Cultured's UIM Progress Journal
I have chosen to start a "journal" of sorts to track to progress of my ultimate ironman, Cultured. i will (hopefully) update this thread every week or two and hopefully show the challenges, completely dull and fun aspects of this game mode, as well as how i personally complete my goals. I do have goals to comp this account and get to a point where i can solo raid very consistently and hunt that tbow. Thank you guys for taking a look and feel free to follow the topic!
Chapter 1: The Beginning (sort of)
The beginning of this journal is actually the week after i have maxed.
during this week i had one HUGE goal and that was to get a Tanzanite Fang to continue my diaries and some other PVM goals.
Lucky for me i achieved this goal on a sweet KC of 268 along with the majority of Zulrah's collection log.

After flying through that goal i decided to press forward and finish up the last few tasks to complete my Ardougne and Desert diaries completely! now i have 3 diaries completely finished!

Finally i decided to do my 3 fight caves Karamja diary and unfortunately did not receive the pet then since i had 83 marks of grace rotting in my inventory i decided to grind out the remaining of the 270 marks for graceful and amylase for the stamina pot task, and received my first agility pet at 17.6m agility XP!!

I tried to make my inventory and looting bag as pretty as i could for this post but it still remains a disaster. Heres how im looking at the end of the first week.

(yes i still have 10 marks rotting in my invent)
for next week...
My main goal will be to get Arma top and bottom to get some better defensive gear for when i face the inferno.
Some secondary/side goals i have are to complete the Konar and Neive/Steve slayer diaries and unlock the slayer helmet perk and get a black mask.
The beginning of this journal is actually the week after i have maxed.
during this week i had one HUGE goal and that was to get a Tanzanite Fang to continue my diaries and some other PVM goals.
Lucky for me i achieved this goal on a sweet KC of 268 along with the majority of Zulrah's collection log.

After flying through that goal i decided to press forward and finish up the last few tasks to complete my Ardougne and Desert diaries completely! now i have 3 diaries completely finished!

Finally i decided to do my 3 fight caves Karamja diary and unfortunately did not receive the pet then since i had 83 marks of grace rotting in my inventory i decided to grind out the remaining of the 270 marks for graceful and amylase for the stamina pot task, and received my first agility pet at 17.6m agility XP!!

I tried to make my inventory and looting bag as pretty as i could for this post but it still remains a disaster. Heres how im looking at the end of the first week.

for next week...
My main goal will be to get Arma top and bottom to get some better defensive gear for when i face the inferno.
Some secondary/side goals i have are to complete the Konar and Neive/Steve slayer diaries and unlock the slayer helmet perk and get a black mask.
Chapter 2: Anything you can do UIM can do better
Wow okay where to begin. a lot has happened this week and i found a little downtime with some afk skilling to make this weeks post a half a day early.
to start as you could see from last week journal i was grinding out the buy onyx task and i got that done very quickly while also picking myself a set of obsidian armour.

my next goal was finish off the slayer tasks which is did slowly work on completing the Konar slayer task diaries and getting myself enough points for the slayer helmet unlock! I quickly ran to Cave Horrors expecting a long grind and completely lucked out at #77 KC!

Now with my slayer helm (i) (even thought i couldn't use it as my only armour set was void) I decided to try and get some Kree tasks to knock out my goal of achieving arma pl8 and legs. After some hours of grinding and 5k darts later, i decided to call it quits at 250 KC where i got the Arma legs drop.

After that Kree task i got a barrows task and decided to do it just for fun and extremely luckily got a Karils top from one of my first chests, giving me a decent armour set besides void so i could use my slayer helmet on tasks now. Feeling re motivated i decided to go back to the slayer grind but this time doing Kraken, Hydra, and Kree. on my first Kraken task i managed to accumulate 2 Tridents.

and on the next task a 3rd trident at 199 KC for a total of 4 tridents on this account by 199 KC some insane RNG. I still need Tent so i pressed on. 424 KC total now and still on the hunt but it is a very nice afk task.

I found myself having quite a bit of homework in the middle of the week so i found a semi afk task i could work on while writing some papers, and that was Drake's for the Drake's Claw. i Did this grind completely off task so i could achieve Brimstone Boots a very good defensive and hybrid boot, amazing for a UIM.

after a nice afk grind for the boots i was now back at it and ready to get hydra and Kree out of the way. I got my first ever hydra task a new boss to me since i left osrs. Learnt it in about 2-3 kills pretty efficiently and sat with that boss for a day and a half. After that fun and new grind i found myself with a fancy new ring and gorgeous new slayer helm colouring.

The brimstone ring although not originally this weeks goal was something i was looking forward to achieving for some time now as along with the brimstone boots it is one of the best rings for a UIM being a great hybrid ring.

With my newfound gear i took on Vorkath and put in my 50 KC for the Vorkath head drop obtaining my Assembler max cape. took a good 2 hours but im glad i got it out of the way.

I went up to 281 Kree KC before @Moe generously started the Zalcano event where did not get pet or tool seed unfortunately but i got my 40 crystal shards for my last Western Province diary Completing my 4th Diary.

since i had to suicide for my zalcano set up i checked my other achivement diaries and noticed Falador, Varrock, Fremnick, and Kandarin diaries were all only 1 step away from completing i will be finishing those up as soon as i can. Currently working on getting my 50 nuggets for Falador.


And thats how i will end my journal for this week. a very busy week. As reading week coming up i have some plans to go camping and up to see my girlfriends family for a few days where i will not be playing, so the next journal may be a little shorter.
For next week...
I still have the goal of getting my Arma chest plate as well as finishing my neive/steve slayer tasks diary currently 21/25 along with completing the 4 diaries mentioned above. I would like to get my tent from kraken which shouldn't be too bad as it is very afk.
once i have that done i will hope i could do inferno and maybe 5 of each raid for dairies but those will be up in the air wether i attempt or not this week.
Thanks again for reading!
Wow okay where to begin. a lot has happened this week and i found a little downtime with some afk skilling to make this weeks post a half a day early.
to start as you could see from last week journal i was grinding out the buy onyx task and i got that done very quickly while also picking myself a set of obsidian armour.

my next goal was finish off the slayer tasks which is did slowly work on completing the Konar slayer task diaries and getting myself enough points for the slayer helmet unlock! I quickly ran to Cave Horrors expecting a long grind and completely lucked out at #77 KC!

Now with my slayer helm (i) (even thought i couldn't use it as my only armour set was void) I decided to try and get some Kree tasks to knock out my goal of achieving arma pl8 and legs. After some hours of grinding and 5k darts later, i decided to call it quits at 250 KC where i got the Arma legs drop.

After that Kree task i got a barrows task and decided to do it just for fun and extremely luckily got a Karils top from one of my first chests, giving me a decent armour set besides void so i could use my slayer helmet on tasks now. Feeling re motivated i decided to go back to the slayer grind but this time doing Kraken, Hydra, and Kree. on my first Kraken task i managed to accumulate 2 Tridents.

and on the next task a 3rd trident at 199 KC for a total of 4 tridents on this account by 199 KC some insane RNG. I still need Tent so i pressed on. 424 KC total now and still on the hunt but it is a very nice afk task.

I found myself having quite a bit of homework in the middle of the week so i found a semi afk task i could work on while writing some papers, and that was Drake's for the Drake's Claw. i Did this grind completely off task so i could achieve Brimstone Boots a very good defensive and hybrid boot, amazing for a UIM.

after a nice afk grind for the boots i was now back at it and ready to get hydra and Kree out of the way. I got my first ever hydra task a new boss to me since i left osrs. Learnt it in about 2-3 kills pretty efficiently and sat with that boss for a day and a half. After that fun and new grind i found myself with a fancy new ring and gorgeous new slayer helm colouring.

The brimstone ring although not originally this weeks goal was something i was looking forward to achieving for some time now as along with the brimstone boots it is one of the best rings for a UIM being a great hybrid ring.

With my newfound gear i took on Vorkath and put in my 50 KC for the Vorkath head drop obtaining my Assembler max cape. took a good 2 hours but im glad i got it out of the way.

I went up to 281 Kree KC before @Moe generously started the Zalcano event where did not get pet or tool seed unfortunately but i got my 40 crystal shards for my last Western Province diary Completing my 4th Diary.

since i had to suicide for my zalcano set up i checked my other achivement diaries and noticed Falador, Varrock, Fremnick, and Kandarin diaries were all only 1 step away from completing i will be finishing those up as soon as i can. Currently working on getting my 50 nuggets for Falador.


And thats how i will end my journal for this week. a very busy week. As reading week coming up i have some plans to go camping and up to see my girlfriends family for a few days where i will not be playing, so the next journal may be a little shorter.
For next week...
I still have the goal of getting my Arma chest plate as well as finishing my neive/steve slayer tasks diary currently 21/25 along with completing the 4 diaries mentioned above. I would like to get my tent from kraken which shouldn't be too bad as it is very afk.
once i have that done i will hope i could do inferno and maybe 5 of each raid for dairies but those will be up in the air wether i attempt or not this week.
Thanks again for reading!
Chapter 3: Now the fun begins
Well Im off to go camping tomorrow so this is my last chance to post for this week even thought it is technically 3 days early. Got enough done to do a journal post so here we go!
I started off this week by grinding out my 50 nuggets for Falador diaries then continued on to get 180 for the prospector's outfit, wasn't a bad grind post 99 i did unfortunately get a mining pet though which meant i had to suicide to get rid of it (as i have 8 now). below is the loot from getting the nuggets.

After mining i decided to burn through the other 3 diaries like i said i would in the previous journal easily completing the last tasks leaving me with only 5 task left. Both Barrows tasks, 5 COX, 5 TOB, and The Inferno. i had never done the inferno before so i decided to watch some videos on the boss while doing some slayer tasks. My first ever Saradomin task i got insanely lucky grabbing 4 drops in only 28 KC.

Unfortunately a dupe hilt and no acb but i cant complain i was there for 10 minutes. i did have godsword shards 1 & 3 saved as i did want an SGS in the future but had no idea it would come so quickly. I kept up with the slayer but started doing only barrows slayer tasks while trying to finish up my diaries. Flying past 50 barrows runs i got enough points to finally make my hydra slayer helm!

Barrows barrows barrows for a few hours untill finally i achived an entire DH set after 89 barrows runs and wearing the set for my 90 run exactly to complete the achievement.

getting those out of the way had me motivated to continue finishing up the diaries i took my newfound Inferno knowledge and geared myself up for my first ever inferno attempt!

Disclaimer: For anyone attempting inferno and wanting to replicate my inventory. I actually switched my inventory around for when i completed it to 6 brews and the rest restores.
Which ended significantly better than i had expected. Got all the way to Zuk and killed the Jad phase but unfortunately tanked a Zuk hit with only 200 HP left of the boss... Second run! slightly worse dying to Jad phase again by Zuk not even the Jad... Finally a 3rd attempt taking it very cautious and only attacking from the sides i managed to grab myself an Inferno Cape!

WOOOOO! the inferno was significantly easier then i initially thought even going into it very confidently only took around 2 hours to do my 3 laps. After claiming my inferno cape i attempted to get into some raid groups unfortunately i am quite under geared at the moment and with COX/TOB loot bonuses going on i was not able to get into any groups. I did however manage to do 2 COX runs with a friend. While waiting to see if i could get into any raid groups i did some Bandos and Zamorak finally snatching myself a godsword shard 2 at Bandos after getting 8 godsword shards 3's and 6 shard 2's Completing my Saradomin Godsword.
(tiny ass picture lmao)
Finally i did a few more bandos to no avail reaching 35kc continued on with my Tent hunt reaching 600 kraken KC and even attempted 10 basilisk guards hoping to get lucky on jaw. no luck on any bosses.
With bonus xp on and my girlfriend out of the house i decided to start on my 200m's going for thieving as my first. grabbing a very lucky rocky pet at 38.5m xp!

Before i even made it to 40m xp i accidently suicided to the NPC and lost it LMAO.... I continue on with my thieving now sitting at 50m xp and am debating on what my second two 200m's should be. was thinking con and cooking but starting to change my mind and leaning now more towards WC and FM. either way thieving is first.
if you made it this far that was a lot of reading congratulations and thank you. see you next week!
For next week...
I will hopefully achieve 200m thieving but doubt ill get the other 2 possibly go back to some PVM my main PVM goals as of now are:
Bandos Tasset & Chestplate
Armadyl Chestplate
Tentacle Whip
Dragon Warhammer
Do not plan on getting all or even half of those drops but they are all on my list of bosses i will be fighting hopefully all on task.
Well Im off to go camping tomorrow so this is my last chance to post for this week even thought it is technically 3 days early. Got enough done to do a journal post so here we go!
I started off this week by grinding out my 50 nuggets for Falador diaries then continued on to get 180 for the prospector's outfit, wasn't a bad grind post 99 i did unfortunately get a mining pet though which meant i had to suicide to get rid of it (as i have 8 now). below is the loot from getting the nuggets.

After mining i decided to burn through the other 3 diaries like i said i would in the previous journal easily completing the last tasks leaving me with only 5 task left. Both Barrows tasks, 5 COX, 5 TOB, and The Inferno. i had never done the inferno before so i decided to watch some videos on the boss while doing some slayer tasks. My first ever Saradomin task i got insanely lucky grabbing 4 drops in only 28 KC.

Unfortunately a dupe hilt and no acb but i cant complain i was there for 10 minutes. i did have godsword shards 1 & 3 saved as i did want an SGS in the future but had no idea it would come so quickly. I kept up with the slayer but started doing only barrows slayer tasks while trying to finish up my diaries. Flying past 50 barrows runs i got enough points to finally make my hydra slayer helm!

Barrows barrows barrows for a few hours untill finally i achived an entire DH set after 89 barrows runs and wearing the set for my 90 run exactly to complete the achievement.

getting those out of the way had me motivated to continue finishing up the diaries i took my newfound Inferno knowledge and geared myself up for my first ever inferno attempt!

Disclaimer: For anyone attempting inferno and wanting to replicate my inventory. I actually switched my inventory around for when i completed it to 6 brews and the rest restores.
Which ended significantly better than i had expected. Got all the way to Zuk and killed the Jad phase but unfortunately tanked a Zuk hit with only 200 HP left of the boss... Second run! slightly worse dying to Jad phase again by Zuk not even the Jad... Finally a 3rd attempt taking it very cautious and only attacking from the sides i managed to grab myself an Inferno Cape!

WOOOOO! the inferno was significantly easier then i initially thought even going into it very confidently only took around 2 hours to do my 3 laps. After claiming my inferno cape i attempted to get into some raid groups unfortunately i am quite under geared at the moment and with COX/TOB loot bonuses going on i was not able to get into any groups. I did however manage to do 2 COX runs with a friend. While waiting to see if i could get into any raid groups i did some Bandos and Zamorak finally snatching myself a godsword shard 2 at Bandos after getting 8 godsword shards 3's and 6 shard 2's Completing my Saradomin Godsword.

Finally i did a few more bandos to no avail reaching 35kc continued on with my Tent hunt reaching 600 kraken KC and even attempted 10 basilisk guards hoping to get lucky on jaw. no luck on any bosses.
With bonus xp on and my girlfriend out of the house i decided to start on my 200m's going for thieving as my first. grabbing a very lucky rocky pet at 38.5m xp!

Before i even made it to 40m xp i accidently suicided to the NPC and lost it LMAO.... I continue on with my thieving now sitting at 50m xp and am debating on what my second two 200m's should be. was thinking con and cooking but starting to change my mind and leaning now more towards WC and FM. either way thieving is first.
if you made it this far that was a lot of reading congratulations and thank you. see you next week!
For next week...
I will hopefully achieve 200m thieving but doubt ill get the other 2 possibly go back to some PVM my main PVM goals as of now are:
Bandos Tasset & Chestplate
Armadyl Chestplate
Tentacle Whip
Dragon Warhammer
Do not plan on getting all or even half of those drops but they are all on my list of bosses i will be fighting hopefully all on task.
Chapter 4: Return to UIM/Alora
Back to alora and more specificaly my UIM after maxing a GIM i felt it was a nice time to return to the bankless hell :)
Since returning unfortunatly i have somehow lost my Ktop, Brimstone ring, and Brimstone boots so i thought it would be a good time to start skilling before i continued with much pvm.
i did however recive 2 avernics before posting any previous updates on this post but before i returned to alora.

without my boots or ring i decided to venture into the corrupt gauntlet as it requires no gear and set the goal of grinding out the blade of saeldor a nice achivement on uim giving the best one handed slash bonus in game as well as a high attack speed comparable to the inquisitors mace and ghrazi rapier but much lower requirement to obtain.
Grinding mainly on gauntlet boosters and server 1.2x boost i got the weapon seed at an iconic 69kc
unfortunatly befor estarting this grind i was already at 45kc and had dropped or used all previous shards and drop traded all armour seeds. Now the grind for 1000 shards began. I got faily lucky getting 2 more armour seeds exhanging them in for shards for a total of 125 gauntlet runs for the blade. luckily my second armour seed was aquired only 50 shards away from 1000 so i used the extras from trading it in for crystal dust which i plan on using for Divine Bastion potions once they are added ingame.

I then spent a week locked at redwoods grinding out 200m fm and wc chopping then imediatly making the fires on the top floor only ever leaving for ;;event god bonus as well as some cox leeches while bonus was on.
During these small excursions i got some crazy luck grabbing the god pet at a juicy 1 KC

derwin one of my favourit pets so i am overjoyed to have grabbed this on litteraly the lowest kc
and during one of my COX bonus leeches i was lucky enough to grab a DHCB on a respectably low KC

next came the 1b xp requirement for comp

then 200m wc


finally thieving!

Loot from 62-200m

And we finally made it to comp cape on the uim!

Back to alora and more specificaly my UIM after maxing a GIM i felt it was a nice time to return to the bankless hell :)
Since returning unfortunatly i have somehow lost my Ktop, Brimstone ring, and Brimstone boots so i thought it would be a good time to start skilling before i continued with much pvm.
i did however recive 2 avernics before posting any previous updates on this post but before i returned to alora.

without my boots or ring i decided to venture into the corrupt gauntlet as it requires no gear and set the goal of grinding out the blade of saeldor a nice achivement on uim giving the best one handed slash bonus in game as well as a high attack speed comparable to the inquisitors mace and ghrazi rapier but much lower requirement to obtain.
Grinding mainly on gauntlet boosters and server 1.2x boost i got the weapon seed at an iconic 69kc
unfortunatly befor estarting this grind i was already at 45kc and had dropped or used all previous shards and drop traded all armour seeds. Now the grind for 1000 shards began. I got faily lucky getting 2 more armour seeds exhanging them in for shards for a total of 125 gauntlet runs for the blade. luckily my second armour seed was aquired only 50 shards away from 1000 so i used the extras from trading it in for crystal dust which i plan on using for Divine Bastion potions once they are added ingame.

I then spent a week locked at redwoods grinding out 200m fm and wc chopping then imediatly making the fires on the top floor only ever leaving for ;;event god bonus as well as some cox leeches while bonus was on.
During these small excursions i got some crazy luck grabbing the god pet at a juicy 1 KC

derwin one of my favourit pets so i am overjoyed to have grabbed this on litteraly the lowest kc
and during one of my COX bonus leeches i was lucky enough to grab a DHCB on a respectably low KC

next came the 1b xp requirement for comp

then 200m wc


finally thieving!

Loot from 62-200m

And we finally made it to comp cape on the uim!

Chapter 5: Skeleton Monkey
For this update my main goal was to achive the skeleton monkey.
I started out by grinding some revs in hope of a craws bow. unfortunatly no craws but i did get a viggoras mace which was good enough for me to start the 100kc of every wildy boss.

to start killing wildy bosses i had to suicide my items onto the floor and pickup my vig mace go to ;;lms to get some cash and buy avernic then go to house to take monkey out of poh. all before going into the wilderness to start killing bosses. this was a big strain on my gp stack as each suicide cost a minimum of 1m gp and many times up to 3m getting other items from untradable store.
i started at vetion a faily easy 100kc

next boss i moved too was crazy arch again fairly quick and easy

then things started to get a little harder
i moved onto scorpia next useing trident which wasnt all that bad but definitly slower not using the mace

after that i used trident again on callist owhich took quite a while and had many run ins with pkrs and other pvmers

chaos elemental back to the vig mace but was a bit of a pain with the tleport special required a decent amount of focus and was unfortunatly killed 2-3 times causeing me to reset loot pile so i could get more ether

finally moving to venenatis the worst part of this entire process. the accuracy on vig mace was awfull but the wilderness level was low enough i could seed pod out then teleport home stopping the requirement to suicide and only limited to the 45 min loot pile timer. i managed to get a few sub 1 min kills but most averaging at 2:30 min kills and a totoal of 22 kills in one session before needing to get get loot pile

all wildy rings was a cool accomplishment for logs but unfortunatly no pets.
and there we have it the skeleton monkey has been achived a super cool tranformation for the uim as i dont know any if any others have it as well as showing UIM's can do wilderness content too! i then dropped my vig mace and ether/ bracelet to clear some room as i have no plans of returning to the wilderness (at least not in the foreseeable future).

after the long grind of getting my monkey transformation i decided to do a chill grind of getting my brimstone boots back.
unfortunatly the "chill grind" turned into a painstaking 1011KC at drakes
For this update my main goal was to achive the skeleton monkey.
I started out by grinding some revs in hope of a craws bow. unfortunatly no craws but i did get a viggoras mace which was good enough for me to start the 100kc of every wildy boss.

to start killing wildy bosses i had to suicide my items onto the floor and pickup my vig mace go to ;;lms to get some cash and buy avernic then go to house to take monkey out of poh. all before going into the wilderness to start killing bosses. this was a big strain on my gp stack as each suicide cost a minimum of 1m gp and many times up to 3m getting other items from untradable store.
i started at vetion a faily easy 100kc

next boss i moved too was crazy arch again fairly quick and easy

then things started to get a little harder
i moved onto scorpia next useing trident which wasnt all that bad but definitly slower not using the mace

after that i used trident again on callist owhich took quite a while and had many run ins with pkrs and other pvmers

chaos elemental back to the vig mace but was a bit of a pain with the tleport special required a decent amount of focus and was unfortunatly killed 2-3 times causeing me to reset loot pile so i could get more ether

finally moving to venenatis the worst part of this entire process. the accuracy on vig mace was awfull but the wilderness level was low enough i could seed pod out then teleport home stopping the requirement to suicide and only limited to the 45 min loot pile timer. i managed to get a few sub 1 min kills but most averaging at 2:30 min kills and a totoal of 22 kills in one session before needing to get get loot pile

all wildy rings was a cool accomplishment for logs but unfortunatly no pets.
and there we have it the skeleton monkey has been achived a super cool tranformation for the uim as i dont know any if any others have it as well as showing UIM's can do wilderness content too! i then dropped my vig mace and ether/ bracelet to clear some room as i have no plans of returning to the wilderness (at least not in the foreseeable future).

after the long grind of getting my monkey transformation i decided to do a chill grind of getting my brimstone boots back.
unfortunatly the "chill grind" turned into a painstaking 1011KC at drakes
to end this chapter here is an update on my coffer/bag/invent/ and gear! invent is a little messy as i was doing some tob runs in between drake claw grind.