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Total time on bosses

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Posted 06 July 2020 - 08:27 AM #1


Posts: 463
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Clan: Alora CC
Location: Beyond the Universe

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What is your gestion?: Add a "Total Boss Time" under the game panel that shows the total time per boss

Is this in OSRS?: Don't think so

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Couldn't find a topic

How would this benefit Alora?: QoL update. Allow players to see their total time they have spent on a specific boss. You can also just add it to the KC tab.

For example:

Zulrah  x 17,000 kills / Time: 112:00 Total

Kraken x 3000 kills / Time: 85:00 Total

Cerbus x 1254 kills / Time: 35:00 Total

Dagganoth Kings x 4512 kills / Time: 98:00 Total



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 10:09 AM #2



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This would be wildly in-accurate for 99% of players, since we don't store the kill time for each boss, only the best times.

Your suggestion has been declined, if you feel this was wrongfully done please contact a Forum Moderator+.

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