Yoo was recommended yall last night so figured I'd give it an app
Realism name:
Real 10hp
Discord tag:
Milk Professional#0456
*discord names are case sensitive
Experience on Realism:
Just started realism and all I've really done is a bit of thieving and splashing, however I'd expect a lot of multitasking / skilling and min maxing best I can
Experience on Alora:
I've been playing Alora on and off for a bit less than 4 years. I joined the server pretty early and got hooked. Did as much content as I could, was one of a few people that first got the music cape.
I've got a maxed account - 10hp (419m) obviously it'd be much higher if I stuck around before the breaks
Working on a legitimate (no locked combat training ect) 10 hitpoint HCI account - 10hpsIron (5.2m xp)
I had an account I almost maxed, but figured it was counterintuitive so I just test on the account now - Sailbot
So it's obvious I've spent a good chunk of time playing, even with all the breaks I had.
Are you affiliated with any other clans on Alora?:
I used to be part of one of the first teams with brewsy back in the day. We went by TNG or "The next Gen" and it was one of maybe two teams? (The other was an overly obsessed pk team)
Reason for applying:
*why do you want to be apart of the Realists team?
I kinda just want community, and this seems like a pretty good one. It's a completely fresh gamemode (much like the abuse im putting myself through with my 10 hp maxed hci) so I think I'm ready!
Recruited by: