On 8/15/20 Herblore was Skill of the Day along with Bonus XP. I noticed this about 2 weeks prior, so I set on a mission to collect enough secondaries to get rid of all the herbs/unf potions from my bank. I spent pretty much the whole day making all the potions I could and managed to achieve 200M XP in the process.
Here is a picture of my current potions, all my unf potions/secondaries, and the XP on Dab or my alt account before making any potions.
I managed to maintain a steady 3M XP/HR for all 60M experience gained.
Also got 23 Herbi's along the way, with an additional 5 on my alt.
Total XP at the end of the day.
And finally.... Here is the results and my current potion tab!!!
This thread was way more delayed then I intended on, my work schedule has been pretty crazy.