolt raggers that whack you with AGS when you're too close Basically Realmungard if he could handle an AGS switch. I mean... he already has the shaman's stun ability with his handy-dandy dragon spear Why do you think you need a 5 piece shayzein armour set to kill shamans? It's to reduce the number of switches needed for the activity and help players practice up to 4 way switches (weapon, shield, amulet, ring). Barrows - 100 hp punching bags for you to practice stacking damage on Barrows is a great place for learning how to barrage -> gmaul -> AGS COX Guardians - teaches you whip mechanics to avoid getting hit back with melee Vespula - teaches you to use redemption while fighting on like end of NH duel Ice demon - teaches you movement while attacking to make you harder to freeze/bolt Tightrope - teaches you how to tank/pray Olm - teaches you NH movement via the red portals TOB Maiden - teaches you how to barrage while staying in motion by making you avoid blood splats Bloat - teaches you how to avoid deadclicks and control weapon speed by making you dodge falling hands Nylocas - teaches you how to work your opponent, while keeping your prayers and guard up Sotetseg - teaches you how to heal, do damage, while changing prayers Xarpus - teaches you how to DD brid to avoid damage How? If you do use the DD method, you can have the poison spawns land under Xarpus, which will give you more working room for the last 25% where you need to attack from the correct side to avoid getting KOed Verzik - teaches you to time your attacks to stay in motion Gauntlet - teaches you how to use your f keys to switch between tabs while attacking with different styles and staying in motion (would highly recommend the default pre-eoc f key settings). Gauntlet also teaches you how to pray flick, a concept that is very important when tanking multiple players Nightmare - the way you camp mage prayer, prioritize pray melee (shortest attack animation), then range (when nightmare cocks her head) is the same way you prioritize pray mage when your opponent is wielding staff, melee when they rush in for a spec, and range when you see the crossbow animation. Believe me now?
As a gamer, I find it absolutely silly to limit myself to combat with just yellow dots on the minimap.
I'm here to become a better gamer and the only way I'm going to do that is by taking the training wheels off and moving on to white dots.
Hunt for Prey...
... and Watch Out for Predators!
If I bust my ass at COX to earn a pair of dragon claws, you can f*ckin bet I'd want to f*cking put those claws to use!
Besides, getting claws is only half the picture. It's like promoting a pawn to a queen in chess.
Once you get a queen, you still need to learn how to use it before you can actually checkmate anyone.
So that's why I'm making this guide...
To help players get their feet wet, encourage them to get out of their comfort zones, and honor @Fortheguides 's death.
A lot of people often ask "Who even PKs on an ironman private server anyways?"
Well... someone who wants to develop a deeper understanding of the combat triangle and get better at the f*cking game.
Ask yourself, are you one of those people?
Because I guarantee you'll learn a hell of a lot more about the game from hunting 200 players than from slaying 200 defenseless yellow dots in the revenant caves.
Speaking of which, why aren't revenants doing 25% damage to players with brace on? That shit's been in OSRS for a year now.
I mean... How you want to spend your limited time is up to you, but why limit yourself?
Put your big boy pants on and give PVP and NHing a try.
Duke it out at the ::lms white portal with a couple friends.
Challenge a mate to a fight to death at the duel arena.
Do something other than kill yellow dots all damn day!
But "I'm a PVMer, Not a PKer"
Man, f*ck your shit. At the end of the day, we're all players. It's your choice to stunt your own growth.
Breaking Community Apart? LOL
Wildy Hunter Guide
Step 1 - teleblock
Step 2 - initial staff bash
After teleblocking, it's crucial you click to staff bash your target as soon as you see the xp drop
Otherwise, your target will catch gap
Step 3 - entangle
While the staff bash keep you running alongside your target, throw an entangle to cancel the staff bash
Step 4 - spellbook swap
I recommend DDing and standing under your target before spellbook swapping with a magic/max cape or monkey.
This reduces damage taken and helps you maintain fight momentum
Step 5 - refreeze
In the above clip, it's absolutely crucial I don't land the first barrage opportunity
Because my target was on freeze immunity!
Had I barraged, I'd have to wait for my cooldown to end before I can throw my actual freeze...
This would have allowed my target to cover more ground and potentially escape by gapping me through the exit
In the clip below, I land a barrage during my opponent's freeze immunity and this backfires completely...
I was trying to go in for a DDS similar to guardians in cox, but because I miss-timed my freeze, I got sat.
Step 6 - take precaution
When leaving the cave, throw on protect mage in case your target has a mate waiting outside to full teleblock you
Tanking a clan of 126 mains on a 105 with 7 brews is not fun nor worth the risk
You might be wondering why I prioritize mage over melee pray...
Well, that's because... I'd rather die to bad RNG with an invisible full hp melee stack, than get caught in a 5 minute long gangbang (personal preference)
Step 7 - finish
7 barrage -> 52 hp
staff bash to run in -> wield claws to cancel bash
dragon claw spec -> 208 xp drop
35 17 9 8 -> for a total of 69 damage KO!
If 208 xp is a 69... imagine what I hit on him while he was going through the exit
A 260 xp drop has to be a least 70+ damage!
Intermission Story
Pop quiz: If there's a bounty on your head, is it against the rules to die and claim your own bounty?
So @Defiler informs me that Paragon placed a 15 drop booster bounty on my head and asks me to lay down my life... Apparently @
I'm such a bro I didn't even ask for compensation before agreeing... Shit... I would have laid down my life for Defiler to get all 15 boosters... That's just how much of a bro I am. Defiler was bout to split with me a fair 6 out of 15 boosters A few moments later... Banned for PKP farming Ever wonder what the appeal process is like? Denied within 20 minutes. Like at least go and discuss the situation with some other staff members... The f*ck is this shit? Paragon places bounty on me... Then Admin from paragon immediately declines appeal... Like at least Omicron understands the special circumstances... Thank God Omicron is a bro So what's the moral of this intermission story? Yes, it is against the rules (pkp farming) to die and claim your own bounty. Hunting admins down in the wild; however, is perfectly fine Fire
wasn't too happy I that I chanced the shit out of his HCIM and really wants me dead.
Wilderness Survival Tips
Pop quiz: If your target is 5 combat levels above you, can he attack you in 2 wild?
Tip 1 - check the wilderness scoreboard
You can get a pretty good idea of who will come after you by checking the wilderness scoreboard before you go out there.
Pop Quiz! If it's 5:09 right now and you step foot into the wild on a 126 combat account, who would you expect to bounty teleport to you? -> Bolewicki!
Tip 2 - pick your combat bracket wisely
Like a wrestler, it's a good idea to know which weight category you're fighting in.
If you want to avoid bounty hunters, I would suggest reducing your combat level so you avoid the 126 combat bracket.
There's a pretty hefty pkp cost to unlock bounty teleport scroll, so players who have it unlocked are usually around 126 and 88 cb brackets (main/pure pk builds)
If your target is 5 combat levels above you, can he attack you in 2 wild?
YES! Target priority overrides the wilderness combat level bracket
Tip 3 - make some friends
Before going into the wild, have some friends ready to back you up.
Join one of Alora's clans or make some new friends!
As long as you're not toxic first, most players who PK are fairly nice and will leave you alone after 1 kill.
Think about it... If you don't want someone to kill you...
Maybe you should try to stay on their good side... and not call them trash, rat, virigin, etc
Basically... Don't be Kiba.
Tip 4 - don't fall for trade lures
This one's pretty self explanatory.
Here's what a perfectly executed trade lure looks like. Thank you @
Escaping Singles
Single predator - freeze and run behind a corner After they teleblock you, they have a cooldown before they can cast entangle. This period is your best opportunity to freeze and run behind a corner. Bait - always expect your target to be bait No better example than the man Realmungard himself. He camps revenant dragons, runs towards north exit when attacked, and then waits for his team to roll in. Since revenants do 0 damage when you have bracelet on in Alora, Mungard always has a full inventory of food, which is a little ridiculous if you ask me. Sometimes... the baiter of the first bait can just be another bait cast by a master baiter For example, like Realmungard -> 22 -> To Gain Gangbang Step 1 - Don't get full teleblocked In the above clip, you can see Dreamland fakes range then stops attacking, which means a TB is most likely on the way. Notice how I catch on and activate protect magic the tick before Bolewicki lands the TB. Step 2 - Run towards your escape Here it's crucial that I run towards my escape as soon as I can. My opponent (the TB slave) is on normal spellbook and therefor must utilize entangles to freeze rather than barrages. My odds of him splashing and me escaping are best while in combat with the weaker ahrim mage. Notice how I keep my hides, staff, and shield on to maximize my magic defense and odds of splashing. If you're pking solo, DO NOT stand near or try to escape by obelisk. You might get speared and sent to 50 multi. Been there. Done that. Would not recommend. Here you can see that rather than have their weaker mage entangle me, they chose to let their big dog Dreamland on me. This right here is why I prefer wearing double d'hides and spectral spirit shield (+30 magic defense) rather than the 5x more expensive arcane (+5 magic defense). Getting a splash versus a freeze can often make a big difference in survivability for a solo pker. If you look closely in the clip above, you can see Realmungard accidentally hitting his own teammate Dreamland off me This prevented #1 mage Dreamland in ancestral and arcane from freezing me, which means I'm now dealing with #2 mage Snakelings in zuriel's and wyvern shield. Good news! Right? Yeah, well I still don't like my odds. Step 3 - Run through NPCs & find a cave / stairway In this situation, an NPC interrupting combat would grant me temporary immunity from Mages 2 & 3. Mage 1 Dreamland would still be able to attack me though (thanks to target priority) So it's best that I keep moving into the cave Since my opponents out risk me 100:1 and outnumber me 5:1, its disadvantageous to fight in an open playing field. You do not want to be a Karen... Unllke in OSRS, players can just teleport to the mb lever via ::mb on Alora. This means teams can dump spec, pool, come back, and dump spec again very easily. On OSRS, players would have to run back from the edgeville lever to re-spec, which takes like 100x longer. Step 4 - Freeze and try to log out under the weakest link inside the cave (clears TB) This step didn't work for 2 reasons 1. I splashed two augury boosted barrages on Bolewicki (verac skirt + no pray mage) 2. Bolewicki never hit me back, which means Mage #2 Snakelings can interrupt my log out Either way, I managed to reduce the rate at which I was taking damage, so we're happy! Step 5 - staff spec, pray range, go in and out I hugged the level 28 rev entrance where I can go in and out to both reduce the damage I take and the drain on my supplies. Remember, brews don't heal very fast. Two consecutive big shots and I'm still screwed. If things get bad, the plan is to staff spec to cut melee damage in half for a minute, go in and out to make mage more difficult, and pray range to reduce range damage. Talk about understanding the combat triangle, am I right? Recommended Wilderness Changes Revenant Bracelet Even kryptonite doesn't completely nerf superman... Singles Plus In singles plus, a hunter should be able to attack his prey while his prey is in combat with a revenant. This is how it currently is. However, on Alora, a revenant can attack a hunter and prevent the hunter from continuing to attack his original target, which doesn't make much sense. Even if the revenant jumps on the hunter, the hunter should still be able to attack his target. In this case, the hunter is in single combat with his prey, and the revenant is the plus+. Realism Wilderness Scoreboard This update back in January removed Realism players from the Ironman Wilderness Scoreboard. Before... Realism players used to be listed on the Wilderness Ironman Scoreboard, which strangely makes sense. Why? Because Realism is just server-wide group ironman. If you really think about it, the trading post is just a group bank with a withdrawal fee–a vending machine, if you will. In the wilderness, Realists and Ironmen all share the same mechanic of getting no loot upon killing normie eco players that comprise 90% of Alora's bounty hunters. We get hunted, and even if we fight back and secure a kill, nothing. High risk. No reward. Now... Realism players are just clumped in with normies, which is completely unfair. We should have a Realism Wilderness Scoreboad of our own. Killing normies, classics, or ironmen of any sort just results in our loot being wiped. We can't even pick it up on a normie. The least you can do is give us a scoreboard! Highlights Ooof! You got nothing, right? Sure... Best Realism kill off someone who "had nothing" LOL. 22 tried to bait me to pray melee with an AGS 5 tiles away. Oof! Lagged at the wrong time and got hella chanced! Gmaul -> AGS is much sneakier! -> After the unfreeze, I run into melee range to try and get Joey to protect melee while I go for a barrage... -> Joey mantas to 78 hp -> Pot + insta gmaul + AGS spec... 0 - 72... -> Joey survives on 6 hp This one I think I did everything right offensively. My defense, on the other hand, needs a lot of work. I should have turned on protect range a heck of a lot sooner This dude calls 22 for hjelp before even making an attempt to run away... Pathetic! The man doesn't even bring a range switch... KO Guide Pop Quiz: What's the difference between g maul AGS and AGS g maul? G Maul AGS Guide 1. freeze your target 2. stand 2 tiles away, change your viewing angle, and position your target directly to the left of your inventory 3. wait for the big bolt xp drop -> switch to piety prayer 4. drink super combat potion (creates delay/hides hand animation) 5. right click and hoover over wield gmaul -> switch to spec tab -> double click (click 1 wields, click 2 insta gmaul specs) -> switch back to invy -> wield AGS (crucial you wield AGS asap... otherwise you'll gmaul whack) 6. spec tab -> spec bar (ags spec) -> target 7. re-wield crossbow (prevents invy from getting messed up) The above example is initiated with a bolt; however, it can also be done with a barrage or melee xp drop as long as the initiating weapon has a spec bar. Here's another example initiated with a barrage So what's the difference between g maul AGS and AGS g maul? Let's break it down! Here's how AGS gmaul works Barrage -> cooldown -> AGS spec -> gmaul spec Here's how gmaul AGS works Barrage -> gmaul during cooldown -> AGS spec Ideally, you'd want have protect melee on before the AGS spec lands... However, that doesn't always happen. In a AGS gmaul situation, an experienced pker often gets protect melee on before the gmaul lands. In a gmaul AGS situation, the same protect melee timing would result in a chance at death, as both the gmaul and AGS land before the pray melee. I found that out the hard way last year when @ So, in a nutshell, gmaul AGS is much more difficult to perform, but also finishes 1 tick faster while being much sneakier to defend against. Toxic Highlights No chance? Got em! Last, but not least, we have a Veteran and Ex-staff member crying and playing victim after getting dropped in the Wild. This man even has the balls to cry in the comment section of this post Anal Kill Log
Out of the group, he has the highest magic bonus since he's in ancestral and arcane, so it totally makes sense to let him catch the freeze.
AGS -> Gmaul is too mainstream!
-> I immediately walk under to try and avoid Joey's bolt as my 23 barrage lands, putting Joey on 56 hp