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Reague Achievements & League Feedback

League Twisted Competition pvm

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Posted 31 December 2020 - 07:56 AM #1

Real Alan

Real Alan
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Reague Highlights!




The Opening

Stuck in a Plow


The Middlegame







Reague Achievements



Reague Results


Playtime: 13 days 2 hours 30 minutes


Reague's League Feedback

Token rewards were poorly distributed

  • token rewards were awarded "first to ..." and almost all claimed very early (before the 6th relics was even released)
  • phoenix pet - fallentwist 12/01 after 79 kc
  • boss pet - skotos - karenfromhr 12/05 after 2 kc
  • 3rd age - kiteshield - wildnw 12/02 after 1 elite clue
  • master difficulty task - skilling pet - heron - twistedchase 12/01 after 13,040 xp
  • ranger boots - league druid - 12/02 after 3 medium clues

These token rewards mostly went to players who tried out league, had good RNG early on, and quit before even unlocking every relic.
Token rewards should have been awarded to players who grinded, not just to those who were lucky.
For example, 500 tokens to  each player who unlocks all relics or 250 tokens for reaching 2k total levels on League.
Rewards like these would have helped keep interest.

Abyssal Demons are overpowered in terms of points

  • Arclight allows for efficient 1 style combat xp training 50 points for level 99 / 25m | 500 points for 50m / 100m / 200m
  • Points for superior abyssal demons -> 50 points for 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 | 100 points for 150 / 200 / 250 / mist battlestaff | 250 points for imbued heart / slayer ring
  • Each superior abyssal demon allows you to spawn 1 skotizo, while individual abyssal demons can drop totem pieces.
  • Points for skotizo -> 250 points for 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 | 500 points for boss pet
  • Skotizo drops mahogany planks which are crucial for construction | 250 points for 99 / 25m
  • Points for slayer task -> 10 points for 10 / 25 / 50 | 100 points for 100 / 200 / 300 / 400 / 500
  • Unlike temple spiders or sand crab tasks, players can request catacomb abyssal demon tasks back to back

Player Abyssal Demon & Skotizo Kill Counts

Because there are so many points coming from abyssal demons, you're forced to AFK abyssal demons otherwise miss out on easy points.

There are too many points coming in from post 99 skilling

  • 250 points at level 99 and 25m
  • 500 points at 50m, 100m, and 200m
  • Since going from level 99 to 25m xp is only 12m additional xp, players are forced to skill past 99 or miss out on easy points
  • If you think about it, It's just as worth training Skill A from 99 to 25m xp as training Skill B from level 80-99 in terms of points.
  • Because so many points come from skilling, player who selected PVM based relics are at an extreme disadvantage

There are too few points coming in from PVM bosses

  • Points for alchemical hydra -> 50 points for 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 | 100 points for 250 / 500 / 1,000 / 1,500 (no brimestone key drops)
  • Alchemical hydra does not drop any brimstone keys, causing players to not have enough secondaries for hydra's noted herb drops
  • Points for sarachnis -> 50 points for 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 | 100 points for 500 / 1,000 / 1,500
  • No points for 250 sarachnis for some reason?
  • Points for shamans -> 50 points for 100 / 500 | 100 points for 2,500 / 5,000 / dwh
  • That's the same spot shared by all players, so league players doing shaman tasks will need to compete with normies using blowpipes and cannons
  • These high kill count tasks for hydra, sarachnis, and shamans should have been 250 or 500 point tasks (not 100)

There are too few points coming in from COX

  • I personally completed 30 cox runs (taking me roughly 15 hours) and I did not receive 1 drop
  • Yes, there are points for speed runs, but once you knock out 1 fast run...
  • The cox drop rate is so low, you're better off investing your time skilling or killing abyssal demons
  • Furthermore, every chest gives you 3 rolls at a rare.  Having the possibility to roll a clue scroll, decreases your chance at a purple.
  • This negatively affects those with treasure seeker relics and players that do not already have a clue in bank.

Player Purple Rate

League is a temporary game mode. It's a game maker's chance to bring in new players by allowing them to test drive the rares too expensive and time consuming to obtain on the regular game mode.
Here purples are meant to be handed out like candy. For me, it was extremely disappointing to go into Leagues with the sole purpose of enjoying PVM, only to get hit with these shit ass drop rates.





Community Awards







Topic 89500 - My Problem with Staff

Topic 89503 - My Problem with Staff II

Topic 89512 - My Problem with Staff III

Topic 91561 - My Problem with Staff IV








Game Suggestions


Pet Timeline



Posted 31 December 2020 - 07:31 PM #2

Real cream

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Congratulations on #6 spot to begin with! (Sniped me bro). I'll quickly brush over and highlight some of my experience.


1. Token Rewards


​I do believe this should off been more spread out over the league (I do understand 'Twisted bow' was out there, but nobody got it due to rates). The committed players should off been rewarded in my eyes. Few examples shown below;


- 500 tokens for 250 Hydra kills

- 500 tokens for 100 master clues 

- 250 tokens for 15 Hespori 

- 250 points for 250 Mahogany Homes


2. Abyssal Demons and Skotizo


It did come down to this as the methodology to win. Unless you put some sort of kill cap, this will always be the best afk method. Therefore, why not have additional points for completing different slayer task each time?


- 5 Different slayer tasks (50 league points) 

- 10 Different slayer tasks (100 league points)

- 25 different slayer tasks (250 league points)

 (Dust devils -> Nechs -> abby demons -> black drags etc etc, not abby demons > nechs > abby demons > nechs)


3. Skilling


Giving some thought to post 99 points, I do believe that it is fair now, considering you choose the route you want to take. (Healthy balance in my eyes). Either the skiller or the warrior route. You sacrifice a relic to make something more efficient for the path you choose. 


4. PVM Bosses


Most certainly should off been a point boost for actually engaging with the bossing. Reward the players that want to play efficiently. 


5. COX


Suspected Increased DR for CoX? I personally got pretty lucky with 4 uniques in 35ish KC, majority of the players went dry. Why waste time on CoX when you can AFK abby demons/nechs/dust devils for more points!




I was 2nd place by day 16/17 with 22k points, with daddy @Adex stealing the spotlight as always, massive congratulations on the win bro. Therefore, after day 17 I was very limited to obtaining points in a way for me to enjoy the rest of the league and therefore did not proceed to finish. (Would off had to put in insane hours over xmas which was not happening to maintain 2nd place spot). The methodology I was going to proceed with was the abyssal demon route with farm runs and splashing in-between. (Warrior based gameplay and relics). Variety is key for future league for efficient players IMO. 


Nevertheless, I did have fun during the time I did play. Safe to say my Zeah knowledge has shot through the roof! Healthy competition with the amigos is always great, so thank you @Moe,@Adex, @Classic, @Real Alan and @Real Exe. Most important thank you @Omicron


Thanks for reading, 


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Progress Topics

Posted 01 January 2021 - 01:19 AM #3

Real Exe

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Thank you for the feedback brotha! We’ve all put hard work into this! Thank you all for this experience! Happy new year!

Posted 01 January 2021 - 07:54 AM #4


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Love the feed back on this thread it was very thought out. The leagues were definitely fun and I can agree that some of the points were weird, but I do believe Omi did not change any of the task's from the actual OSRS leagues.

PS. I was 52 KC raids with 7 drops aswell if you wanna add me in there :)

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