I don't have a screenshot of it but i got lil'tuzzy (bm raids pet) at 18th kc and Pet zilyana at 200kc.
I'm 101 kills dry on codexes in ed2 and i hate you for it
That was literally the luckiest moment in the 14 years that I've had that account. Keep grinding though you'll find a codex!
Im not able to find the picture since it was so long ago but in 2011 i got a visage on kc 1 on a black dragon in tav dung =D
I remember GRINDING black dragons for weeks on end it seemed like to get the Visage. This was still when they were 30-40ish mill. Never got one though.
Idk a thing about rs3 but 1kc vissy, lucky. :)
Very lucky
Here are some pictures etc I found, got tons more!

How long did it take to get that trimmed comp cape? That is sick man. Anymore I get to bored and i'll quit playing for a while. 14 year old account with I think 13 99's. Still not maxed. :c