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silver sickle (b) / moritania easy diary / Iron man (any iron man mode)

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Posted 10 March 2021 - 04:28 AM #1

Iron wex

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Setting the scene for the suggestion:

I am a fresh iron man new to alora. I don't know the most optimal route for iron man so I start unlocking permanent things like quests and diary to slowly get into it. 
I chose Iron man for the general reasons like:

  1. having a harder grinding time
  2. more reward when I hit a droptable
  3. being obliged to kill non proffitable bosses because I can't buy their rare drops.

Problem I am looking to tackle - As An iron man the only legit way to get a silver sikle (B) is to get 300 vote points:

The complete moritanya diary is locked behind 300 vote points wich takes about 20 days of voting given that: 

  1. I don't vote during vote events
  2. I don't break the rules and vote on multiple ip's a day
  3. I don't buy votes because I only play iron man and I don't have a main with the recourses to buy votes 

My optinion:

If I play one hour for 20 days I will be progressed so far ahead that the diary will be just a hassle to overcome instead of an upgreade to look forward to. 
Therefor a 20 day grind requirement behind an EASY diary step is not balanced at all. 


Possible Sollutions:

the lazy way --> put it in the iron man store

the creative way --> create a quest around it 

the complex way --> put it behind a smithing/crafing/prayer/mage requirement


Just anything that is achivable in game. imo the vote shop is a give and take. I vote to help the server and the server gives me points to spend on cosmetics or on items I don't want to grind for.

I don't like the fact that there are non cosmetic items that are ONLY availble trough the vote shop. certainly when there is an ingame unlock hidden behind it like a diary


Please feel free to post other sollutions on this thread


Posted 10 March 2021 - 04:36 AM #2

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A quick alternative to gaining vote points on an ironman is to buy them on a normie account and use them on your ironman to transfer them over. Then use the vote books on your Ironman to get the vote points.

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Posted 10 March 2021 - 04:42 AM #3

Iron wex

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I don't have a reg account I only have an iron man. I think u need about 50m for 300 votepoints. That means I need to dedicate time and effor on a usless char to gain money to progress on my iron man. 

Al seems a bit obscure to me

Posted 10 March 2021 - 05:03 AM #4

Rileyy Raids
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Just to clarify u can vote 4 times a day. U can vote every 12 hours i vote on my laptop on wifi and i vote on my iphone with 4G.
Do this early in the morning and u get 4 vote books every 24 hours.

Also u don’t have to vote during vote bonus just open the book while on vote bonus wich is on permanently since a while iirc.

And like u said u chose ironman because having a harder grinding time, 300 vote points is not even 1/1000th of a grind imo.

Anyways i hope this helps you and goodluck on the grind!

Posted 10 March 2021 - 05:29 AM #5


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I agree that there should be another way to get it, other than vote points. Support.

Posted 10 March 2021 - 06:33 AM #6


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Although this has been suggested a few times before, I'm NEUTRAL on this one. Voting for Alora helps the server being / and staying on Top of RSPS-Sites and in the end bringing more People to the server through the Ads. Being rewarded with the silver sickle (B) and that being an Item you need for Clue Scrolls is totally fine for me. 
Btw: You can always buy the Sherlock's notes from the Vote Shop for 10 vote points that skips your current clue step.

Posted 10 March 2021 - 07:05 AM #7

Iron wex

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Replying to all posts above:

  1. voting trough multiple ip's every 12 hours... idk if thats the way to go then release the 12h CD
  2. I am not talking about clues. my issue is with the diary especialy the fact that it is the EZ diary.
  3. I want to point out that I am POSSITIVE towards voting. I vote every day and I think that it is a great way to support the server.
  4. I just don't know if an early game item should be purly locked behind this instead. I like how things like Torso and Ddef etc are behind it. you get the option to farm for it. or passivly gain it by voting and focussing on something else. but it's not like some content is straight up locked behind the torso/ddef




Posted 10 March 2021 - 07:14 AM #8


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I do get your point, but also understand why omicron wants it this way.

Also, this has been suggested over and over and always been declined:

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Posted 10 March 2021 - 01:51 PM #9



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It's not against the rules to vote on different IP's, it's only against the rules to use a VPN to vote. If you go somewhere else (school/work, etc...) you can vote again and claim that book, or tether your phone network to your laptop to vote, etc... But we don't disallow or discourage voting from other ip's you legitimately have access to, we just don't want players using VPN's to vote. Along with that, players can also easily buy vote books and transfer them to their ironmen to be opened. Even more, if you open the books during bonus vote points, you can get the sickle within a few days quite easily. RSPS's depend on positions in vote lists, and they're very competitive to maintain, so us pushing back against these changes is because we want players to vote as often as possible.

Your suggestion has been declined, if you feel this was wrongfully done please contact a Forum Moderator+.

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