What is your suggestion?:My suggestion is to change kraken/zulrah more realistic (OSRS)
Is this in OSRS?:Yes
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:Dont know
How would this benefit Alora?:
This would benefit alora alot because the more realistic rsps's gets the more people shows intrest on them
Zulrah and kraken on alora is completely different from OSRS 4% of time when i do zulrah i see him spawning snakelings , hes supposed to spawn them 50% more atleast , also why we can kill whole zulrah with only using trident , you're supposed to bring blowpipe and trident hybrid to zulrah you're not supposed to be able kill zulrah with only blowpipe or trident
i would like to get that changed more realistic , also kraken , why does he hit one big blast instead of many small blasts from his tentacles? and why does he hits trough prayer + d'hides
Ive done alot zulrah and kraken on osrs and on alora they feels really odd and alot different
Also where is zulrah's poison clouds?