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[28/2/21] PvM Accuracy Rework, Bank Tab Swapping, Revenant Cave Changes, New Daily Login Rewards & more!

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Posted 01 March 2021 - 06:57 AM #21

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Very nice update!
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Posted 01 March 2021 - 07:05 AM #22


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HUGE POG! This s*** right here is why Alora remains on top. Excellent move to get done in 3 weeks what many servers can't seem to do in months time. Great updates, tysm!


Posted 01 March 2021 - 11:09 AM #23

beans n cake

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Great update excited to see how all this works, pros and cons. Thank you!







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Posted 01 March 2021 - 05:57 PM #24

Prof Magnata

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Great update!




Posted 01 March 2021 - 11:55 PM #25



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Rebooted with some hotfixes:
[1/3/21] Hotfixes:

  • Killtime wipe:
    • Due to the changes in the accuracy formula, we've reset the killtimes for bosses and players now have a chance to make a name for themselves on a fresh scoreboard.
  • Ranged combat fixes:
    • Adjusted Twisted bow formula to match OSRS 1:1 and tested on a number of different NPCs. It should match any online calculator that you use to determine the max hit.
      • The Twisted bow also received a +4 prayer bonus that was not correctly being applied.
      • In the Chambers of Xeric, the maximum hit with the Twisted bow is 99.
    • Heavy ballista ranged bonus will now appear in your equipment interface.
  • Revenant caves fix:
    • Sometimes, you would be unable to attack a player in the Revenant caves even though they were able to attack you. This bug has been fixed and will no longer occur.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • XP counter/tracker fixes:
      • Fixed a bug where the XP tracker would think your boosted stat level was your real level when calculating remaining experience/progress.
      • Fixed a bug where players would sometimes get stuck when teleported near KBD.
      • Fixed a bug where the XP counter would sometimes show negative remaining XP.
      • Fixed a bug where the XP counter would count experience over 200m for individual skills, and over 4.6b for fully maxed players.
    • Fixed an issue where players could not empty their birdhouses.
    • Removed a duplicate house teleport option from the max cape interface.
    • Fixed the stats on Olm's Left and Right claws, so players should hit a lot more accurately using the appropriate attack styles.
    • Fixed the stats for the 3 types of Vanguards, so players will now be required to use the appropriate attack style to fight them.
    • Adjusted the bonuses of the various forms of Verzik Vitur to match OSRS.
    • The XP Counter yellow box will no longer draw outside of the client bounds if it's aligned to the left side of the screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the Void Knight Mage set wasn't adding 45% to a player's magic accuracy in certain scenarios.
    • Fixed an issue where the special attack button on the 2010 game frame wouldn't be clickable when first launching the client.
    • Fixed some wrong def for the smaller Nylocas variants.
  • Quality of Life:
    • Clicking the "Show Xp Drops" button near the minimap will now force the context menu to open so that new players can easily see the ability to customize their Xp counter.
    • All of the text on the Boost display interface (for experience boosts, vote boosts, etc) will now be purple, to make it more readable.

Posted 02 March 2021 - 12:17 AM #26


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Now I can slap that mole real quick, nice updates

Posted 02 March 2021 - 05:10 AM #27


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i'd appreciate if you could look into hunllef boss in gauntlet. There's only 1 attack style to be used against it and it only depends on its protection prayer. Right now all 3 weapons, having +166 accuracy and +132 str stats hit almost constant 0s. Avg. gauntlet time for me (having changed nothing in my gameplay) went from 8 minutes on average to over 11 minutes, mostly 12-13 if i even survive inside for that long.


Boss also seems to take too long to change protection prayer. After dealing 6 hits sometimes i have to wait for about 2 seconds for him to change prayer, could be the attack animation length causing this, altho it looks quick from our point of view.


lower tier gauntlet monsters aren't classified into low tier group but rather by name when it comes to guaranteed frame drop. Therefore killing 2 bats and 1 spider won't guarantee us a frame drop like stated in the opening post. It's still luck factor, whereas killing 3 bats does guarantee at least 1 frame drop.


killing same of the higher tier monsters now guarantees a different weapon sigil, but also doesn't guarantee a frame drop anymore like it used to be. Frame doesn't seem to be on the 100% drop table anymore.


regarding tbow update, i can't fully agree it should be weakened against vanguards and olm, it's an endgame weapon after all. Hitting 106s on olm (an endgame boss that's supposed to have high magic level regardless of hand we're attacking) and 119s on mage vanguard was alright, anyhow it's just my opinion.


along with kill time wipe, can we get trading post wipe, remove all active trades and leave items/gold in tp. There's too many old offers with ridiculous prices that only clog the search results page.


When look at a certain monster's drop table, such as alchemical hydra, we're only able to see first 50 drops (50/63 in this instance).


Also when using drop searcher, it will also show only 50 lines with no option to go next page. Example Clue scroll (elite)


thanks and good luck

alota fagina is another account i use(d)

Posted 02 March 2021 - 06:00 AM #28

Iron jowat

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Is portal at vespula in cox fixed yet? I only hit 0's with bp on it. Lol
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Posted 02 March 2021 - 06:26 AM #29

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Is portal at vespula in cox fixed yet? I only hit 0's with bp on it. Lol

You mage it, trident/sang staf..



regarding tbow update, i can't fully agree it should be weakened against vanguards and olm, it's an endgame weapon after all. Hitting 106s on olm (an endgame boss that's supposed to have high magic level regardless of hand we're attacking) and 119s on mage vanguard was alright, anyhow it's just my opinion.


Olm hands were never intented to have such high mage levels. Hitting that high on olm and vanguards only made us spoiled, it should never hit that high if the cap was set right in the first place.

Posted 02 March 2021 - 06:46 AM #30


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You mage it, trident/sang staf..




Olm hands were never intented to have such high mage levels. Hitting that high on olm and vanguards only made us spoiled, it should never hit that high if the cap was set right in the first place.

Thank you for your opinion. So removing all olm's special attacks if we're correctly avoiding now (which we've done in the past anyway) makes us less spoiled i'm assuming.

alota fagina is another account i use(d)

Posted 02 March 2021 - 06:59 AM #31


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Thank you for your opinion. So removing all olm's special attacks if we're correctly avoiding now (which we've done in the past anyway) makes us less spoiled i'm assuming.

it's like that on OSRS (being able to dodge both normal and spec attacks) which is why it was added on here.

You mage it, trident/sang staf..




Olm hands were never intented to have such high mage levels. Hitting that high on olm and vanguards only made us spoiled, it should never hit that high if the cap was set right in the first place.

Isn't range supposed to be used? See: https://oldschool.ru....wiki/w/Vespula

Vespula is supposed to have higher mage def than range def, and it's recommended on the wiki to attack it with range.

Posted 02 March 2021 - 07:10 AM #32

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Thank you for your opinion. So removing all olm's special attacks if we're correctly avoiding now (which we've done in the past anyway) makes us less spoiled i'm assuming.

Did you even bother with the specials when you just do olm in 5 min with twisted bow? I certainly didnt.. DPS all the way. So not having to dodge specials when you dodge them makes it pretty easy to focus on melee'ing the hand.

it's like that on OSRS (being able to dodge both normal and spec attacks) which is why it was added on here.

Isn't range supposed to be used? See: https://oldschool.ru....wiki/w/Vespula

Vespula is supposed to have higher mage def than range def, and it's recommended on the wiki to attack it with range.

Vespula yes, portal, noo Abyssal portal - OSRS Wiki (runescape.wiki)

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Posted 02 March 2021 - 10:24 AM #33


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Glad to see the maiden fix, also pleased to see the accuracy changes related to tbow in raids. Glad people gotta put in a bit more work to make good time.

Posted 02 March 2021 - 12:50 PM #34



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i'd appreciate if you could look into hunllef boss in gauntlet. There's only 1 attack style to be used against it and it only depends on its protection prayer. Right now all 3 weapons, having +166 accuracy and +132 str stats hit almost constant 0s. Avg. gauntlet time for me (having changed nothing in my gameplay) went from 8 minutes on average to over 11 minutes, mostly 12-13 if i even survive inside for that long.


Boss also seems to take too long to change protection prayer. After dealing 6 hits sometimes i have to wait for about 2 seconds for him to change prayer, could be the attack animation length causing this, altho it looks quick from our point of view.


lower tier gauntlet monsters aren't classified into low tier group but rather by name when it comes to guaranteed frame drop. Therefore killing 2 bats and 1 spider won't guarantee us a frame drop like stated in the opening post. It's still luck factor, whereas killing 3 bats does guarantee at least 1 frame drop.


killing same of the higher tier monsters now guarantees a different weapon sigil, but also doesn't guarantee a frame drop anymore like it used to be. Frame doesn't seem to be on the 100% drop table anymore.


regarding tbow update, i can't fully agree it should be weakened against vanguards and olm, it's an endgame weapon after all. Hitting 106s on olm (an endgame boss that's supposed to have high magic level regardless of hand we're attacking) and 119s on mage vanguard was alright, anyhow it's just my opinion.


along with kill time wipe, can we get trading post wipe, remove all active trades and leave items/gold in tp. There's too many old offers with ridiculous prices that only clog the search results page.


When look at a certain monster's drop table, such as alchemical hydra, we're only able to see first 50 drops (50/63 in this instance).


Also when using drop searcher, it will also show only 50 lines with no option to go next page. Example Clue scroll (elite)


thanks and good luck

Hey, I did look into this myself, and the tested the 3 perfected variants of the weapon with nothing else equipped, base 99's and the corresponding BiS prayers (rigour, augury, piety). The results that I found was that the crystal staff had an ~72% chance to hit, the bow had an ~71% chance to hit, and the halberd had an ~70% chance to hit the Corrupted Hunllef, which isn't very far off from how it was before the re-work (within 5%).

Posted 02 March 2021 - 02:49 PM #35

rip joey

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Great update, love that we are getting to use niche pvm weapons now.

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Posted 02 March 2021 - 04:02 PM #36


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Hey, I did look into this myself, and the tested the 3 perfected variants of the weapon with nothing else equipped, base 99's and the corresponding BiS prayers (rigour, augury, piety). The results that I found was that the crystal staff had an ~72% chance to hit, the bow had an ~71% chance to hit, and the halberd had an ~70% chance to hit the Corrupted Hunllef, which isn't very far off from how it was before the re-work (within 5%).

Thanks for the reply, although with these new drop mechanics sometimes we can't get a single higher tier monster in 5x5 dungeon. Furthermore i tested the 3rd kill drop mechanics more and unfortunately even kililng 3 of the corrupted rats did not give me frame, I did get it on my 4th rat kill in one of the minigames. I just find myself having to force exit dungeon when I realize I won't get a weapon in time to still be able to complete the dungeon. It has never happened to me before and I'd guess to others either.


I see that staff speed is now instant like it used to be before the trident update which is a good thing, but for some reason our dungeons won't see sub 8 minute times ever again, let alone sub 6 that top 10 players had. In the last 4 days I've done 195 gauntlets and counting, will post more updates, but as of 28th, I am now unable to finish it under 9:50 and most of times 12+ minutes.


Also, when exiting the gauntlet forcefully, there is about 5 second delay before being able to move again. Is that meant to be there, as no animation is playing?

alota fagina is another account i use(d)

Posted 03 March 2021 - 01:57 AM #37



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[2/3/21] Hotfixes:

  • Accuracy formula fixes:
    • Based on player feedback, we've increased overall accuracy boost to make it easier to hit on enemies across the board.
      • To understand this change, we were previously boosting player accuracy by 20% over OSRS's formulas.
      • Now, we've kept that boost at 20%, but we also decrease enemy defence by 20%, improving your chances to land a hit dramatically.
        • This will make all PvM slightly easier, including the Gauntlet.
    • Twisted bow accuracy formula has been corrected and now works as intended.
      • Keep in mind that the Twisted bow is most effective against enemies with high Magic level or Magic attack bonus, so that is where you will see the bow perform best.
    • Reduced the defensive bonuses for Venenatis and Callisto by a further 20% for all combat styles.
  • Quality of Life:
    • Made the warning when using a Vorkath's head on a ranging/max cape clear that a player will not get an assembler cape from doing so, just the effect of the assembler.

Posted 14 March 2021 - 04:42 PM #38

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Juicy stuff! The dedication to updates is next level! :D 


Posted 19 March 2021 - 03:57 AM #39


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Awesome update, thank you all for always making this server the very best.

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