This is a game called hurt or heal, where you can heal or hurt your favorite and least favorite Alora Member. When you hurt, you take away 2 health from that player. If you heal, its +1 health. You start of with 10 health per person and the last player wins. NOW LETS PLAY! You can only vote once a day and you can't heal yourself. When you hurt or heal someone make sure to copy paste the list above and update with your action. Health is capped at 20. You can hurt 2 players by taking 1 health from each.
Prize: I'll probably make some "Winner of Hurt or Heal V1" tag or something.
Dead Competitors: EIM Zarox, Jedzio
Moe - 10
Lowkey - 10
Diva - 10
Lets Funk - 10
Yearly - 10
Dumbshit - 10
Champ - 10
Jedzio - 10
EIM Zarox - 10
Kaamea - 10
I'll start.
Hurt Lowkey & Moe.
Dead Competitors: (Nobody Yet)
Moe - 9
Lowkey - 9
Diva - 10
Lets Funk - 10
Yearly - 10
Dumbshit - 10
Champ - 10
Jedzio - 10
EIM Zarox - 10
Kaamea - 10