What is your suggestion?:
Adding a Boss only teleport orb to the donator zone. This would mean: Only boss teleports are added to the orb which keeps the teleport wizard used by everyone in Alora including donators. The only difference is there won't be running people through our home, edgeville, anymore. That being said I'd also like to suggest it being an extended donator option.
Is this in OSRS?:
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
The suggestion of teleport wizard in donator zone has been declined. I think that is the case because we don't want Edgeville to be dead content because most of our players are donators and the donatorzone would be crowded. With this little twist of just adding boss teleports to the donator zone I think Edgeville will be just as crowded as normal, but with less running people from Rejuvenation pool to the Wizard. Also, if this would speed up runs between kills too much I'd suggest moving the teleport orb farther away from the bank so people still have to run a bit to be able to teleport to their boss.
How would this benefit Alora?:
- Less running through Edgeville.
- Donators have a slight advantage when bossing (on top of the privilege of the Rejuvenation pool).
- More encouragement to become a Donator.
In addition:
Like I said, maybe move the orb farther away from the bank so this will not affect time between kills too much. I don't think this will affect the economy of Alora in any way, because times between boss kills stay the same. It's just slightly more efficient for donators.