Happy new years! We hope 2017 has kicked off just as great for you as it has for us!

This week we saw a huge update from Omicron and our new developer GameDevJason.
Fixed mime mask issue where you'd note it and it turns into a pineapple pizza
Exchange prices(for items kept on death/trading post purposes) increase for:
Granite maul from 34k -> 1.34M
(Seems to go for around 2M ingame)
Wyvern bones now give 72 XP(same as Dragon bones) instead of the previous 50 XP.
Crystal key has been re-added to vote shop
Master crafters at the Crafting guild can now tan your hides
Lockpick added to Ironman Supply shop
Graceful armour will now be sent to the reclaimable shop on death
Gambling changes:
Castle wars is now the new gambling area
Type ::gamble to get there
Gambler walks around shouting out tips
Dice bag has been added to the donation store
Voting fixed:
Voting has changed a bit but still has some work left to do. You now have to vote on 3/4 websites to get an auth!
For some users, it worked perfectly on release, while it did not work at all for others. This was due to their IP address being IPV6 instead of IPV4, and this has since been corrected. If anyone else has trouble with voting, please pm me directly so that I could debug the issue.
New spell books added:
Normal, ancient and lunar spellbooks have been updated with the latest OSRS spells
This opens the possibility of using these spells (Eg. Bounty hunter teleport, will be added ASAP) in future updates!
Many Many more updates:
Changes in the Newspaper!
There will be some changes to the newspaper starting on the next edition. From now on instead of the newspaper being a weekly edition it will be Bi-weekly. This means an issue will be posted once every two week. This gives us time to recope as much info as possible and for a better read.
There were no rule updates this week but make sure you get to know the rules here.
There were changes to the staff team this week.
Thunder has been been re-promoted to Server moderator.
Mewtwo has been promoted to Server moderator.
Jare has been promoted to Server moderator.
Mystogan has been promoted to Server support.
Unfortunetly we had some demotions\resignations this week.
OzScorcher has resigned from his Web developer/Server support position.
uTorrent has resigned from his Forum moderator position.
Jupiter has resigned from his Forum moderator position.
Scotty Dont has resigned from his Server support position.
Udead has been demoted from his Server moderator position and banned for his actions.
This week with much dissapointment I have to inform that there is no player of the week for this edition seeing as the staff team did not see any particular player standing out. We're sorry for those who tried for this week but encourage them to continue their work in hope of winning in the next edition.

Thunder: First of all, congratz on the promotion man. How does it feel on the first day as a server support so far?
Mystogen: To be honest, after the initial excitement of being a staff member wore off, I'm just back to doing me. I enjoy helping out and being a staff just helps motivate me to continue to help people. I'd like to thank everybody who congratulated me on my promotion and encouraged me to continue on my path, I promise not to let you down
Thunder: That's awesome man, I'm sure you'll do a great job and not let this opportunity go to waste. Anyways, tell me more about you man. Do you have any hobby's or something you'd like to share with the community?
Mystogen:Outside of the game, my biggest passions are track/cross country and debate. I run for my school's track team in long distance events and I enjoy running in my free time. I'm also on my team's varsity debate team so I may be gone once in a while to compete for these activities. Some other games I play are League of Legends and OSRS (Although I'm on a small break from OSRS), if you'd like to play anytime just lemme know.
Thunder: Alright man, sounds good. Thanks for the interview!
Thanks for reading this week's newspaper. Feel free fre suggest any additions for next week's edition on a post below.