Hello! This is my second update thread for my HCIM. I've uploading this quite soon after this first one, due to quite a few things that have happened recently! Thank you everyone for the support in my last thread.
Firstly here is a screenshot of my playtime -
My stats on the account. We have maxed! I'm so happy with this achievement!
My Achievement diaries update. Lot's have been done here!
I'll go though the goals from my previous thread in order.
Ahrims top achieved!
Kraken tent and trident. I was spoon fed on this as you'll see in the pictures below!
Tanz fang and Magic fang from Zulrah. Again, spoonfed! I stopped after the tanzfang. More Zulrah will be grinded soon.
Full Elite Void has been completed! All in one session which was great!
All quests have now been completed!
During the Vorkath grind for the head, we hit this! I'd have preferred the pet!
I did hours and hours of puro puro for 99 prayer and our ranger boots. I GOT THEM!
I then decided to kill a few Drakes for my slayer task. Turned out to be a few indeed!
Again, I then killed the Thermonuclear smoke devil to try for the occult necklace and maybe a cheeky pet! Again, a bit of a spoon!
I decided I wanted to grind for the Basilisk Jaw. I grinded all on task in 2 days. This is the result.
Once hitting 99 slayer, and 16m exp I thought now would be a great time to grind some skotizo in the catacombs. I got lucky on 1kc!
I promised in my last thread I'd post my bank pictures. My bank is a MESS. I need to go though it and clean all tabs up. That's a task for another day. Bank is not great currently as I've just started my bossing grind.
Thank you for reading my update thread! I know it's been a long one, but we've had so much things happen I just had to post a bit earlier. I won't be making a goal list this time. I'll post a new update when I think I've got enough to post. Thank you once more!