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Team CoX

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Posted 05 May 2021 - 03:53 PM #1


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What is your suggestion?:

So I have been thinking all week to find a solution where team Chambers of Xerics would be more profitable and this is what I came up with. 

According to @Omicron his reaction to my topic that was earlier posted points do matter in Chambers. I know that alot of players do think otherwise but let's put it like this. You may have encountered some players that would get a purple by having 0 points, well I can tell you this, I have encountered more players that would get a purple on higher points. 

Upon running my tests last week I've also seen that team Chambers of Xerics do earn a lot less points as solo's, and the rooms are alot more easier if you compare it to solo's... So I wanted a solution that would keep solo's the same for people that would like to do solo's. But for the players that do like doing teams more profitable. 

My solution to this is to increase the increments (hp that is added to the npc) per person that has entered the raid. So that more points will be gotten for each person throughout the raid. 

- More loot for team CoX (Solo CoX would be still the best rates, it would just be more worth doing team raids than it currently is.
- Does not affect solo's how some people like it

- The raid will be a little bit longer & more fun


Is this in OSRS?:
It would make the scaling a bit more realistic.


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:
It would make team raiding more fun and profitable.

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Credits: @Dumbshit

Posted 05 May 2021 - 03:57 PM #2

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No for me. Groups go way faster than solo's and should not provide more loot than solo's especially since you can 12 minute speed run unless mob hp would be doubled or so so the time increases I would agree.



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Posted 05 May 2021 - 03:59 PM #3


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No for me. Groups go way faster than solo's and should not provide more loot than solo's especially since you can 12 minute speed run.

Please read the suggestion again.

The whole point of this suggestion is to make the raid in team size a little bit more longer and that more points can be acquired than the current state.

Don't get me wrong, solo's will still be the best way to farm purples. Team cox will just become more worth it than it currently is.

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Credits: @Dumbshit

Posted 05 May 2021 - 04:37 PM #4

Big Dummyboi

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100% Support - there's no good reason scaled raids/team raids should give very identical amounts of points to solos.

Posted 05 May 2021 - 11:08 PM #5


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100% support. Team raids are more enjoyable imo, and this will make them actually worth doing. Would prefer them to be slightly harder and more rewarding like it is on OSRS.

Posted 06 May 2021 - 12:55 AM #6

Memento Mori
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Maby this can be a solution ?

Pretty sure we don't get points from drinking pots like ovls/brews.
If this gets added it might balance out the points for average team raid/solo raid more compared to OSRS.


Alora Solo raid point average is from 5k-8k points per solo raid, i remember in OSRS getting around 25k per raid.(duopoints around 55k-70k)

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Posted 06 May 2021 - 02:08 AM #7

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100% support on this! Would be nice to have an incentive to do team COX.



Posted 06 May 2021 - 04:32 AM #8


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Maby this can be a solution ?

Pretty sure we don't get points from drinking pots like ovls/brews.
If this gets added it might balance out the points for average team raid/solo raid more compared to OSRS.


Alora Solo raid point average is from 5k-8k points per solo raid, i remember in OSRS getting around 25k per raid.(duopoints around 55k-70k)

getting points from raids potions was in my previous suggestion

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Credits: @Dumbshit

Posted 06 May 2021 - 10:40 AM #9



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Maby this can be a solution ?

Pretty sure we don't get points from drinking pots like ovls/brews.
If this gets added it might balance out the points for average team raid/solo raid more compared to OSRS.


Alora Solo raid point average is from 5k-8k points per solo raid, i remember in OSRS getting around 25k per raid.(duopoints around 55k-70k)

I looked into the points from raids potions, and no one has any good explanation of how it works. There's mentions of caps (so player's can't just farm points by drinking potions), and that overloads give more than other potions, etc... In this case I wouldn't mind implemented points for potions, but it would be a simpler system of our own design, so probably a limit of 1-1.5k points per raid from drinking potions, with overloads giving slightly more points than the other potions.

Posted 06 May 2021 - 11:35 AM #10

Big Dummyboi

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I looked into the points from raids potions, and no one has any good explanation of how it works. There's mentions of caps (so player's can't just farm points by drinking potions), and that overloads give more than other potions, etc... In this case I wouldn't mind implemented points for potions, but it would be a simpler system of our own design, so probably a limit of 1-1.5k points per raid from drinking potions, with overloads giving slightly more points than the other potions.

That'd be a really good start. Ideally in my opinion finding a way for each person to average close to or slightly under the same amount of points they'd usually get in a solo raid would be amazing. Example being, if I do a solo raid and get 10k points, I can turn around and do a 1+1 scaled and end up with an extremely similar amount of points despite doing all the rooms myself. I think figuring that out to make scaled raids/group raids worth more points in general would be highly appreciated so the potion thing would definitely be nice

Posted 06 May 2021 - 03:32 PM #11


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I looked into the points from raids potions, and no one has any good explanation of how it works. There's mentions of caps (so player's can't just farm points by drinking potions), and that overloads give more than other potions, etc... In this case I wouldn't mind implemented points for potions, but it would be a simpler system of our own design, so probably a limit of 1-1.5k points per raid from drinking potions, with overloads giving slightly more points than the other potions.

Yeah that's exactly how it works. Upon drinking potions you get points with a cap. Overloads indeed give slightly more points than other potions.

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Credits: @Dumbshit

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