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In-Depth Gauntlet Guide

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 05:18 AM #1

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Hello, and welcome to my Gauntlet guide!




What is Gauntlet?


The Gauntlet is a solo minigame in Prifddinas in which the player is given a limited amount of time to explore a randomly generated dungeon layout, gather various resources and supplies by skilling and defeating crystalline monsters, all in preparation to defeat the Crystalline Hunllef.


The goal is to gather as much resources and as great weapons as possible in certain time-span (Regular: 10 minutes & Corrupted: 7,5 minutes) before taking on the Hunllef.


How to access it?


The Gauntlet can be accessed through a portal in Prifddinas, or through the Teleport wizard.
Additionally, you can type ;;gauntlet to teleport there quickly.
What is the difference between regular and corrupted gauntlet?
Regular gauntlet has 10min preparation time with a 600hp Hunllef to kill.
Corrupted gauntlet has 7.5min preparation time with a 1000hp Hunllef to kill.
The drop-rates are way better in corrupted gauntlet, so therefore I do not recommend doing regular gauntlet at all, if you need to learn, then do so in corrupted gauntlet.
Gatherable resources list:
Phren bark - Requires an axe to chop
Linum tirinium - Can be picked with bare-hands
Corrupted ore - Requires a pickaxe to mine
Raw paddlefish - Requires an harpoon to catch, also can be dropped by monsters in the layout.
Grym leaf - Can be picked with bare hands, also can be dropped by monsters in the layout.
Crystal shards - Can be obtained as loot from monsters/skilling. It is used for crafting armor/weapons/vials
Crystal dust - Can be obtained using crystal shards on a Pestle & Mortar. It is used for making a potion.
Weapon frame - Can be dropped by monsters, are used to make a weapon.
Orb/Spike/Bowstring - Can be dropped by demi-bosses, and are used to make a tier 3 weapon.
Before going into Gauntlet, I recommend you to ENABLE Gauntlet plugin in RuneLite!
First thing you do, is to unequip your sceptre and drop it, as the item has no use in gauntlet and has slower attack speed than just punching the monsters.
Secondly, you move to the outer circle of the layout for a chance of seeing demi-bosses. Demi-bosses are Dragon, Dark Beast and Bear, with each of them having 100HP.
But why do I want to kill demi-bosses right away? 
The main reason being a guaranteed weapon frame drop from each demi-boss (it's not guaranteed if you kill two of the same type), a tier 3 weapon piece and decent amount of shards for crafting.
Demi bosses also have a chance of dropping a Grym leaf or 5x Raw Paddlefish.
Ideally you would find 2 different demi-bosses, who can drop you 2x weapon frames and 2x tier 3 weapon pieces.
Weapon descriptions:

Halberd -> Best damage/Lowest safety as you have to move closer to the boss.

Bow -> Good damage / Good safety as you cannot snipe across the room.

Staff -> Inconsistent damage / Best safety as you can attack with staff from anywhere inside the room.

In the meantime, collect those resources:

Catch 8x Raw paddlefish

Mine 3x Corrupted ore

Chop 3x Phren bark

Pick 3x Tinum lirinium

Pick 2x Grym leaf

Use 2x crystal shards on a pestle of mortar in order to make 20x Corrupted dust


After all of the gathering and killing, your inventory should look like this:


Everything this picture is a recommended setup, except the amount of Corrupted shards should be 300 or above in order to craft everything.
After getting all of these items, craft following items at the singing bowl:


1x Helmet

1x Platebody

1x Legs

2x Tier 3 Weapons

2x Vials

After you've done that, move next to the cooking range and water pump:

Fill 2 vials

Use 2x Grym leaf on vials

Cook all the fishes

Use corrupted dust on unfinished potions



Now you should be ready for the boss fight!



Boss Fight
Activate Protect from Range and Eagle Eye, wield either Bow or Halberd!
Hunllef uses both Mage & Ranged attacks, starting with Ranged and switching after 4 hits (STOMPS DO NOT COUNT TOWARDS HITS)
Hunllef can pray accordingly to attack style player uses against him after 6 hits.
If player is moving under Hunllef, he will stomp you for HIGH UNPROTECTED DAMAGE!
Tornadoes / Whirlpools:
In the beginning of each ranged attack cycles, Hunllef will spawn 1-3 Tornadoes into the each corner (Can be used as an indicator for switching protection prayers) 

1000 - 750 HP = 1 tornado

750 - 300HP = 2 tornadoes

300HP and below = 3 tornadoes


You can run through those tornadoes, but not stand inside them, as they consistently do 20+ damage you CAN NOT protect for!



Floor tiles:


Some of the floor tiles can turn blue and into orange after 3 seconds they've turned blue. Avoid those tiles whilst they are orange, as they can do 20+ damage to you.



Prayer disabling attack:
Hunllef can shoot a purple missile towards you, which disables your prayers! (ONLY ON MAGIC PHASE)
Repeat the cycles until you have killed the boss!
What if my current run is not the same as stated above?
Sometimes the layout can not provide enough resources for you to get the same inventory setup compared to the picture above.
Problem: I can only find one of the same type demi-boss!
Solution: Kill the boss first time -> get other resources -> craft tier 3 weapon and armor -> head back to other demi-boss -> kill it for another tier 3 piece -> kill small monsters for weapon frame
Problem: I can only find one herb on the layout!
Solution: Either kill npcs for another Grym leaf or kill the boss with one prayer potion (Without Rigour/Augury)
Problem: I do not have enough shards for crafting all the materials!
Solution: Kill small NPC-s (Scorpion, Wolf, Unicorn recommended) for more shards
Problem: I do not have 2x Tier 3 weapons, but I do have 1x Tier3 and 1x Tier2 weapon!
Solution: Use 5:1 method killing Hunllef (VIDEO BELOW)
Now, I do not know the exact drop rates of the items from the reward chest, so I'm just going to include my drop log here (all the loot there are rewarded upon successfully completing the Gauntlet)
Preparation video:
Boss fight video:
Boss fight video using the 5:1 method:
That's it for the guide! If you have any more questions regarding Gauntlet, feel free to reply to this topic or contact me In-game!

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 05:28 AM #2

Memento Mori
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nice guide, i like the loot tracker 420 kills blaze it :lol:

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 05:28 AM #3

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Very nice and detailed guide! Hopefully this will encourage the people that consider The Gauntlet to be hard content to finally give it a shot 

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 06:15 AM #4

Sassa fras

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Ty for the guide, gonna use this for when I finally give it a try

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 07:39 AM #5

Iron Reck

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Perfectly executed guide, excited to use this when I begin my cg grind  :P


Posted 02 September 2021 - 08:06 AM #6

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Solid guide, good job and thanks for putting it together.

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 09:13 AM #7

Steel Nogan

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Amazing guide Tauri! I've been thinking of starting my gauntlet grind soon and i'll 100% use this guide.

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 01:07 PM #8


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Amazing guide brother, Super detailed and easy to read.

I haven't attempted the gauntlet on Alora yet but i'll be sure to use your guide!

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Posted 03 September 2021 - 06:48 AM #9

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nice guide my man, also theres a trick where if u hit him with sceptar or any other wep on your last hit(1) once then switch back to main wep u can keep using ur t3 and dont need a second wep :)

Posted 03 September 2021 - 12:28 PM #10

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nice guide my man, also theres a trick where if u hit him with sceptar or any other wep on your last hit(1) once then switch back to main wep u can keep using ur t3 and dont need a second wep :)

Thank you for your feedback!

I’ve already added the method you are talking about, please take a minute and watch video about 5:1 method ;)

Appreciate your response though!

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