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Theatre of Blood hardmode ornament kits

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Posted 10 September 2021 - 06:27 PM #1


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What is your suggestion?: Remove ToB ornament kits from the purple chest drop table and add them to a tertiary drop table, similarly to the Twisted horn/Twisted kits from CoX.

Is this in OSRS?: Yes, the ToB ornament kits are received as tertiary drops like the Lil Zik pet and Metamorphic dust in OSRS. At least that is how OSRS Wiki states it.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No, I don't think so.

How would this benefit Alora?: It would make it similar to OSRS and it wouldn't mess with the rarity of getting the other drops, though I am not sure how does it calculate which drop you actually get as the rates are not announced as of yet I believe. In my opinion, it does not make any sense to have them in the same table as other uniques received in purple chests such as the Avernic hilt and Scythe of Vitur because they are special drops only received from the HM and are purely cosmetic.

In the current way more people might do more HM ToB overall and boost the activity but most people are looking for the better rate of the "actual uniques" anyway when doing the HM version. At this moment, they seem more rare than they are in OSRS and this is an RSPS after all. I would say a flat 1/100 chance to roll on the ornament kit table or something would be logical IMO. Not sure about the OSRS rates for these kits. I don't think they are announced as of yet so there is room to experiment.

Posted 10 September 2021 - 06:32 PM #2

Real Alan

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Support!  This just seems like the logical thing to do!  



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Posted 10 September 2021 - 06:59 PM #3


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Support this, Same reason as Alan said.

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Posted 11 September 2021 - 01:38 AM #4


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Would be nice to have the same or similar drop tables to OSRS, support.

Posted 11 September 2021 - 02:01 AM #5



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I can make this change, but I should clarify that hard mode drop rates are already enhanced over the normal ToB, so removing these items from the rare loot table won't make the loot you're looking for (eg. Justiciar, Scythe, etc) any more common. It will only make the Avernic hilt more common. Nonetheless, I'll make the change so that they're separate, and this will also give the chance of obtaining the ornament kits and an item off of the rare loot table simultaneously.



For a quick explanation, you roll between 1-19 when you hit the rare loot table. On regular mode, rolling between 1-11 gives good loot (eg. Justiciar, scythe, etc), and anywhere between 12-19 gives the Avernic hilt.


On hard mode, the hilt is supposed to be less common, and the good loot is slightly more common. To do this, we made rolling 1-14 give good loot (27% better chance than regular ToB), and rolls between 15-17 were the ornament kits, and finally 17-19 was the Avernic hilt. Once I make this change, it will make rolling between 15-19 the Avernic hilt. Hope that clarifies what this change would mean for you, it will only be more hilts and more ornament kits entering the game, but not more Scythes/Rapiers/Justiciar gear.


We based this information from here:


Posted 11 September 2021 - 07:41 AM #6

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Support, this seems a logical change to make to improve TOB for the better

Posted 11 September 2021 - 10:18 AM #7


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I can make this change, but I should clarify that hard mode drop rates are already enhanced over the normal ToB, so removing these items from the rare loot table won't make the loot you're looking for (eg. Justiciar, Scythe, etc) any more common. It will only make the Avernic hilt more common. Nonetheless, I'll make the change so that they're separate, and this will also give the chance of obtaining the ornament kits and an item off of the rare loot table simultaneously.



For a quick explanation, you roll between 1-19 when you hit the rare loot table. On regular mode, rolling between 1-11 gives good loot (eg. Justiciar, scythe, etc), and anywhere between 12-19 gives the Avernic hilt.


On hard mode, the hilt is supposed to be less common, and the good loot is slightly more common. To do this, we made rolling 1-14 give good loot (27% better chance than regular ToB), and rolls between 15-17 were the ornament kits, and finally 17-19 was the Avernic hilt. Once I make this change, it will make rolling between 15-19 the Avernic hilt. Hope that clarifies what this change would mean for you, it will only be more hilts and more ornament kits entering the game, but not more Scythes/Rapiers/Justiciar gear.


We based this information from here:


Indeed what you explained here was my goal in the suggestion post. I simply did not understand why the ornament kits were in the same rare drop table as the rest of the "purples" making them very rare compared to OSRS having them in their own drop table. Thank you for the info on the rates, really nice to know how the rare drop table works. I was not aware of that Twitter post myself, so thanks for providing the link for it as well.


If this change is made, will the drop and raid boosters work having better chance for the kits? Currently, I think at least drop boosters work because the kits are in the same drop table with the weapons and armor but if they were made to have their own drop table, I am curious how will the boosters work in that case?

Posted 11 September 2021 - 01:42 PM #8

Real Alan

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I can make this change, but I should clarify that hard mode drop rates are already enhanced over the normal ToB, so removing these items from the rare loot table won't make the loot you're looking for (eg. Justiciar, Scythe, etc) any more common. It will only make the Avernic hilt more common. Nonetheless, I'll make the change so that they're separate, and this will also give the chance of obtaining the ornament kits and an item off of the rare loot table simultaneously.



For a quick explanation, you roll between 1-19 when you hit the rare loot table. On regular mode, rolling between 1-11 gives good loot (eg. Justiciar, scythe, etc), and anywhere between 12-19 gives the Avernic hilt.


On hard mode, the hilt is supposed to be less common, and the good loot is slightly more common. To do this, we made rolling 1-14 give good loot (27% better chance than regular ToB), and rolls between 15-17 were the ornament kits, and finally 17-19 was the Avernic hilt. Once I make this change, it will make rolling between 15-19 the Avernic hilt. Hope that clarifies what this change would mean for you, it will only be more hilts and more ornament kits entering the game, but not more Scythes/Rapiers/Justiciar gear.


We based this information from here:



@Omicron I found a typo.   You said 15-17 for orn kit.  17-19 for hilt.  

17 is used twice.  Was 17 orn kit or hilt?  Can't be both


Before... getting a specific ornament kit was more rare than getting a scythe.  
According to Omi... heres how it worked before... out of 19
roll 1-14 for good loot (6 uniques)
roll 15-17 for ornament kits (2 uniques)
Assuming you actually hit the rare drop table...
14/19 divide by 6 => 12.28% chance for scythe
3/19 divide by 2 => 7.89% chance for holy orn kit
You were literally more likely to get scythe than a specific ornament kit.
Under the new system
15-19 will be hilts
5/19 => 26.32% chance for hilt
Previously it's was either
17-19 for hilt => 3/19 => 15.79% chance for hilt
18-19 for hilt => 2/19 => 10.53% chance for hilt
So in short... we should see...
1. ~2x as many hilts coming in
2. occasional double drops with TOB unique + orn kit
We don't actually know if TOB ornament kits will become more common.
Omicron, now that ornament kits are off the 1-19 rare loot table, what is the new rate for landing on an ornament kit?



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Posted 11 September 2021 - 03:18 PM #9



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@Sagacious Yes, raid boosters still affect the rate of items that aren't on the rare loot table (eg. Ornament kits, metamorphic dust, pet, elite clue).


17 is used twice.  Was 17 orn kit or hilt?  Can't be both

You're right, my apologies, 15, 16 and 17 were for the ornament kits, 18 and 19 were for the avernic hilt.

Posted 11 September 2021 - 11:39 PM #10



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