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Nerfing Phosani's loot

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Posted 04 September 2021 - 02:26 PM #1


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What is your suggestion?:


Make phosani drop less uniques than regular nm. (Or atleast revise it)

(Reason phosani makes more money on osrs is because of the increased regular drops)


Is this in OSRS?



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:




How would this benefit Alora?:


At the moment there is absolutely 0 reason to do regular nightmare. Phosani is easier to solo than regular nightmare, just wear bandos and dfs and with a hasta and a blood fury and you will legit use 4-5 doses of brew to kill it. (Without even pray flicking) I dont mind nightmare being easier than it is on osrs. But at this point phosani is just shitting out drops. Which will result in the content just dieing out. Keep in mind from the drops i saw so far it seems to be dropping 1/90-100 which in my opinion is way to low. Considering with an optimal setup 6:30m kills arent even hard. Its a super endgame grind compareable to corp, and now with a bit of rng you can complete it in 40-50hs of boost. 




I personally really looked forward to this new phosani. But at this point its less challenging than regular nm. Which is fine. But it shouldnt be dropping more uniques than regular nightmare, specially considering on osrs lootrates are like 3x higher for phosani. (And I could be wrong but i feel like here its better than regular nightmare + its 2x faster) which means its atleast 2x better than regular nightmare. While if anything being easier than the regular nightmare.





This is just an example, other items are very similar in weighting.

Posted 04 September 2021 - 02:37 PM #2


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Interesting suggestion.

I don't mind Phosani being easier than Osrs as you stated, but as you suggested, with it being quite easy to complete, the drop rates should be nerfed a wee bit.


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Posted 04 September 2021 - 03:56 PM #3


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If anything some of the drops should be more common. Inquisitor armour is barely used anywhere as it is, it doesn't justify the cost to use either. You're better off buying bandos and using that for 1% of the price. Volatile staff is legit impossible to come by for pkers because there have only been 9 dropped since the content was released nearly 2 years ago (on a private server).

I think it's fine as it is at the moment.

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Posted 04 September 2021 - 04:45 PM #4

Real Korn

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i think the reason its shitting out loot o much is because now you have more people willing to do nm so more drops come into the game along with most of the endgame pvmers having high gear average about 10+ kills an hour and they are willing to grind it more yes prices will go down some but not by a lot right away. increasing the unique drop rate imo is not a bad idea to raise it some but don't think it should be tanked to make it where its dead content like it was in the start of nm. 

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Posted 04 September 2021 - 05:40 PM #5


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I personally disagree.


"Which will result in the content just dieing out." -> The reason you're seeing a lot of drops is due to more people actually doing nightmare now. If anything, the content was already dead and is being revived.


The screenshot you linked, if we take a look at the dragon warhammer for example: https://gyazo.com/0a...02b0f2e93be7a8f -> This only covers 57% of the actual drop-rate of OSRS. Which means the Harmonised orb would be roughly ~1/855, and the armor parts being ~1/285; which is roughly the rate Alora has right now. 


If we take a look at the OSRS Phosani drop table: https://gyazo.com/a4...beb24df1e0aae0a, the Inquisitor armor is a 1/1000, which would make it roughly 1/570 on here. Given that this is a RSPS, and the Inquisitor armor like casual has stated has barely any use within the game, I believe that a ~1/220 per Inquisitor piece (roughly the current rate) is justified. We also need to keep in mind within the hard mode the hits are much more accurate and deadly. 


"At the moment there is absolutely 0 reason to do regular nightmare." -> There is a lot more people doing nightmare now though. 


 "Just wear bandos and dfs and with a hasta and a blood fury and you will legit use 4-5 doses of brew to kill it. (Without even pray flicking)" -> That is not accurate. I do not prayer flick, and I use an elysian, inquisitor's mace, full bandos, blood fury, thralls, death charge, dragon claws, and sang staff to kill it. Rough estimated value of gear would be ~7b yet I still use a full inventory of food (and even sometimes die due to the melee attacks hitting up to 98 through elysian).


" But at this point phosani is just shitting out drops." -> More people are doing the content, means more drops are being brought into the game. 


"Considering with an optimal setup 6:30m kills arent even hard." -> My best time with my gear setup stated above is 7:06, with a 1 minute respawn timer. 6:30 is very hard to achieve, even Classic uses an 8 way switch, with prayer flicks, harmonised orb, full inquisitor, and still barely touches 6:30. 


"(And I could be wrong but i feel like here its better than regular nightmare + its 2x faster) which means its atleast 2x better than regular nightmare." -> It is 20% faster than the regular nightmare. Nowhere twice as fast. This was also stated within the update.


All in all, I think this update actually revived the nightmare content. Inquisitor is way too overpriced currently, especially given it is only useful in 2 places (theatre of blood, and the nightmare). It isn't even useful in Phosani due to the hit accuracy of range, effectively making it only useful in theatre of blood.


TL;DR: I don't support this change. 

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Posted 04 September 2021 - 08:09 PM #6

Real Alan

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At the moment there is absolutely 0 reason to do regular nightmare. Phosani is easier to solo than regular nightmare, just wear bandos and dfs and with a hasta and a blood fury and you will legit use 4-5 doses of brew to kill it. (Without even pray flicking) I dont mind nightmare being easier than it is on osrs. But at this point phosani is just shitting out drops. Which will result in the content just dieing out. Keep in mind from the drops i saw so far it seems to be dropping 1/90-100 which in my opinion is way to low. Considering with an optimal setup 6:30m kills arent even hard. Its a super endgame grind compareable to corp, and now with a bit of rng you can complete it in 40-50hs of boost. 



Why would a player do regular nightmare?  Here's 3 reasons

-no scythe/inquisitor mace to solo phosani

-not adept enough at f keys and prayer switching 

-too lazy to pay active attention at phosani


Is phosani easier than regular nightmare?


-it takes less time to complete a run, but it is most definitely harder

-if you don't pray flick, you're constantly getting chanced.  Phosani hits 98 melees and 90+ range shots.

-with a lil lag or server delay, even if you pray melee the tick the melee animation starts, you still get hit big

-sounds to me like you have no idea how to actually do phosani's nightmare, you only know how to AFK regular nightmare -> which is why you're complaining on forums

-no wonder you think you can "just wear bandos and dfs and with a hasta and a blood fury and you will legit use 4-5 doses of brew to kill it. (Without even pray flicking)"


If you take on a bigger challenge -> you deserve a bigger reward!  It's pretty simple.


"But at this point phosani is just shitting out drops. Which will result in the content just dieing out."

-Phosani content will only die out if there is more supply than everyone who demands a nightmare drop

-It's no where near that point.

-Prices of nightmare items, however, will drop.


 "it seems to be dropping 1/90-100 which in my opinion is way to low. Considering with an optimal setup 6:30m kills arent even hard. Its a super endgame grind compareable to corp, and now with a bit of rng you can complete it in 40-50hs of boost."

-Doing 90-100 phosani nightmare for 1 drop is considered way too low for you?  That's approximately a 16 hour grind, requiring constant attention.

-You think 6:30 phosani kills arent even hard?  I'd like to see you post what your phosani kill time are.  Don't pray flick... use hasta, and DFS like you suggested.  Prove it to us that you can do it, otherwise quit complaining.


Lil mungard AFK farms regular nightmare.  Then when advanced nightmare comes out... he complains it's too easy / drops too commonly...

Why don't you actually become a better gamer and take on the challenge yourself?


In the roughly 50 phosani's nightmare that I've completed... I've gotten 2 jars.  I think this drop rate is absolutely fine, considering the difficulty level of the task.


I still have yet to finish a phosani nightmare run in under 7 minutes, so I suggest Mungard quit pulling facts out of his ass. 




Here's a fast phosani nightmare performed by @Gimslaving.

Factor in the 1 min wait time at the start of phosani and a kill takes at minimum 6:30.

There is just no fucking way "endgame pvmers having high gear average about 10+ kills an hour " like @real cuntz claims.
Quit making up your facts people.  



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Posted 04 September 2021 - 08:39 PM #7


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Coming from someone who has completed 2,750 normal nightmare kills and received roughly 30 drops from the nightmare I absolutely do not support this.
The Phosani Nightmare attacks are perfect (with the exception of melee being a bit fast for the pray flicking) but that doesnt matter. I've watched A kill nightmare in full bandos with mace+elysian and he was getting smacked around like a rag doll eating 14 manta's and 4 brews in his inventory. 
I personally think the Phosani Nightmare is the easy as you are thinking it is. The accuracy of its attacks have been increased along with its max hit depending on the hit. It is fine the way it is and the only reason you are seeing more and more nightmare drops coming into the game and lowering the price of all nightmare items is because there is 30-40 people who are constantly grinding Phosani now. 
I did 2,750 nightmare kills with almost 1,500 solos on the original nightmare and almost 70% of the time I never saw another person at nightmare other than someone like Gimslaving who is grinding the piss out of the boss to get his collection log to join me with the forum award. Therefor less nightmare items were coming into the game because you had 5, 10 maybe 15 total people who would actually do the nightmare day in and day out and those were the only people bringing the drops into the game causing all the items to be worth well over what they should be word. 
Staff = 500m
Volatile Orb = 1.5b
Harmonised Orb = 1b
Eldritch Orb = 500m
Inquisitor Set (without mace) 1.75b ( I purchased the first set ingame when nightmare was released for 1.75b and it should never of gotten to 12b in price let alone 3b)
Inquisitor Mace = 2b (only reason this should be 2b is because of how effective it is at nightmare)
with that being said, I can see these prices soon because of how many gamers are grinding the boss bringing more items in the game which is an absolutely AMAZING thing because it will stabilize the prices of these items rather than people who are selling make there own prices and those who are buying don't actually get scammed because they think 7b for a harmonised staff is actually worth it when its not.
But it shouldnt be dropping more uniques than regular nightmare, specially considering on osrs lootrates are like 3x higher for phosani." I personally don't agree with this, The Phosani was brought into the game to give people better odds at the rewards if they took on the harder challenging boss. This is not OSRS, this is a RSPS at the end of the day. People leave OSRS all the time because they burn out from going so dry on a drop then they come and enjoy the RSPS gameplay because they get things easier.


At the end of the day the Phosani should stay the way it is and those who wanna grind it get rewarded with the items and those who don't grind it dont get rewarded for it. Its plain and simple and it should stay that way. 

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Posted 05 September 2021 - 01:13 AM #8


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I'll put my opinion here too since I've also done a good amount of nightmare


I think Phosani is way easier than regular nightmare

Having proper defensive gear makes the boss very afkable

Yes, there's a chance of getting smacked a high number, but that's not common from my experience with my setup.


Currently I don't see a reason to do regular nightmare as phosani is way easier, doesn't require a group for the same amount of afk & has better loot.


Here's a quick video I just recorded to show those that don't do phosanis what it takes to complete it:

No prayer flicking, first food eaten at 04:42


I'm a fan of making Phosanis more difficult

If we're staying with ezmode, then adjusting the droprates might be of interest imo

Posted 05 September 2021 - 05:38 AM #9

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Disagree, not sure how phosani's is afk anytime i miss a prayer flick i take a 94 to the face, 

Besides that the whole reason phosani's was even suggested was for every reason that most people now are complaining about when they were all supporting in the suggestion itself.

Imo i think its fine right now way too early to change something that was just recently added into the game based off personal opinions and no facts

I dont support.

Posted 05 September 2021 - 02:22 PM #10


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Lol, alan, you're flaming me. I did solo regular nightmare with full inq, which means i had to pray flick already. Which is what i said.

Atm the phosani nightmare is easier than regular nightmare if you're used to pray flick. If you however are an npc like yourself. That cant switch prayers vs a mob. And thus get hit 80+ cus you miss your prayers on a consistent basis, than it is harder than regular nightmare with group. (However Bandos and a dfs even solves that problem for you at phosani)


And reason phosani is easier, is because you legit got 28 inventory slots for a 7 minute fight. Which only makes it easier. Nightmare is already super easy on this server because of the lack of "Swipe ability" And its hits already being ALOT less accurate than it is on osrs(both regular and phosani btw). And anyone who is honest with himself knows that phosani is easier to solo than regular nightmare. 


And i dont want items to stay the price they're now cus as said before they're very niche already. I just dont think that solo content which is easier should be the meta. Same goes for solo raids being better points/h than duos. If anything game needs more incentive to do group content.


I just cant see it making sense that something that is a certain way on osrs, is changed COMPLETELY to make stuff easier, on a server that prides itself on "We want to be as close to osrs as possible and have a economy rsps"

Posted 08 September 2021 - 06:29 PM #11



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Just to clarify on the difficulty of obtaining loot:


The update notes said something about loot being easier to obtain on Phosani, this was actually incorrect and the drop rate is the same as a regular Nightmare solo session. It may be quicker to complete Phosani given the lower HP, but the boss itself doesn't have an easier loot rate. I've been told that many more drops than usual were entering the game since the Phosani update, and this can be attributed to a few things:

1. Many more people fighting the Nightmare since the update

2. Nightmare loot bonuses that have been turned on more regularly since the update

3. Potentially faster kill times on Phosani


With that being said, we can try to make Phosani more difficult if necessary. I don't think that the loot rate necessarily needs to be adjusted though, since both modes are the same and I just took the rates from OSRS.

Posted 09 September 2021 - 03:45 PM #12

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Just to clarify on the difficulty of obtaining loot:


The update notes said something about loot being easier to obtain on Phosani, this was actually incorrect and the drop rate is the same as a regular Nightmare solo session. It may be quicker to complete Phosani given the lower HP, but the boss itself doesn't have an easier loot rate. I've been told that many more drops than usual were entering the game since the Phosani update, and this can be attributed to a few things:

1. Many more people fighting the Nightmare since the update

2. Nightmare loot bonuses that have been turned on more regularly since the update

3. Potentially faster kill times on Phosani


With that being said, we can try to make Phosani more difficult if necessary. I don't think that the loot rate necessarily needs to be adjusted though, since both modes are the same and I just took the rates from OSRS.

I think before we just make Phosani's harder we should hear more in game perspectives to make sure that's what we want. Bossing on Alora has always been easier than OSRS and no one is looking to have it as difficult to OSRS, for that reason I think an easier Phosani's is nice and we need to find the fine line between too easy and too grindy for Alora.

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Posted 18 October 2021 - 04:27 PM #13



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