I've noticed in the three years I've been playing Alora that i can almost count the amount of PVP update's that have happened on one hand. I realize fully that Alora is mostly PVM sided but that isn't fair to the portion of the server that enjoys PVP as well even if its not comparable to the PVM side. So, I've put together a small list of ideas that could really help the PVP side of Alora.
1. Fix barrage distance - I suggested this a while ago and it got positive feedback so I'm not sure why it wasn't implemented into the game. Currently it's nearly impossible to pk solo as any person can simply freeze you and run away. Any person who's pked on OSRS knows it's not the same there. Once a person gets a set number of tiles away from you you're unfrozen therefore able to still catch a freeze on that person.
2. Magic Defensive and Offensive Stats - Coming from someone who has pked in full max ancest and full max arma, but also has pked in bare minimum mystic set with barely any bonuses... Alora isn't correct when it comes to these items. Where the server currently stands, a 300k Mystic Set out DPS's a almost 400m Ancest set. If I'm the only person who sees a problem with that then so be it. BUT, I know i'm not alone when I say on MULTIPLE occasions I have splashed on black d'hide or even mystic 7+ times while in max mage. Just for them to turn around and catch the first freeze WHILE WEARING BLACK DHIDE. I've pked in max on OSRS and can speak from experience that if im in max gear and someone is in mystics, I'm out DPS'ing them 100% of the time IF i get prayers correct ect, talking just gear wise.
3. More wilderness events - Currently there are skotizo, bloody chest, and supply chests. Even with all three of these combined it isn't enough to give more than 2 people a reason to enter the wilderness. I have some more idea's on events that could take place in the wilderness but will discuss those privately.
4. Ranged Defensive and Offensive Stats - This goes back to the same issue as Magic.. I can be in full arma and bolt twenty 0's in a row on someone NOT praying ranged and wearing robes. (I have done this exact thing) The bonuses here are obviously not correct and is a major issue for anyone trying to pk.
As I said before I do realize that Alora is mostly PVM side, BUT, a good PVP community portion on any server will keep it healthy. Alora's numbers are great currently BUT I know for a fact they could grow even more if PVP updates were done and things were fixed. I've invited ton's of fellow pkers to Alora just to get the same "Can't pk on here, dont ever hit anything and getting out worked by a mystic set while in max".
I truly do enjoy Alora and would love to see it grow even more.
Feedback is welcome, just don't be toxic. Like it or not, the wilderness is just that, a place to die.