What is your suggestion?:
Add a bloody key to wilderness bosses drop table.
Make it so you can rever the max capes e.g assembler max cape and get the regular max cape back + ava assembler, none wants to do the extra stuff (This is RSPS).
The raids rates has to been nerfed or something, because before all these cox changes, I never went multiple times 20 dry or 30 dry. Yes I understand you aren't supposed to get drop every 1-2 raid, but it's absurd right now and I am not the only one who has noticed + the raids is literally more difficult than before, so.
This one I want to hear you all input I feel like there could be added something new to the wilderness something unique spice it up possibly some new NPC/Boss or even something else to drop either Ironman supplies or anything else. (Increases wilderness activity, non-pkers would have reason to go in wilderness too and preferably in singles too.
Nerf the black d'hide to match same with what Osrs does thank you.
Is this in OSRS?:
Some yes and some no.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
Not that I know of.
How would this benefit Alora?:
It's great addition to the wilderness + the max cape would save time from players.