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Realism Changes/Suggestions/Options

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Posted 22 August 2021 - 05:35 PM #21


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You come back to realism after a long break.  Find out you can't buy your way through. Complain about how TP doesn't sell as fast as you're used to... how items don't have set prices... So you try to get a suggestion passed to allow you to go to classic without transferring ranks, citing a bad eco as your primary reason.


No need to be upset and try to make me look like the bad guy, its ok to be wrong sometimes, it happens!
And I am not trying to loophole anything, its how de-ranking works, same goes with iron and all the other gamemodes, no need for that. You are better than that, right ? 
I never "bought my way", I never swapped and  I always grinded for my money. I understand why you are upset and its completely fine man, all good things like your agenda must come to an end, thats how life works.
Don't hate my friend, it never wins, just let people that are not happy move on!

PS: theres a lot of people that apprently had this issue for a long time, players that I have talked to that started playing after I quit, so theres no need for an attack/ acusation like that, but once again I understand!

(As it is clearly displayed in this thread, our friend alan mentions I want to skip the rank transfer step, wich is never a thing from "downgrading" a gamemode, you can literally do it ingame. Real alan and the small top 1% seem to be really upset about how I approached the problems that the trading post has, while having 99% of the items I want / Need already, it confuses him so he accuses me of a lot of things and its fine! I will try my best to be the bigger man and stop replying to him because I really don't want this topic to be locked.)

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Posted 22 August 2021 - 05:52 PM #22

Real cream

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An interesting post to brush by. I'll quickly add some comments! 


To summarise:


In regards to the high-end items, I did take part in bringing 3x twisted bows, 1x scythe and 3x Elysians into the realism game mode and I did make good gp for selling it to normie. When the demand was high, those items sold for pretty decent prices, 8-12b Tbow, 12-20b scythe, and 17-25b Ely. However, the mode died off and a lot of the big items were DROPPED to normie gamemode after the 'demand' went away, hence why it is more difficult to obtain end-game items as only a few players hoard the items, no names mentioned. (They will refuse to sell UNLESS you are paying the prices from back in the day, which no-one wants to pay)


Now, all the other 'small items' are also bought out by certain players to control the economy, just like the normie gamemode has their merchers. (Nothing new there)


I do agree that the supply prices are dumb and should not be used for 'milking' the small community. (no offence @Real Alan, but those restore prices and other items are bizarre lmao). Especially when you're encouraging people to play realism! (I believe that's how people interpret your prices, just clarifying) 


Selling items in TP is almost impossible unless you undercut yourself by 75% and let someone merch you. 


Supply and Demand will always be the case, considering some of the end-game items are not within the gamemode. Therefore, the price of the item can be based on your decision. (just like when I sold my Ely for 20b+)


There is not enough items being circulated / brought into the gamemode, and hence why it is difficult to buy or sell items in general. 




De-iron option, sure why not. 


Perhaps addition of pots, runes and skilling supplies would sort some of the mess out, as some people just want to get into the PVM content straight away. ( to make it more like a non-ironman gamemode)


Perhaps an NPC to sell your junk. (Eternal boots 15mil? kekw) - Call the NPC 'Real Alan' 


Jokes aside, some changes need to be done to sustain the gamemode. I need to see some sort of improvement to continue playing. But I do see where people are coming from, it is highly discouraging playing the gamemode when you can't even afford pots or normal day to day items from the TP. (afford? it's not even in TP)

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Posted 22 August 2021 - 05:54 PM #23

Real Alan

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The fate of any game suggestion is the topic gets locked. 

It either gets accepted or declined, but it gets locked both ways.


In the mean time, all discussion regarding the suggestion should be welcomed.

I don't mean to make this personal, but I do want to make my point abundantly clear.

Your suggestion to go from Realism -> Classic, I support.

I simply do not support your reasoning behind why it's needed.

I do not think the economy is fucked, and I do not think there is an issue with manipulation on the TP.

I think this is just how supply and demand works.



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Posted 22 August 2021 - 05:57 PM #24


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I think this post identifies your main flaws as well.

You come back to realism after a long break.  Find out you can't buy your way through.

Complain about how TP doesn't sell as fast as you're used to... how items don't have set prices...

So you try to get a suggestion passed to allow you to go to classic without transferring ranks, citing a bad eco as your primary reason.

Then when you get called out for your poor reasoning... you switch over to complaining about Alan's high prices and market manipulation.



Buying items and selling items is how an economy works bro.

Any player can sell any item for any price.  No one is forcing people to buy.

If you want to buy uncut diamonds at 20k each, that's on you.  That's not manipulation.

You... and no one else... decided your crafting experience and time was worth that amount.  

If I want to buy vote books on normie and sell them on realism, that's not also market manipulation.

Any realism player is welcome to do the same on normie. 

But if they're too lazy to... I just offer them an easier alternative.

Don't like my prices?  Don't buy from me.


The problem isn't me.  The problem isn't the realism economy.  The problem is you.

You don't want to grind.  You don't want to sell items cheaper.

Just keeping it real.

This is up there among the dumbest, most ignorant, things I've read on the forums. Believe me that is saying something considering I dealt with appeals for over two years of people pretending their "brother" or "cousin" committed the offenses on their accounts.


Perhaps the reason this strikes you so personally is because you quite literally try to control and manipulate the Realism game mode and markets. You and your cult force players to sell things cheaper just for you to buy them and list them at your prices. This isn't an issue with KP considering handfuls of Realism players, past and present, have reached out to him agreeing with his points. It's actually quite sad that they're too scared to speak up publicly on the matter because you will cut them off from the "homie" deals and they'll be forced to progress as an ironman in an economy game mode.


Just keeping it real. :)

Posted 22 August 2021 - 06:10 PM #25

Real Alan

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Perhaps the reason this strikes you so personally is because you quite literally try to control and manipulate the Realism game mode and markets. You and your cult force players to sell things cheaper just for you to buy them and list them at your prices. This isn't an issue with KP considering handfuls of Realism players, past and present, have reached out to him agreeing with his points. It's actually quite sad that they're too scared to speak up publicly on the matter because you will cut them off from the "homie" deals and they'll be forced to progress as an ironman in an economy game mode.   Just keeping it real. :)


No one forces you to sell an item cheaper.  If the item doesnt sell, you then reduce the price until it does.

What you just described here is literally merching 101.  It's like investing your money into items in the game mode.

There's literally nothing wrong with that.  


Also, you just made a real wild claim with this statement "they're too scared to speak up publicly on the matter because you will cut them off from the "homie" deals and they'll be forced to progress as an ironman in an economy game mode."


I don't think that's how any of my friends on realism or any game mode see me.



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Posted 22 August 2021 - 06:14 PM #26

J boogs

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Hello, I thought id throw some input into this conservation considering I spend 95% of my time on Alora (which is very minimal regardless) on realism game mode.


We are complaining about the realism eco being "messed up"? How about we talk about the normie econony for a second. 1.8b for a Tbow? 4.5b+ for a scythe? Phero scepter 2b? Cosmetics have zero value? Runescape is based off supply and demand and nothing is going to change that. I noticed you complaining about the super restores being "100k". Sure they are 100k in the trading post, doesn't mean you have to buy them, you can get you herblore leveled up and make them yourself. Another issue you have to factor in, not everyone plays realism. The 30% of the player base that participates in the gamemode meaning less players, ultimately meaning less items and supplies. Nobody is forcing you to purchase what is in the trading post, it's simply just advertisement. 


You also stated that "The economy will only become worse, so a bit of a hot take would be that it is time to merge the economies." - This is the worst idea I've heard, as @Mack said it would just result in the outcome the Classic gamemode had when it was merged. Loss of players, less players playing different gamemodes etc..  Sure I can grasp my head around players being able to "De-realism" to classic but I feel there would be a cluster considering the player that is switching to classic would have to have banks wiped or else the Normie economy would tank  (worse than it is) (and yes it's pretty bad at the moment lol) (Like very tragic)


TDLR: If we do see a "realism merge" I can assure you that that small percentage of players who play realism will be gone including myself and Alora doesn't need that. 


PS. I love how y'all are targeting Alan, kinda sad tbh but I guess people prefer to be immature  :FeelsShrugMan:


Bogos out  :mKomrade:

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Posted 22 August 2021 - 07:00 PM #27

Real Alan

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Because that's the demand for the staves, no one in the Realism mode needs or wants a nightmare staff, but the normal accounts do, sell it to them right? According to Alan wrong! He continuously flamed Mungard for taking the items out of the gamemode! And now Alan is saying it's all supply and demand, when before he was going stir-crazy flaming Mungard for taking to the demand. Accusations I say!



It's crazy how so many respected / ex-staff players jump to conclusions without ever interacting with me.

You're quite literally spreading false rumors about me.  That's very disrespectful especially for ex-staff.

Flamed mungard?  Those aren't my items.  It's not my decision.  So why would I flame over it?  

Mungard does the flaming.  I don't. 

I might have advised against it, but ultimately I do agree dropping the item over was the better decision.

Through the process, mungard was able to obtain more drop boosters that allowed him to farm out more drops. 



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Posted 22 August 2021 - 07:23 PM #28

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Support, not sure why locking players to a mode is a topic of discussion again lol
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Posted 01 February 2024 - 09:25 PM #29



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