What is your suggestion?:
Add the bonecrusher to donation store
Is this in OSRS?:
Its a private server store for real money.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
I don't see it in the store!
How would this benefit Alora?:
It would benefit anyone like me who thinks prayer is a real pain and should be a passive skill.
Not only that, its about the only thing not on there.
"bUt LamOnbte, 100 bOneS aNd yOu'rE 99!!2222111"
Not only does this only apply to normies, this is an extremely lazy reason not
Also, coal bag tho

It's always useful for passive XP gains. Its literally the best item for kourand slayer.
"bUt LamOnbte, tHe rAtEs mAkE iT uSeLlEsS eVeN aT 6x!!!11 nO oNe wIlL bUy11"
but coalbag tho

The same excuses would work for half if not 3/4 of the stuff on the store. I think this is a legitimate suggestion and belongs amongst it's brothers
The coalbag, seedbox, herbsac, rune pouch and gem bag.