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Proposed Runelite Plugins

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Posted 31 May 2021 - 10:39 PM #1

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What is your suggestion?:

I have several Runelite Plugins I feel could be beneficial to a good majority of players. The player base of Alora is quite diverse, and adding the following could help fill the needs/desires of some players who enjoy optimal customization when it comes to playing on their favorite server.

Please consider the following;




1) Runelite Plugin - GPU



People from all walks of life play on Alora, and everyone has their own preferences. What may be eye catching, and aesthetically pleasing to one individual, may not cater to another's taste. This is especially true when it comes to Runescape's graphics, and overall feel for the world surrounding the player. The introduction of the HD graphics feature to Alora is a stunning upgrade from Old School's rather lackluster standard graphics. From it's rough, jagged edges on that hot range sitting in the corner of the room, to the eye sores they call NPCs, the HD feature has proven to add more depth, and beauty to everything and everyone who inhabits Gielinor. However, the look and feel of an HD client can be a bit too overwhelming for some, myself included. The standard graphics provide that sensational rush of nostalgia, yet always feel like they're lacking in one way or another. I present to you, the GPU Runelite Plugin. I'm sure many are familiar with this plugin if you have or currently do play on OSRS. It is a perfect happy medium for those looking to enhance their graphical experience, without being too overwhelmed with all of the drastic changes the HD feature provides. The GPU plugin offers enhanced 'Draw Distance', allowing you to see further into the landscape, providing you with a more immersive feel. 'Anti Aliasing' helps to smoothen out those rough edges, and rounds off archways, helmets, and much more! 'Anisotropic Filtering' helps to better enhance said textures at any and every angle! A toggleable option for 'Bright Textures' helps to eliminate some of that gloomy feel some objects and areas have, when it's just not fitting! There is also an option for 'Colorblindness Correction' which helps to cater to some unique players who are colorblind. This plugin is an absolute godsend to those who are looking for a crisper viewing pleasure, without all of the severely enhanced graphics of the HD feature. Below I have provided some comparisons of some areas with and without the GPU plugin enabled. Some differences are subtle I will admit, while others are quite enticing. 







2) Runelite Plugin - Menu Entry Swapper ADD ON



These two features are already present in the Official Runelite client, however seem to be missing from the Menu Entry Swapper drop down list on Alora's Runelite Client. The two features I am referring to are the "Bank Deposit", and "Bank Withdraw" options. What these two options do is allows you to deposit/withdraw a fixed amount of a specific item when SHIFT clicked. A lot like how the shift click to buy/sell items to a shop works, which is currently present in the current Alora Runelite Client. With this, you will no longer have to be bothered with right clicking, and selecting "Deposit All/Withdraw All" on that stack of blood runes anymore. Nor will you have to manually click the "All" feature in the bank window itself, and later forget to change it back, thus forcing you to withdraw 17 knives on accident, when you only needed ONE for that pesky web on your way to the Wilderness Resource Center! These two features I have used for a long time now, and it feels absolutely foreign not being able to shift click items to and from my bank. It makes gearing up for that Alchemical Hydra trip, or depoting your fat sack of loot almost 3x faster! It is very much a QoL feature, one that I believe everyone should, and should be able to utilize! It is customizable to include any amount you'd normally be able to choose from in the bank interface itself. From "Withdraw 5" to "Withdraw All" to even "Deposit 'x'".





3) Runelite Plugin - Custom Left Click Drop



I have saved this one for last, solely due to the fact that it is not directly native to the Official Runelite Client, but is easily found in the integrated Plugin Hub within the client itself. This plugin is relatively simple. Don't feel like having to hold shift every time you need to drop that inventory of iron ore you just power mined? Can't be asked to use the ::empty command, or are you holding something extra in your inventory that you don't exactly feel like losing forever? Well then this plugin is for you! It allows you to add to a list of items you normally would never want, nor use, and allows you to just click on them without being forced to hold shift every time. Now, I know having to hold shift to drop something is not much of an inconvenience, but why not make your life just a tad bit easier, and reserve some of those brain cells for your long Zulrah grind later on? Now, as stated above, this plugin is indeed found within the Plugin Hub, so I'm not 100% certain on whether this can or even would be added.


Is this in OSRS?:

My first two suggested plugins are native to the Official Runelite Client, and the third being found in the integrated Plugin Hub. 


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

If any of them have, I don't see them anywhere, both on the forums, nor in game. So let's hope I'm not making myself look like a total twat. :D


How would this benefit Alora?:

I have provided what I believe to be adequate reasoning for my suggestion in each description of their respective plugins.




Whether any of these proposed plugins are accepted or not, I would definitely love to hear some feedback about how everyone feels about any of these! I just kindly ask you to keep it respectful, and mature. Thank you to everyone who has taken time out of their day to read my poorly structed suggestion list lol.








Posted 31 May 2021 - 10:45 PM #2



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SUPPORT! those three suggestions! Nice post you made there, put some efford in!

Posted 31 May 2021 - 10:47 PM #3


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This post is Peepee approved, I like the 3rd plugin especially, Hope for this to be added!

This post is Peepee approved, I like the 3rd plugin especially, Hope for this to be added!

Peepee Approved

Posted 31 May 2021 - 10:50 PM #4

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SUPPORT! those three suggestions! Nice post you made there, put some efford in!

Of course! Nothing gets the serotonin flowing quite like a juicy forums post :P





Posted 01 June 2021 - 03:31 AM #5



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those plugins are very nice! great post, you worked hard! support

Posted 01 June 2021 - 07:23 AM #6

J oshh

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Where I support these 3 suggestions, I wonder of the dev time to do one or all three would be worth it.

Posted 01 June 2021 - 03:34 PM #7



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1. The GPU plugin is and has been in development for a few months already. It's not a simple plug and play deal, since we don't use the OSRS client, so I couldn't tell you when it'll be done.


2. The reason we removed the bank options was because our bank is handled differently than OSRS, and the selection options are handled server-sided rather than client sided; it's simply not worth the development time to change this to make a small feature like this work.


3. This should be fine to add, I'll add it to my todo list and look into it shortly.

Your suggestion has been accepted.

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