What is your suggestion?:
Allow the Zuriel's staff to autocast ancient magicks
It's an upgraded wilderness version of the ancient staff.
The Zuriel's staff is a piece of equipment made specifically for Ancient Magicks.
It has a passive effect that only pertains to Ancient Magicks, so it makes sense to have an autocast function.
How would this benefit Alora?:
Like the other staves that can autocast Ancient Magicks (ancient staff, master wand, ahrim staff, and kodai wand), the Zuriel's staff does not have a special bar, which prevents players from 1-ticking into a special attack. Basically, if you wanted to use a dragon claw special after casting a barrage, you'd have to wait a tick for your special bar to show up before you can claw your opponent. This is part of the reason why the vast majority of pkers on Alora prefer the toxic staff of the dead, which has a special bar, over the Zuriel's staff.
By giving the Zuriel's staff an autocast function, we'd be balancing the playing field and bringing some more variety into the wilderness.
Players have a choice...
Toxic staff of the dead : venom and 1 tick special from TSOTD but no autocast
Zuriel's staff : passive boosts and autocast but no 1 tick special
To summarize my point, the Zuriel's staff is basically an upgraded wildy version of the ancient staff.
Ancient staff :: Zuriel's Staff
Dragon Warhammer :: Statius's Warhammer
Dragon Javelin :: Morrigan's Javelin
Dragon Throwing Axe :: Morrigan's Throwing Axe
So... it only makes sense that...
The Zuriel's staff should at the very least retain the basic functions of an ancient staff.