Hello gamers, Dynasty has just hosted a fashion scape event over the past few days and I wanted to announce our winners, along with showing off everyone's submissions!
In first place we had the very creative man himself
Followed in second by the farmer himself
In third place we had the gold monkey wearing
I didn't do any voting personally as the submissions were anonymous so I didn't want to favor one person over another. But I still wanted to be able to pick someone I thought had the best set and that goes out to s3iman with having a beautiful completion of colors between the pet, the set, and the location. Amazing work
Below will be everyone else's submissions!
Dab (also a very close runner up to my hand picked winner)
Enslaving (also another close runner up, too many to choose from lol)
Thanks again to everyone that participated and if you're interested in joining the clan the recruitment thread can be found below!
---------------------------------> https://www.alora.io...l-dynasty-clan/ <---------------------------------