Hello everyone, welcome to the first edition of The Alora Times!
We hope that everyone had a blast yesterday during the celebration of Alora's 4th anniversary party! Feel free to show us what you got here. If you missed the party, we still thank you for being a part of Alora throughout all these years . Thank you to
Anniversary Drop Party Showcase - November 1st, 2020
Halloween Event 2020 - October 30th, 2020
Tithe Farm, Mahogany Homes, Eternal Donator Rank & More - October 24th, 2020
November Vote Competition [2nd-16th] - November 1st, 2020
Bonus Schedule for November - October 31st, 2020
If you want to check out the entire update list, click here.
There haven't been any changes to the rules this month, but feel free to look them over for a refresher.
The Official Rules can be found here.
There have been quite a few changes to the staff team this month, you can see them below.
October 26th, 2020
For more info on Staff Updates, click here.
This month we will be interviewing: G O D L Y and 99.
Let's start off with G O D L Y...
G O D L Y: Next Goal is finish comping and unlock monkey variations. While at the same time working toward 200ms and learning to be a deadlier and more efficient pker.
G O D L Y: Favorite activates include random drop parties for the Alora family when something fun and unexpected happens. (Big Staking wins, Big pvm drop, Brothers birthday for example).
G O D L Y: Biggest bet I've won was recently against New Economy it was a 220b pot (I Won). Behind that I've done 160b pot 2 times (Lost 1 Won 1) and 150b behind those (Lost). Many stakes under 100b pot.
G O D L Y: I am enjoying Eternal, outside of it being an extremely exclusive rank due to it being ridiculously expensive. My favorite perk is being able to choose my own slayer task. (Wish they would include the slayer helm perk as originally planned.) Of course I've been messing around and having fun with setting my own custom title :)
G O D L Y: Honestly the perks unlocked compared to immortal aren't hugely different. The perk I was looking most forward to was removed before eternal was officially released.
Next up, 99!
99: Hey! so my in-game goals would be to full on complete any and everything on my GIM. as that’s been my primary focus for the last 3 months. on the Alora Twitter, I try to post memes when I have the time and big time drops I see while playing. like if I see an interesting pet drop, Twisted Bow or if someone gets 200M in something.
99: Content I’d like to see added in Alora would be more quests. especially quests that are a little more than just “kill this boss”. even ones that can unlock more things for ironman.
99: I think I’d have lunch with Stone. we play PS4 like almost every night. and that man is always snacking on something. one minute he’s eating Skittles, the next he has Pringles or ice cream. he’s never NOT snacking. it’s truly impressive.
99: I honestly love Alora’s community. I mean Alora itself definitely offers more than most RSPS. but the community always brings me back. very friendly and funny people. always helpful staff. you get to know everyone and their personalities and really become good friends with them. especially with like me and Stone. we started off as just friends in-game now we play PS4 a ton. so it really goes to show you can meet some genuinely great people.
99: I think unintentionally the horse sized duck would win. they’re goofy in nature and without realizing it would probably accidentally stomp out the horses or lead them into a pin where they would drown.
If you'd like to see a particular member of the Alora community interviewed and/or particular question answered, make sure leave your nomination on the Newspaper Interview Nomination thread each month.

Here we honor our fallen comrades from the last month. We wish them the best on their new Ironman journeys and better luck next time (1000+ Total Level).

Stay up to date with the progress threads from the following members of the Alora Community:
Gamer Enslaving slays 500 olms and shows us his loot
Ziaw completes 400 slayer tasks in a row!
Forum lurker
The only and only
Dynastyclan shows off their monthly lootations!
Our dad Moe completes TOB 100 times on his EIM (BIG SPOON)
Real Alan shows us his Twisted Bow retrieval journey, what a gamer!
Gamer ultimate ironman Fou finally gets his red jordans!
Felvet finally got his blowpipe!
Pvmer by day, pker by night
Make a topic in our Goals and Achievements section or PM me on the forums/Discord with your accomplishment to be featured in this section!
The winner of October MOTM is...
Congratulations! You have stood out in the eyes of the Alora community. Thank you for being a great member here on Alora and enjoy your rewards. :)
The link to the Member of the Month thread can be found here.
Also, please make sure to check out our streamers and video makers. They would love to have you keep them company during their streams and check out the content they create for Alora.
Sexy Woox: https://www.youtube....rdQYV0dwtKT6_KA
Morgen: https://www.youtube....pq5dC19OQoNW5kg
Slow Coach: https://www.youtube....g9UtlA0CW1kFY0A
Video Makers
Arcteryx: https://www.youtube....a-bAuPOnJPEYmOg
Walkchaos: https://www.youtube....h?v=M_Q2Or5e-sg
Nesterd: https://www.youtube....?v=ZvPIKsckQu4
Noobs own: https://www.youtube....fCnjg4Gw6GyiHlA
Skill 99: https://www.youtube....kHmYFUJ6jcpnDzA
casa: https://www.youtube....xyxU--uIM8SSRkQ
I pk max jr: https://www.youtube....JjeeQaa7HqkyEzg
EffigyDiaper: https://www.youtube....M7V51JYWVbcDURQ
Sprad: https://www.youtube.com/c/Sprad/
Mickey GIM: https://www.youtube....uzS6QjE2GOR10zw
If you enjoy Alora content, make sure to hit the Subscribe button on their channels to show them your support!
If I've missed anyone I do apologize, just message me on the forums or on Discord with a link to your channel and I will add you in.
That concludes this month’s edition of the Alora Newspaper!
You can read the previous edition by clicking here.