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Ghost2hunt's Solo Olm guide

olm cox raids chambers

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Posted 03 November 2020 - 02:11 PM #1

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Hello everyone, 

You may remember me from my post in the general section of the forum a few weeks back, asking for help on how to solo olm, I was relatively new to the game and struggled like many learners, i have since done 75+ raids where I did solo's, duo's & trio's to help others learn olm and get the enjoyment from raiding in chambers on alora.
I do truely believe this is one of the more fun and rewarding pieces on content to do, so I decided to make a short guide on an un-cut olm kill and make a written guide alongside it.
I by no means am going to claim I'm an amazing pvmer, (I'm not), I just want to show that the boss can easily be done with some practice and basic understanding of the mechanics!
Thanks in advance for reading / Watching.


Video Guide:



Written Guide: 

Olm's Specials overview ( & how to avoid / deal with them ):
Red Portal underneath you -> Run in a square as shown in the video with protect from melee on, waiting for a boulder to start appearing in the sky before moving on the the next marked tile while remaining on the opposite side of the head.
Green Crystal underneath you -> Quickly move away atleast one tile while not walking into the head's vision.
Green Lightning crossing verticaly on multiple rows -> To be safe, find an empty row, go to it and continue to run the head until they passed the center, after which you continue the fight.
Burn with me -> Can not be avoided, deals medciore damage overtime just eat up so you don't die if you mess up the mechanics.

Boulders falling in between phases & on the head phase -> stand atleast 2 tiles away from the impact & turn on protect from melee to reduce damage taken on hit.
Pools appearing on head phase -> Stand on them or turn on protect from magic to reduce damage taken.

Before Entering - 

Overload + Prayer Enchance if available before clicking the well - Equip melee gear with BGS/DWH - Go Downstairs 

Strategy: ( This'll go over the fight, dodge / avoid specials when possible, to read up on those, see above )
First Phase - 
Pray protect from magic & piety when entering, spec the melee hand once, put on your mage gear & magic might / augury and start attacking the mage hand until the head looks one way rather than being centered, afterwards turn on protect from melee & continue to attack the mage hand while remaining on the marked tiles shown in the video OPPOSITE of where the head is looking.
Once the mage hand dies, put on your melee gear & piety while still praying protect from melee, kill the melee hand while you keep running the head (staying on the opposite side of where it's looking).

Second Phase -

Pray Protect from magic & piety when the phase begins, double spec the melee hand, put on your tentacle/dhl/rapier/scythe and attack the melee hand until the head looks one way rather than being centered, afterwards turn on protect from melee & continue attacking the melee until the hand cripples ( it's no longer attackable / indicated by olm pulling his fingers inwards. ) Switch to your magic gear, pray magic might or augury rather than piety and attack the mage hand until the melee hand uncripples,
after which you rince and repeat by switching into your melee gear, turning on piety and attacking the melee hand until it cripples again.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not kill one of the hands until both of them are at ~10% hp, after which you start by killing the melee hand followed by the mage hand to prevent it from resetting.

Third & Final Phase / Head Phase -

Pray protect from melee & eagle eye / rigour + equip your range gear & attack the head while you continue to run the head. Whenever olm summons two pools, if one of them is nearby stand on it til it dissapears or turn on protect from magic till they disspear to reduce damage taken, then switch back to protect from melee and continue to attack the head, repeating this process til it's dead.


Olm solo guide with max gear by arguably one of the best pvmers on the server: https://www.alora.io...ning-olms-head/
My Thread in the general section, has useful videos & tips too: https://www.alora.io...69000-solo-cox/


Posted 03 November 2020 - 02:26 PM #2


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Good shit fam, very nice guide !
And thank's for getting me comfortable w raids in general <3



Posted 03 November 2020 - 02:26 PM #3

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Thats a rectangle @ 1:30 :)



but great guide non the less, great effort!


Community Awards




Posted 03 November 2020 - 02:46 PM #4

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Good shit fam, very nice guide !
And thank's for getting me comfortable w raids in general <3

You're welcome my man, was a very enjoyable experience raiding with you from your very first one to the ones we do nowadays! 


Thats a rectangle @ 1:30 :)



but great guide non the less, great effort!

Thank you! It is indeed a rectangle -> my bad, I'm not the best player so i'm aware it's far from a perfect kill but I hope it eventually helps someone :) First guide so any tips will be taken into a count for if i make any future ones! Cheers!

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