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Theatre of Blood Drop Rates

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Posted 29 January 2021 - 07:36 AM #21


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Agree with @Gd iron , solo raid less points per chest than 3-4 man (supplie chest)

Ty for info but...... Death maters? Most of purples ive seen was getting peoples who died lmao. Ofc again everyone gonna say its only RNG but thats facts.

Posted 29 January 2021 - 01:06 PM #22



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Legendary donator doesn’t give a drop boost at all.

And uber donator gives a permanent 7% drop booster.

So basicly every donator rank ( or non donator) under uber should give the same rates as shown above.

However it’s still RNG! i only got 2 purples in 150 kc with immortal rank and alot of drop boosters and on tob bonus.

Most of these tob’s where either trio duo or solo. So yeah fuck my rng.

Actually donator ranks do have a higher chance to get rares from ToB if they're eligible to get extra rolls from raids:



Posted 30 January 2021 - 12:26 AM #23

GIM Riley

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Actually donator ranks do have a higher chance to get rares from ToB if they're eligible to get extra rolls from raids:

Ohh my bad

Posted 31 January 2021 - 06:16 PM #24

Gd iron

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I don't mind disclosing this information, essentially deaths reduce your chance to get a rare drop by the following amount:

maxPoints = teamPoints + (totalDeathsForAllPlayers*4)
percentageReduction = teamPoints/maxPoints

So for example if your team had earned 60 points, but had 2 deaths, they would be at a total of 52 points (4 points lost for each death), and then the chance to get a rare drop would be reduced by 1-(52/60) = 13.3%. It's worth noting that a player dying will affect the whole team's chance of getting loot.

how do you calculate the points your team earn?  is it the same as osrs?



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Posted 03 February 2021 - 05:07 AM #25

Real Alan

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It doesn't makes sense to me why "chance for any team member to get a purple" goes down slightly (or stays the same) when you reduce your team size from 5 to 3.


Legendary : 10.1% -> 10.05%

Uber : 11.8% -> 10.65%


Imagine going whale hunting.  Your chance of encountering a whale might be roughly the same regardless of team size, but the amount of work each person must put in varies.

In a smaller team, you'd have more responsibilities and be expected to pull more weight.  You'd also have greater risk of failure from having less hands on deck.

As a result, you'd expect both a bigger cut and compensation.  On Alora, a bigger cut comes in the form of increased individual drop rate.

From 2 to 3%, when you cut 2 people from the team and run a 3 man.  Yes, your individual drop rate increases, but this is only from having a bigger split (3 way instead of 5 way).

Your team drop rate basically stays the same.  Which is a major problem!  There should be a small boost in team drop rates as compensation for essentially attempting TOB with 3 lives instead of 5.

The way it is now, a 5 man team running during TOB bonus would see roughly the same amount of purples as a 3 man team (assuming that they complete in the same time, which doesn't happen).

That's so broken! 


This post provides data with 3 independent variables: donor (legendary/uber), booster (yes/no), and team size (5/3).

The variable donor should 100% include non-donors, since everyone starts as a non-donor.  That's where the baseline should be.  Just providing legendary data is not enough.

Number of deaths was not included as a variable, so a line stating all simulations were run assuming 0 deaths, would have sufficed.



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Posted 14 February 2021 - 01:15 PM #26

gim holder
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I'd like to see this done for immortal and eternal status's, would be interesting


Also, if I'm an eternal, and I play with legendary donators, does that mean my chance of receiving a drop in general goes down? Compared to if I played with only eternal donators.

Posted 14 February 2021 - 06:27 PM #27



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It doesn't makes sense to me why "chance for any team member to get a purple" goes down slightly (or stays the same) when you reduce your team size from 5 to 3.


Legendary : 10.1% -> 10.05%

Uber : 11.8% -> 10.65%


Imagine going whale hunting.  Your chance of encountering a whale might be roughly the same regardless of team size, but the amount of work each person must put in varies.

In a smaller team, you'd have more responsibilities and be expected to pull more weight.  You'd also have greater risk of failure from having less hands on deck.

As a result, you'd expect both a bigger cut and compensation.  On Alora, a bigger cut comes in the form of increased individual drop rate.

From 2 to 3%, when you cut 2 people from the team and run a 3 man.  Yes, your individual drop rate increases, but this is only from having a bigger split (3 way instead of 5 way).

Your team drop rate basically stays the same.  Which is a major problem!  There should be a small boost in team drop rates as compensation for essentially attempting TOB with 3 lives instead of 5.

The way it is now, a 5 man team running during TOB bonus would see roughly the same amount of purples as a 3 man team (assuming that they complete in the same time, which doesn't happen).

That's so broken! 


This post provides data with 3 independent variables: donor (legendary/uber), booster (yes/no), and team size (5/3).

The variable donor should 100% include non-donors, since everyone starts as a non-donor.  That's where the baseline should be.  Just providing legendary data is not enough.

Number of deaths was not included as a variable, so a line stating all simulations were run assuming 0 deaths, would have sufficed.

This doesn't make much sense, since the data shows that the individual chance to get a purple from ToB is much higher (you're over 50% more likely to get a purple in your name) in a 3 man team than it is in a 5 man team. Increasing the rate even further for teams that are handicapping themselves isn't something we intend on doing unless OSRS specifically adds those mechanics. The reason that I used 2 donator ranks is because a lot of complaints I've received have been related to players claiming their donator ranks aren't helping, or even in some cases making things worse. This should definitively prove that even just 1 jump in rank (Legendary->Uber) does indeed have an effect on the chance to receive a purple.

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