You should do some research. I'm pretty sure Keris is best DPS on Khalphite's when wearing max gear. It's just underrated.

Well. The Keris is barely comparable to a regular abyssal whip when used on Kalphites. This leaves various weapons being superior to the Keris, such as Abyssal Tent, Rapier, Blade of Saeldor, etc.
Kalphites are weak to crush, if you believe in such stats on Alora, so let us not forget Inqistors Mace even without the set, and finally the Scythe on NPC's larger than 1x3. (Spoiler Full Inq + scythe is a whole ~15 DPS)
Regardless of that, it would be pretty cool to see it as an option for lower attack builds and depending on how it is obtained even a good alternative for newer/lower combat players to do some Kalphites. If anything a decent looking dagger for cosmetic purposes.