Sarachnis Guide
I. Information
Sarachnis, the mother of the Temple Spiders, is a mid-level boss found in the Forthos Dungeon. Players will need a slash weapon to get through the webs to the boss room.
II. Combat Info & Stats
Combat Level: 318
Max Hit: 31
Attack Style(s): Ranged, Melee
Attack Speed: 4 ticks (2.4 seconds)
Weakness: Crush
III. Gear and Inventory
Gear Hierarchy
DPS: Helm Slot:
Neitiznot Faceguard >
Serpentine Helm >
Helm of Neitiznot
Necklace Slot:
Amulet of Torture >
Amulet of Blood Fury >
Amulet of Fury >
Amulet of Glory
Cape Slot:
Monkey/Completionist Monkey >
Infernal Cape >
Fire Cape >
Mythical Cape
Chest Slot:
Karil's Leathertop >
Blessed Body >
Black d'hide Body
Leg Slot:
Karil's Leatherskirt >
Elite Void Robe >
Blessed Chaps
Weapon Slot:
Scythe of Vitur >
Inquisitor's Mace >
Abyssal Bludgeon >
Blade of Saeldor >
Ghrazi Rapier >
Sarachnis Cudgel >
Zamorakian Hasta >
Abyssal Whip/Tentacle
Special Attack Weapon(s):
Defense Reduction:
Statius's Warhammer (Functions the same as a DWH but uses 35% special attack) >
Dragon Warhammer >
Bandos Godsword
Dragon Claws >
Crystal Halberd
Shield Slot:
Avernic Defender >
Dragon Defender (if using a one-handed weapon)
Ammo Slot:
Rada's Blessing 4 or 3 >
God Blessing
Glove Slot:
Ferocious Gloves >
Barrows Gloves
Boot Slot:
Primordial Boots >
Guardian Boots >
Dragon Boots
Ring Slot:
Berserker Ring (i) >
Brimstone Ring >
Ring of Suffering (i) >
Ring of the Gods (i) >
Tyrannical Ring (i)
Inventory Setup
Example Inventories: Example Gear Setups: Special attack weapon for increased DPS or defense reduction
Wilderness sword to have 100% chance to slash the webs on the way to the boss room
Imbued Heart for higher magic defense
Rune Pouch to hold Greater Thrall, Vengeance, High Alch or runes for another spell
Divine or regular Super Combat Potions
Super Restores for prayer/stat restoration
Food for HP restoration
Teleport Tabs if you need a quick, one-click teleport out
IV. Getting There
Teleport Wizard > Dungeon Teleports > Forthos Dungeon > Run south and slash through the first set of webs > Continue south and slash another web, follow the path to the final webs at the entrance to the boss room
V. Fight Mechanics & Overview
General Info: Sarachnis is weak to crush attacks and has high magic and ranged defense. Weapons aside from the Scythe of Vitur should be used with the crush combat style option, if there is one available. Sarachnis will attack with melee when within melee distance from her and with ranged when outside of her melee distance. Players should pray melee when within melee distance and pray ranged when outside melee distance to mitigate damage, as Sarachnis is very accurate. Your quick prayers should be set to Protect from Melee and Piety. However, upon first entering the room, you should turn on Protect from Missiles until you are within melee distance of Sarachnis. Mechanics: Healing Strike If you are hit off-prayer by Sarachnis she will heal 5 hitpoints for a successful melee attack or 10 hitpoints for a successful ranged attack, regardless of how much damage she deals to the player(s). Sticky Web After every 4 standard attacks Sarachnis will "Hsss" and shoot a sticky web at the player(s) in the room, trapping them for around 3 seconds. Spawns When Sarachnis reaches 66% and 33% hitpoints she will spawn 2 Spawns of Sarachnis per player in the boss room. 1 level 68 spider that uses magic attacks and 1 level 107 that uses melee attacks. Both spawns have 30 hitpoints but it is not advised to kill them as they will die as Sarachnis is defeated and don't deal a significant amount of damage. Example Kill: