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Delusional ironman calls for help!
Fear not!.....yellow ironman escorted home safely by a pack of turtles.
Turtles are always around to help our fellow alora dot io players
Shell Shocked!
always happy to help a fellow yellow ironman find their way home
pfftttt hahahaha absolute quality read!
Lmao, you love to see it
bro #turtles
Lmfao ripp dude!
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BR - (On Progress)
Iron Magnata
Real Magnata
GIM Magnata
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and a lot more I haven't took screenshot since then.
Community Awards
Spoiler Winter '21 - Best Helper
Winter '21 - Best Helper
Hope I never be your target in the wildy lol
Promoted to Server Support on 7//17/20
Promoted to Server Moderator on 8/15/20
Promoted to Forum Moderator on 9/25/20
Resigned on 10/26/2020
Not Evol
Real Evol GIM Zevol
Community Award
Lmao i fucking love this.
Honestly this what you call content.
Kinda cringe considering y’all abuse bugs in wildy but you do you.
Can't accuse a man without proper evidence on here / ingame fam... It's in the rules. But I believe you though..
Credits: @Dumbshit
Fear not!.....normie turtle escorted home safely by a pack of Realism.
Fear not!.....normie turtle escorted home safely by a pack of Realism. honestly was this supposed to be funny? smh
honestly was this supposed to be funny? smh
Fear not!.....normie turtle escorted home safely by a pack of Realism. [/size]honestly was this supposed to be funny? smh
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