Great update! Love the new additions to PoH, especially the ornate jewellery box! It unlocks so many key teleports for clue scrolls. Combined with runelite, the jewellery box makes the treasure trails experience so much more enjoyable. In the future, I'd like to see obelisk functionality added to PoH as well. This would give ancient crystals a purpose and help facilitate travel in the wilderness. Skotizo spawned in 12 wilderness? No problem, the obelisk teleport will get you there in a flash. Also, I think an option to remove doors in PoH would be a big quality of life fix. Currently, it's a pain to navigate through a PoH with a lot of rooms.
After trying runelite, I do have to say. I do not like the trading post system that comes along with it. It makes finding offers very difficult. Previously, you could search for "ahrim" and see all the offers on ahrim's armour. Now the system forces u to select a specific ahrim's piece. In addition, certain items like abyssal tentacle aren't available for search in tp.
The raccoon pet recolours are awesome! Farmers outfit and lumberjack outfit are super sick. Plus, the new crabclaw cave is a great alternative for the overcrowded sandcrab locations.
Before I wrap up my feedback, I'd like to bring attention to some dead content. Currently, through master clue scrolls, there is a small chance of obtaining twisted blueprints that allow you to redecorate your Poh. It's been months since they were added to the game and no one has obtained one to my knowledge. For that reason, I think we should consider changing twisted blueprints to a guaranteed drop on the 50th master clue, similar to vorkath head. This would encourage players to take advantage of runelite and bang out their clues!