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June 2020 Content Poll

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Poll: June 2020 Content Poll (144 member(s) have cast votes)

Should the Theatre of Blood be changed to a dangerous death for Hardcore Ironmen?

  1. Yes, Theatre of Blood should be a dangerous death. (81 votes [56.64%])

    Percentage of vote: 56.64%

  2. No, Theatre of Blood should remain a safe death. (52 votes [36.36%])

    Percentage of vote: 36.36%

  3. Skip Question. (10 votes [6.99%])

    Percentage of vote: 6.99%

Should Ordan's Ore Shop be added at the Blast Furnace?

  1. Yes, it should be added. (116 votes [81.12%])

    Percentage of vote: 81.12%

  2. No, it should not be added. (13 votes [9.09%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.09%

  3. Skip Question. (14 votes [9.79%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.79%

Should the Easter Ring be made tradeable?

  1. Yes, it should be made tradeable. (67 votes [46.85%])

    Percentage of vote: 46.85%

  2. No, it should remain untradeable. (36 votes [25.17%])

    Percentage of vote: 25.17%

  3. Skip Question. (40 votes [27.97%])

    Percentage of vote: 27.97%

Should the Item Retrieval Service (Death Storage) at Hespori be implemented?

  1. Yes, the Item Retrieval Service should be implemented at Hespori. (118 votes [82.52%])

    Percentage of vote: 82.52%

  2. No, the Item Retrieval Service should not be implemented at Hespori. (13 votes [9.09%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.09%

  3. Skip Question. (12 votes [8.39%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.39%

Should the teleports in the Teleport Wizard menu be rearranged into alphabetical order?

  1. Yes, the teleports should be rearranged into alphabetical order. (70 votes [48.95%])

    Percentage of vote: 48.95%

  2. No, the teleports should remain how they are currently. (65 votes [45.45%])

    Percentage of vote: 45.45%

  3. Skip Question. (8 votes [5.59%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.59%

Should the Bloodhound pet be made obtainable as a Master Treasure Trail (Clue) Reward?

  1. Yes, the Bloodhound should be obtained from Master Treasure Trails. (125 votes [87.41%])

    Percentage of vote: 87.41%

  2. No, the Bloodhound should remain obtainable from the Vote Shop. (13 votes [9.09%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.09%

  3. Skip Question. (5 votes [3.50%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.50%

Should we allow the ability to create instances for the Nightmare of Ashihama?

  1. Yes, the Nightmare should be able to be instanced. (122 votes [85.31%])

    Percentage of vote: 85.31%

  2. No, the Nightmare should not be able to be instanced. (11 votes [7.69%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.69%

  3. Skip Question. (10 votes [6.99%])

    Percentage of vote: 6.99%


Posted 23 June 2020 - 07:45 PM #1


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Hello all,


With the release of Runelite coming very quickly we wanted to post a content poll to gather input from the community on some potential changes and content to be added in the coming future.


Keep in mind the Chambers of Xeric and Theatre of Blood changes/reworks are the first thing on our agenda once we wrap up with Runelite. This was announced a while back in a development blog that can be found here, but was pushed back so that we could focus on getting Runelite fully integrated.


With that being said, we look forward to your feedback and opinions on the poll.


Poll Questions & Information


Question 1:

Should the Theatre of Blood be changed to a dangerous death for Hardcore Ironmen?


- This would result in the loss of hardcore status upon death in the Theatre of Blood



Question 2:

Should Ordan's Ore Shop be added at the Blast Furnace?


- This shop would be available to players of all game modes, thus allowing Ironman accounts to buy ore.

- More info on Ordan and his shop can be seen on the OSRS Wiki here.



Question 3:

Should the Easter Ring be made tradeable?


- The Easter Ring is currently untradeable item that can be received from limited edition Easter Boxes from the Alora Store.

- Outside of the limited edition boxes the ring was only obtainable from the 2017 Easter Event.



Question 4:

Should the Item Retrieval Service (Death Storage) at Hespori be implemented?


- Currently, Hespori is not instanced so upon death you are able to go pick up your items in the Hespori Cave. Implementing the Item Retrieval Service would require making Hespori instanced.

- If implemented, upon death player's items would go to Arno, an NPC near the Hespori Cave, and will require a fee in order to get your items back. This death storage works similar to the one at Zulrah, however you are able to select which particular items you'd like back making it quite useful for Ultimate Ironmen.

- Note that if you die a dangerous death while items are in storage they will be lost.



Question 5:

Should the teleports in the Teleport Wizard menu be rearranged into alphabetical order?



Question 6:

Should the Bloodhound pet be made obtainable as a Master Treasure Trail (Clue) reward?


- This would result in the removal of any Bloodhounds currently in the game similar to how we reworked Third Age previously.

- The Bloodhound would no longer be able to be obtained from the Vote Shop



Question 7:

Should we allow the ability to create instances for the Nightmare of Ashihama?



Please take the time to read the content post and vote in the poll. If you have any additional feedback, comments, questions, etc. please make a comment below.


If you have any other suggestions that you like to see added to Alora you can do so in a post here.


Additionally, any bug reports can be submitted here.






Alora Administration Team


Posted 24 June 2020 - 02:55 AM #2


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As much as i'd like to vote yes for the first question, I believe a rework for the raid needs to be done with it being tested to have 0 bugs. If not players will most likely die to bugs and will have to be given status back.

Posted 24 June 2020 - 03:52 AM #3

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Yes, let's make tob which has an abnormal amount of dead clicks and lag in verzik's room an unsafe death. Great idea.

It might be a good idea to wipe all existing hcim tob drops from their accounts too, to make it fair for the others.




Posted 24 June 2020 - 04:34 AM #4

Not Arrow

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What about a sarachnis instance as well?

Posted 24 June 2020 - 04:35 AM #5

Real Alan

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I do not support adding the ore shop for ironmen and realism players.  Currently, it is a good challenge to seek out bosses that drop noted ores.  A player, for example, may take on the challenge, trek into the wilderness, and slaughter Venenatis for 300 noted gold ore drops.  Allowing players to simply buy ore takes away from that healthy challenge, but I guess I could support it if quantities in stock are limited to just 100, like on OSRS.


Also, unless farmer's outfit is being added as a drop from Hespori, I don't really see the need for item retrieval service.  Hespori currently only has 1 rare drop, bottomless compost bucket, along with regular anima seeds.  It takes so long to grow that no player has even killed Hespori 200 times yet.  In my opinion, it makes much more sense to first implement item retrieval service to more heavily-used content such as Kraken.


In future polls, I'd like see what the community thinks about...


Should recoloring slayer helms be changed to a 1 time fee of 1,000 slayer points?  Currently, it costs 1,000 slayer points to unlock each color.



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Posted 24 June 2020 - 06:11 AM #6

EIM Zarox

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I do not support adding the ore shop for ironmen and realism players.  Currently, it is a good challenge to seek out bosses that drop noted ores.  A player, for example, may take on the challenge, trek into the wilderness, and slaughter Venenatis for 300 noted gold ore drops.  Allowing players to simply buy ore takes away from that healthy challenge, but I guess I could support it if quantities in stock are limited to just 100, like on OSRS.


Also, unless farmer's outfit is being added as a drop from Hespori, I don't really see the need for item retrieval service.  Hespori currently only has 1 rare drop, bottomless compost bucket, along with regular anima seeds.  It takes so long to grow that no player has even killed Hespori 200 times yet.  In my opinion, it makes much more sense to first implement item retrieval service to more heavily-used content such as Kraken.


In future polls, I'd like see what the community thinks about...


Should recoloring slayer helms be changed to a 1 time fee of 1,000 slayer points?  Currently, it costs 1,000 slayer points to unlock each color.

I assume the item retrieval thing is mainly to match osrs and give UIM another place to store items.

Graveyard [only dcs sad game]

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Posted 24 June 2020 - 07:04 AM #7


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This is juicy!


Posted 24 June 2020 - 08:13 AM #8

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I have a lot of mixed feelings for the first question..


Over all I would like to see it unsafe for hardcores, but as for right now I voted that it should remain a safe death.  Until the mass amount of dead clicks, visual bugs, maze issues, nylocas hit boxes, and much more get fixed it should remain a safe death.  Now, I know that majority of the players right now are voting for it to be an unsafe death, and from my perspective when there's people like myself with ~750 kc, Vespina with 2k kc, Elite with 1k kc saying that it's best not to have this as an unsafe death then it must mean something.  


This may come off as offensive, but if you don't have 250+ KC here, then you have not experienced half the issues that TOB has.


EDIT: I'd also like to say I'm aware TOB would be reworked prior to the death rework, but I'd rather wait on the poll after the rework to input my final thoughts.

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Posted 24 June 2020 - 08:33 AM #9


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All of these suggestions look good but if I could make a counter suggestion, one of the ones I voted no to was the teleport wizard interface becoming alphabetical, I like the way it is now however, I would like to see you be able to add 3, 4 or even 5 "favorite" teleports that could be on a separate interface, would be a nice qol to help speed up getting to popular slayer locations, and other various activities such as birdhouse runs!



EDIT: You probably want my input on the tob being unsafe. I would like to see it touched up a bit before I vote yes to this. people say dead clicks etc etc and while that is a concern at verzik, simple stuff like 
Bloat when he's standing back up has a chance to hit you (I assume it's by an invisible falling hand) which can be tick ate, but if you're not looking and not expecting a hand to fall, bye bye hardcore status. 

Exiting the maze at sotoseg and you get an invisible ball and don't realize, good bye hardcore status. 

Currently there's no way to teleport out of a tob and if your party wipes it is impossible to log out on any boss, you're in combat every second. I don't know what happens in osrs but if all of your pillars collapse on nylos your party wipes, would that be a death? (Can't confirm as I don't know what happens on oldschool) I would like to see the teleport crystal (purchasable for 1,000,000 gp) added as a means to get out in an instant.


When raids is reworked later this year I'll gladly change my stance if I feel I wouldn't die to an unintended mechanic.

Posted 24 June 2020 - 08:34 AM #10

Middle Brian

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I answered all questions in the poll just so none were left blank, but I only want to touch up on the following questions.


Question 1:

Should the Theatre of Blood be changed to a dangerous death for Hardcore Ironmen?


This is how it is in OSRS, So I feel that's how it should be. But I think that people who are already HC in-game should be the ones deciding, not the people who don't play it



Question 5:

Should the teleports in the Teleport Wizard menu be rearranged into alphabetical order?


New players will adapt to the current teleports WAY easier then veteran players having to adapt just because of some peoples OCD. I think it should stay as is.



Question 6:

Should the Bloodhound pet be made obtainable as a Master Treasure Trail (Clue) reward?


Absolutely, no questions asked, its in OSRS. This should of been implemented upon master clue release.



Question 7:

Should we allow the ability to create instances for the Nightmare of Ashihama?


I do not personally do nightmare, but I have heard from countless people that they want this. And, well, I AM FOR THE PEOPLE!

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Posted 24 June 2020 - 11:53 AM #11

Keta Krigern

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hope for wizzard update can be a bit hard to find around in

Posted 24 June 2020 - 01:35 PM #12


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Please lower the nightmare spawn time once the countdown begins to something like 10 seconds. Currently you have to wait for the countdown to begin, then wait another ~40 seconds for it to actually spawn.





Posted 24 June 2020 - 02:26 PM #13

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I voted yes for the Tob being unsafe, however I don't think it'd be healthy right now with all the unintended bugs and "deadclicks" inside tob as @Elite mentioned.


Especially with the 'invisible red ball' from soteseg that the only way to live would be pre-run to the 'dd' spot and hope someone from your team is already there to split damage, or just 'tick eat' based off muscle memory which is fairly hard to do.




TLDR: I'd love for it to happen, but at the same time there are a lot of bugs/deadclicks inside tob


Posted 24 June 2020 - 02:28 PM #14


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My muscle memory is so used to the teleport mage right now. Should focus on the bigger problems and things then something trivial.

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Posted 25 June 2020 - 06:29 AM #15

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The teleport mage is easy asf for people to learn, harder for us oldies and people older to the game, that are used to the mage as its easy to work with now.


Posted 25 June 2020 - 07:40 AM #16

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Question 5:

Should the teleports in the Teleport Wizard menu be rearranged into alphabetical order?



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Will this cause the wildy teleports to be mixed with the safe teleports? Ie.boss teleports

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Posted 25 June 2020 - 08:29 AM #17


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Will this cause the wildy teleports to be mixed with the safe teleports? Ie.boss teleports

They'd still be in their respective sections as they are currently, Cities, Skilling, Dungeons, etc. They would just be in alphabetical order in each section.

Posted 25 June 2020 - 08:32 AM #18

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They'd still be in their respective sections as they are currently, Cities, Skilling, Dungeons, etc. They would just be in alphabetical order in each section.

Have we ever considered making a "boss & wilderness boss" tab to separate these 2, and keep all other wilderness teleports respective to their tabs at the bottom of the list.

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Posted 25 June 2020 - 08:43 AM #19


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Have we ever considered making a "boss & wilderness boss" tab to separate these 2, and keep all other wilderness teleports respective to their tabs at the bottom of the list.

I don't think it would be necessary to rework the interface for a separate Wilderness Boss section, we could simply keep the Wilderness boss teleports together at the bottom of the teleport list in alphabetical order as well. With the dangerous teleport prompt/warning there shouldn't be any issues if players are paying attention.
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Posted 25 June 2020 - 08:46 AM #20

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I don't think it would be necessary to rework the interface for a separate Wilderness Boss section, we could simply keep the Wilderness boss teleports together at the bottom of the teleport list in alphabetical order as well. With the dangerous teleport prompt/warning there should be an issue.


Alchemical Hydra

God Wars



Callisto (Wilderness)

King Black Dragon (Wilderness)

Vetion (Wilderness)

sounds fair okay :)

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