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The Youtuber Rank

Content Creator Youtuber

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Posted 10 July 2020 - 12:08 PM #1


Posts: 332
Likes: 1,924
Location: Denmark

  •  Member since:
    16 Nov 2018

    • Time spent:
      526d 17h 16m 52s

  •  Previous username:
    Iron Champie

  •  Total level:

  •  8 bugs found


Youtuber Rank Info.



General Information:

The Alora team is always looking for talented and entertaining individuals that create content for the Alora/RSPS community. The Youtuber rank sets these creators apart from other players and comes with a few benefits to help rank holders share their content and grow their channels. There are also several requirements that must be met in order to apply for the rank. Content creators that use other platforms such as Kick, etc. are also eligible for this rank if they meet the requirements. The benefits and requirements for the rank can be seen below.



  • A unique in-game player badge   YouTube-icon-full_color.png
  • A unique Forum Banner


  • The Youtuber rank acts as an Extreme Donator Rank.
    • The benefits to the Extreme rank can be found here or by viewing the FAQs in the Alora Store.
    • If you currently hold a higher donator rank the higher rank will take precedence.
  • Unique forum awards and Discord roles.
  • Access to the Content Creator channel in Discord to promote your content to the server.
  • Access the Content Creator Zone/Lounge in-game ;;cz or ;;cl



  • Applicants must have at least 50 subscribers, followers, etc.(Dependent on the platform used)
  • Applicants must have made 6 or more videos/streams for Alora.
  • Applicants must have been creating content for Alora for at least 2 weeks. This is to ensure videos aren't being added in quick succession just to obtain the rank.
  • The quality of the videos and/or streams must meet Omicron's quality standards. Failure to do so will result in the application being denied or the rank being removed from those holding the rank currently.



  • Members that hold the Youtuber rank are required to represent Alora positively all the time. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the rank being removed.
  • Content being made for Alora must not discuss or advertise other active Runescape Private Servers.
  • Content Creators are only allowed to advertise videos or streams every 5 minutes. This rule applies to the entirety of Alora.

If you wish to apply for the Youtuber rank and you meet the requirements, simply send Omicron or Moe a private message on the forums.




Alora Administration Team

Signature made by the wonderful Sunnii

Community Awards


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