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Chambers of Xerics suggestions

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Posted 17 April 2021 - 02:02 PM #1


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Olm changes:
- When having the red circle at olm it should only hit the player underneath not next to you.

I'll leave Olm as it is for the rest for now since players wanted to keep this as it is.

Skeletal mystics changes:
- Way too accurate even through prayer, and also hit too much.

Tekton changes:
- Rather than tekton instantly throwing sparks at the start of the room he just waits at the anvil until you wake him up.
- When tekton is hitting the anvil the sparks are just too random, while when you walk 2 tiles each sparks you shouldn't get hit.
- Make Elder maul / Scythe / Lance / Rapier / Inquisitor's mace BIS again at Tekton rather than just blowpiping the boss.

Vasa changes:
- When vasa throwing rocks players should be able to evade them by moving 2 tiles. this is currently not possible.

Ice demon changes:
- Make Fire surge BIS at Ice demon.

- It could also be a fun idea to see the Arclight being used at Ice demon since it is a demon.

Prep room:
- When choosing the right click option to take a specific farming tool it still gives a new dialogue. Should just give the tool instead of a new dialogue.
- Make it possible to split potions. For example 4 dose overload, use it on the empty vial from raids to make 2 2-dose overloads.

- Make elder / kodai / twisted potions boost to 120 without the perk of it staying at 120 (like ovls). It would just go down like regular potions but give an actual use throughout the raid.
- Make overload potions reboostable before timer ends, however if you boost before the timer ends, it will cancel the 50 heal hitpoints at the end of the timer and will damage you a total of 50 hitpoints for the new overload.
- The use of raid potions should give points, ofcourse with cap, like OSRS.

- Any raid potion (4), (3), (2), (1) should be insta visible upon dropping so potions like overloads can be properly shared.
- A little QoL for bigger raids would be that Vanguards/Tekton/Muttadiles would drop OvL's equal to players in raid. Split potions / insta visible pots will fix

- Thieving room, experience per chest

- Rather than already displaying the received drop in the chatbox, display:
[playername] has received a unique drop!

That way it would make opening the chest a little bit more fun after seeing the unique light, and when in teams, team mates know you have unique drop. After chest have been opened the current dialogue should come, which will reveal the drop.

This could also be added in the form of a plugin function.


Sinning, on 29 Apr 2021 - 10:28 AM, said:
Also not sure if you have done vespula but that portal has way to much defense whether you use blowpipe sang or tbow. As well as the fact you will not survive using the redemption method seeing vespula hits you 15+ pretty consistently. Give me any other room and it can be done but sometimes vespula with rng just makes you restart.

Maybe after the rework is done, a Challenge mode would be fun content to enjoy as end-game players to set world records for specific group sizes. CM would be a full raid with increased damage, monster hp, points and better chance for loot as well as world records.

If you have any additions feel free to post below, so I can add them to this post.

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Credits: @Dumbshit

Posted 17 April 2021 - 02:19 PM #2


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I will never be against COX reworks. Although I am against the increased rates for party raids. Though I'm not against incentive to party with clanmates and friends. As a solo player, I think I speak for a lot of the community that a lot of people do prefer solo gameplay and activities. Since you don't need to rely on others to properly perform well, etc. Skeletal Mages always felt like an annoyance to me, and lately they have felt very powerful and wouldn't mind them being looked at. I Support most of these changes. And I am always down for a raid rework any time it's brought up.

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Posted 17 April 2021 - 02:28 PM #3


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I will never be against COX reworks. Although I am against the increased rates for party raids. Though I'm not against incentive to party with clanmates and friends. As a solo player, I think I speak for a lot of the community that a lot of people do prefer solo gameplay and activities. Since you don't need to rely on others to properly perform well, etc. Skeletal Mages always felt like an annoyance to me, and lately they have felt very powerful and wouldn't mind them being looked at. I Support most of these changes. And I am always down for a raid rework any time it's brought up.

I understand some players would like to play solo. And that's okay. I just think there should be taken a look at, because doing CoX in teams is worthless if you compare it to solos at the moment. About the skeletal mages, haha they should be one of the easiest rooms at CoX. If you have any additions, feel free to add.


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Credits: @Dumbshit

Posted 17 April 2021 - 04:23 PM #4

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Support on everything you mentioned in this topic. Especially the last one, there should be an incentive to do team cox.



Posted 17 April 2021 - 04:41 PM #5



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i do agree with most of the things you said, especially with the skeletal mystic part. they are way to op.


i am mostly a solo player in cox, but i wouldnt mind bringing back the team cox if they worth doing. 


and as you said, atm solo is the best way to run it, so it would need a great bonus rate or idk what to worth doing in team


i will wait for more comments on your topic and see how it goes :)

Posted 17 April 2021 - 07:25 PM #6



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The fixes/changes are all great and make a lot of sense except for the last one. The CoX reward system is based on points, not team size, so if solo’s want to grind and do more work for a better chance at a reward, then it should be allowed, as each raid will take longer to do. If larger teams would like a better chance at a reward, they can right click the entrance to the chambers and set the layout to a larger one so that the team can farm more points by the end of the raid, but otherwise your last suggestion would require adding artificial boosts for larger teams which isn’t something we’re willing to do, since it would punish smaller teams even though their raids take longer/require more effort. I’m going to leave this suggestion open for now since it’s still new and we won’t be able to squeeze it in this update, but the changes will most likely be accepted as they would only improve the experience for all players.

Posted 17 April 2021 - 10:01 PM #7


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I feel like cox got enough attention. Its fine as it is. No support.
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Posted 18 April 2021 - 12:58 AM #8

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The fixes/changes are all great and make a lot of sense except for the last one. The CoX reward system is based on points, not team size, so if solo’s want to grind and do more work for a better chance at a reward, then it should be allowed, as each raid will take longer to do. If larger teams would like a better chance at a reward, they can right click the entrance to the chambers and set the layout to a larger one so that the team can farm more points by the end of the raid, but otherwise your last suggestion would require adding artificial boosts for larger teams which isn’t something we’re willing to do, since it would punish smaller teams even though their raids take longer/require more effort. I’m going to leave this suggestion open for now since it’s still new and we won’t be able to squeeze it in this update, but the changes will most likely be accepted as they would only improve the experience for all players.


Would you be willing to elaborate more on the CoX reward system? A common question asked by many is do points matter/how much do they matter? I think having some information released by yourself on this will really help the community better choose what room size/layout to scout for as well as the benefits of using a raid booster to earn more points. There have been many updates to CoX over time which is great, but I have not been able to find much information posted on how the reward system works in relevance with points.

Posted 18 April 2021 - 01:41 AM #9



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I'm with Extremedanny on this one! CoX has been reworked not that long ago and with the PvM system rework it got basically "changed" again, so NO SUPPORT. If you want to have OSRS, go play OSRS

Posted 18 April 2021 - 03:11 AM #10

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No support from me on this one.

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Posted 18 April 2021 - 09:39 AM #11


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The fixes/changes are all great and make a lot of sense except for the last one. The CoX reward system is based on points, not team size, so if solo’s want to grind and do more work for a better chance at a reward, then it should be allowed, as each raid will take longer to do. If larger teams would like a better chance at a reward, they can right click the entrance to the chambers and set the layout to a larger one so that the team can farm more points by the end of the raid, but otherwise your last suggestion would require adding artificial boosts for larger teams which isn’t something we’re willing to do, since it would punish smaller teams even though their raids take longer/require more effort. I’m going to leave this suggestion open for now since it’s still new and we won’t be able to squeeze it in this update, but the changes will most likely be accepted as they would only improve the experience for all players.

So bigger parties should mean more chance for a drop... Because the team is getting more team points for the raid. 

Either way maybe it's fun to add a slight bonus % rate for bigger parties to benefit from teamplay.

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Credits: @Dumbshit

Posted 18 April 2021 - 10:04 AM #12


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Agree with all of this apart from the drop rate changes since it's based on the points at the moment, but also with the olm head turning it should stop things like the crystals and poison when you're running head.

Posted 19 April 2021 - 05:12 AM #13


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Please fix mystics at least lol they are way more op then on 07 lmfao olm changes would be nice. Fire surge on ice demon should be bis and tekton 100% agreed make crush bis blowpipe etc is far too busted lmao nice suggestion tbh

Posted 29 April 2021 - 06:26 AM #14


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Some new changes has been added to this post

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Credits: @Dumbshit

Posted 29 April 2021 - 07:36 AM #15

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Everything yes, no for increased drops for bigger groups.



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Posted 29 April 2021 - 07:39 AM #16

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I support everything apart from the increased drop rate for bigger groups. As long as any update to CoX is thoroughly tested as a previous update it received left it busted for weeks.

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Posted 29 April 2021 - 07:41 AM #17

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As most said, i also agree with basically all changes to the npcs especially mystics, as they are a pain rn. As for the increased drops for groups, i disagree.

Posted 29 April 2021 - 07:45 AM #18


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Everything yes, no for increased drops for bigger groups.



I support everything apart from the increased drop rate for bigger groups. As long as any update to CoX is thoroughly tested as a previous update it received left it busted for weeks.



Agree with all of this apart from the drop rate changes since it's based on the points at the moment, but also with the olm head turning it should stop things like the crystals and poison when you're running head.

Alright so I deleted the drop rate changes now.

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Credits: @Dumbshit

Posted 29 April 2021 - 10:28 AM #19

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Make CoX great again! SUPPORT


Also not sure if you have done vespula but that portal has way to much defense whether you use blowpipe sang or tbow. As well as the fact you will not survive using the redemption method seeing vespula hits you 15+ pretty consistently.  Give me any other room and it can be done but sometimes vespula with rng just makes you restart.




Posted 29 April 2021 - 12:14 PM #20

UIM Clappy
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Support for everything except the changed droprates!

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