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Solo tob?

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Posted 14 October 2020 - 11:26 PM #1


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What is your suggestion?:my suggestion is to fix the tob system/scaling so solo/duos are more viable , reason being is yes the server may be trying to move towards osrs but at the same time we don’t have thousands of players , and in my team I’ve noticed raids is pretty dead content . So maybe if we could more easily do solo/duos it might be more active .
Is this in OSRS?:no
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:don’t think so
How would this benefit Alora?:I think it will revive some dead content , while it isn’t completely dead u can spend hours during weekdays looking for tob teams , just seems with this issue fixed and a quality cox patch raids can be great again

Posted 15 October 2020 - 01:51 AM #2


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This scaling is not on OSRS and should not be on here aswell. People do ToB solo's right now so it can be done, however it requires some skill. 

I suggest you wait till any of the clans organise a ToB learner event or if you are already experienced, try doing ToB during one of the ToB Bonus events. It's a good opportunity to meet new raiders and become part of the groups who raid off-bonus aswell. 

There's bonus tonight at  4PM server time. See https://www.alora.io...42020-10152020/ for more info.

If you meet the minimum stats/gear requirements (see: https://www.alora.io...-blood-guide/ ) I can take you along during the bonus tonight. Just add me ingame with the username "Patta" and throw me a PM.


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Credits: @Dumbshit

Posted 15 October 2020 - 02:56 AM #3

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Solo tob on here is not even comparable to solo tob on osrs ( it’s already easymode on Alora).






Posted 15 October 2020 - 07:05 AM #4

Dont risk it

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I haven’t tried the new CoX myself, but what I’m hearing from others is that the time of completion hasn’t changed drastically.

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Posted 15 October 2020 - 08:03 AM #5


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I’m all for open debates and discussion , and acutally as a osrs raider tob on here is a lot worse then tob on osrs for the fact of bugs and the combat system . One the prayer swapping on here is scuffed , has been for years I’ve been around making nylos abit more difficult , plus Unlike osrs alora has quite a few hiccups that would prevent them from being identical to osrs , as a maxed osrs player who has done numerous cox and tob, I wouldn’t even waste my time on with solo tob
Here, cause it’s a joke . This is just my opinion of course , but other servers I’ve played , even less popular ones , the raids scene seems to be jumping more cause it’s catered more to the player , if we guna have identical osrs raids alotnof other things I feel need to be fixed first , otherwise I just continue to see raising slowly die downhill

I haven’t tried the new CoX myself, but what I’m hearing from others is that the time of completion hasn’t changed drastically.

No support

please don’t comment if u can’t read the suggestion , has nothing to do with cox . Have a good day

Posted 15 October 2020 - 08:45 AM #6

Dont risk it

Dont risk it
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I’m all for open debates and discussion , and acutally as a osrs raider tob on here is a lot worse then tob on osrs for the fact of bugs and the combat system . One the prayer swapping on here is scuffed , has been for years I’ve been around making nylos abit more difficult , plus Unlike osrs alora has quite a few hiccups that would prevent them from being identical to osrs , as a maxed osrs player who has done numerous cox and tob, I wouldn’t even waste my time on with solo tob
Here, cause it’s a joke . This is just my opinion of course , but other servers I’ve played , even less popular ones , the raids scene seems to be jumping more cause it’s catered more to the player , if we guna have identical osrs raids alotnof other things I feel need to be fixed first , otherwise I just continue to see raising slowly die downhill please don’t comment if u can’t read the suggestion , has nothing to do with cox . Have a good day

LMFAO my bad bro it was really early, I retract my no support x d

Posted 15 October 2020 - 01:01 PM #7


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@Lunastra please learn this guy how to do solo tob

Posted 15 October 2020 - 01:01 PM #8



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