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[9/6/20] Darkmeyer, ToB Drop rate buff, CoX updates, Achievement diary changes, Summer Sale and more!

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Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:02 AM #1



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Hello everyone,
Firstly I'd like to thank you for being so patient as we worked on this update. As many of you know, we've been focusing much of our time on RuneLite which is extremely close to a full, public release. We are on the last stretch of beta testing and those of you who do not have access already can expect to be playing on RuneLite very soon :)
Nonetheless, we managed to pack a huge update in with a bunch of content as well as a number of QoL changes and bug fixes. We've started by implementing some of the most important features from Darkmeyer, such as the new Daeyalt essence mine, Dark graceful, the Dark squirrel metamorphosis option, Amulet of blood fury, Ring of endurance and more! On top of this, we've updated the Chambers of Xeric heavily with features such as the new Twisted ancestral kit, different chest glow colors to indicate the type of loot you received, 2 new pet variants and more. We still plan to add room randomization once we complete the RuneLite project! We've also listened to your Theatre of Blood concerns and have updated the drop rate to be less grindy, and implemented many Achievement diary changes that you've requested. There are too many updates to list, so we'll let you see for yourself below.


Additionally, with Summer right around the corner, we've decided to offer a 20% bonus on all token purchases in our store, on top of many discounted items! Make sure to stock up on any items that you need before the sale ends :)

  • Summer Sale:
    • The Start of Summer Sale is now live!
      • To mark the start of summer, we are giving 20% bonus tokens on all token purchases. This applies to all payment methods, including OSGP/Bitcoin. Make sure to take advantage of this sale while it lasts!
      • We're also giving up to 30% discounts on the following items:
        • Black partyhat
        • Ultimate mystery box
        • Cosmetic mystery box
        • Farmers blessing
        • Elite void set
        • Drop booster
        • Mithril seeds


  • Server latency update:
    • We've added a few new servers to connect to in parts of the world that were underserved to take stress off of the previous servers and hopefully improve latency for our players outside of North America.
      • We've added new EU servers in the following locations:
        • Poland
        • France
      • We've also added an Australian server to connect to (which we did not have before), in order reduce lag for our players down under.
  • PvM Magic accuracy fix:
    • It has recently come to our attention that the Magic accuracy in PvM situations was not properly applying certain boosts (eg. Prayer boosts), which has now been fixed. You should now notice PvM being much more accurate in certain situations.
  • Previous username feature:
    • You can now see what a player's previous username was by hovering over their name on the friends list!
      • Their username will show an icon to denote that they have changed their name.
        • This icon will last for 3 months after a name change, at which point it will no longer appear next to your username.
          • This should make it easier to keep track of who's who, but will also eventually go away for users who do not want the icon next to their name permanently.
  • Name change updates:
    • When a player gets a name change, other players who had that player on their friends or ignore lists will now automatically have the name updated to the player's new name.
      • Previously, it would not update your friend's username on your list, and you would have no idea what their new username is.
        • Trying in with the "Previous username feature", it will also notify you who it was that changed their name so you do not see random usernames on your friends/ignore lists.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed iban's staff alch value.
    • Players who have 100+ master clues completed can now properly purchase the scroll sack from the skillcape shop.
    • Fixed an issue where moving through wheat in puro puro would sometimes teleport you somewhere else. 
    • Fixed the item value of cooked meat.
    • Fixed a bug where losing the phoenix or tangleroot pet if it was metamorphed would cause you to not be able to re-purchase it from Probita.
    • Fixed the Toktz-xil-ak animation, and reduced the attack speed from 4 ticks to 6.
    • Imps are no longer aggressive.
    • Fixed a lizardman shaman safespot bug.
    • The Arclight now uses the proper attack style interface.
    • Removed the duplicate catch notification while fishing.
    • Removed the random cave horror/jungle horror spawns in Kourend centre.
    • The Iban's staff (u) now uses the proper auto-cast spell interface (similar to tridents/sanguinesti staff).
    • Fixed a bug where players could not store the Penance set in their armour case in their POH's.
    • Players can now store the un-noted Bob's blue shirt in their treasure chest in their POH.
    • Fixed a bug where all thrones in a player's POH would require noted marble blocks to build.
    • Fixed a bug where the 2 southern-most snape grass spawns on hobgoblin isle would not count towards the Falador medium diary acheivement.
    • Changed the blade of saeldor's weapon style interface to the appropriate one.
    • NPCs should no longer walk through walls randomly.
    • Fixed a bug where players could smuggle an item out of The Gauntlet.
    • Kills in Godwars dungeon instances will now count towards the appropriate Konar location based task.
    • The tormented bracelet (or) now provides the 5% magic damage bonus.
    • Condensed the text on the Ardougne Diary perk list so that it can now be properly read.
    • Players can now trigger the auto coin/tokkul collection on the Ring of wealth from the equipment interface.
    • The noted toxic staff (uncharged) is now tradable.
    • Fixed a bug with the Trollheim herb patch not updating the patch properly.
    • Fixed an issue where players would default to aggressive if they were on the second "accurate" option while using a trident.
    • Twisted horns will no longer announce over yell (as intended).
      • Additionally, the chest will not glow purple for these horns.
    • Dragon halberd will no longer announce over yell.
    • Magic accuracy has been reverted to how it was before the previous update.
    • Support icon has been fixed (in yell, ;;staff and a few other places)
    • Fixed a rare bank bug that could potentially cause an item to disappear.
  • Quality of Life:
    • Moved the tool leprechaun in the Hosidius patch closer to the centre of the patches.
    • The tool leprechaun at the Ardougne Farm patch has been moved closer to the centre of the patch.
    • Added a 1 tick delay to opening seed packs so that the Runelite loot tracker can properly track them.
    • The digsite pendant teleport to Fossil Island will now take players to the proper "house on the hill" location.
    • Players now have the option to pay Prospector Percy 50 golden nuggets to purchase access to the upper levels of the motherlode mine.
    • The ::nm command will now teleport players to the nightmare.
    • Twisted horns will no longer show up as a purple chest in the Chambers of Xeric.
    • Watson will now take all the clue scrolls that he requires that the player has when a player tries to hand him their clue scroll(s).
    • Players can now speak to Wesley to crush noted coconuts into 2 halves.
    • Coconut milk can now be made by using a coconut half on an empty vial, as opposed to a vial of water.
    • Added the ::Wiki command which will direct players to the Alora Wiki page.
    • Players can no longer get wilderness clue scroll steps from easy or medium clue scrolls.
    • The barbarian smash toggle used for vials, which automatically destroys empty vials, will now apply to empty bowls, empty jugs, and empty pie containers.
    • Lowered the defence of the respiratory system for Abyssal Sire.
    • Removed the warning dialogue when combining crystal key loop halves.
    • The "Check" option on the slayer helmet now allows players to check their slayer streak.
    • The farming skillcape teleport now works, and will take players to the Farming Guild.
    • Players can now use their seeds on their seed box to fill it with a specific kind of seed.
    • The crystal saw +3 bonus will now apply to the construction "build decoration" interface.
    • Killing the instanced Skotizo will now count towards the “Defeat Skotizo” daily task.
    • The NPC aggression now lasts 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes.
  • Drop mechanic changes:
    • Items that are dropped will now appear available to all players that are allowed to pick them up after 1 minute.
      • Previously, ironmen (excluding EIM/GIM) items that were dropped would simply disappear before ever going public.
  • Theatre of Blood drop rate changes:
    • We’ve heard your feedback, and have decided to further increase the chance of getting a purple chest from the Theatre of Blood.
      • Previously, the rates were approximately a 1/(11*# of teammates) chance of getting a purple chest before any boosts, assuming that no one died (this is the potential for each player in the raid, since we don’t limit the drops to 1 purple chest per raid).
        • We’ve decided to increase this chance to 1/(9*# of teammates) before any boosts, and assuming no deaths, which would bring the chance of getting a purple chest to approximately 1/45 for a 5-man raid, as opposed to 1/55, which is approximately a 20% increase on all purple chests.
  • Slayer changes:
    • Slayer reward shop changes:
      • The amulet of the damned cost has been reduced from 2500 points to 1200 points. 
      • The Salve amulet (e) cost has been reduced from 1800 to 1200 points.
      • The imbuement scroll cost has been reduced from 1800 to 1500 points.
      • The Ammo mould has been removed from the slayer shop.
    • Slayer point changes:
      • Boss slayer tasks now give a larger amount of slayer points upon completion (25 instead of 12).
        • The task streak bonus is still the same as regular tasks.
      • The base amount of points from hard tasks has been increased from 12 to 15 points at nieve, and from 18 to 20 points from Konar.
        • The task streak bonus is still the same as it was previously.
  • Achievement Diary Changes:
    • Replaced the "Complete a smoke devil task" in the Western provinces diaries to "Fletch 15 magic shortbow (u)'s in the Gnome stronghold”.
    • Reduced the amount of redwood tree's players need to grow in the Kourend Elite diary from 3 to 2.
    • Reduced the amount of Spirit trees players need to grow in the Karamja Elite diary from 3 to 2.
    • Reduced the amount of Konar slayer tasks required for the Morytania Medium Diary task from 10 to 5.
    • A new Desert medium diary achievement has been added:
      • The Achievement is to grind 50 buckets of sand in the quarry south of the bandit camp.
    • Achievement Diary Perk Changes:
      • Ardougne Easy Diary:
        • Players who complete this diary now have a 5% lower chance of being caught while pickpocketing npc’s.
      • Ardougne Hard Diary:
        • Players who complete this diary now have a 10% lower chance of being caught while pickpocketing npc’s.
      • Desert Medium Diary:
        • Players who complete this diary will now have 50 buckets of sand automatically deposited into their bank every 24 hours.
          • Players must have enough bank space for the buckets, otherwise they will not be deposited.
      • Desert Elite Diary:
        • Players who complete this diary will now have 100 buckets of sand automatically deposited into their bank every 24 hours.
          • Players must have enough bank space for the buckets, otherwise they will not be deposited.
      • Kourend Easy Diary:
        • Players who complete this diary can now use the Kourend teleport in the modern spell book.
      • Lumbridge Medium Diary:
        • Players who complete this diary will now have 50 Seaweed delivered to their bank every 24 hours.
      • Lumbridge Hard Diary:
        • Players who complete the Lumbridge Hard Diary now have a 10% increased chance of activating a bolt special attack.
        • Players who complete this diary will now have 75 Seaweed delivered to their bank every 24 hours.
      • Lumbridge Elite Diary:
        • Players who complete this diary will now have 100 Seaweed delivered to their bank every 24 hours.
    • Note: Automatic delivery effects do not stack, so you won’t be able to login after 15 days and receive 15 days worth of seaweed/sand, it will only be 1 days worth.
  • Modern spell book addition:
    • Players can now use the Kourend Teleport in the modern spellbook.
      • To use this teleport, players must have the Kourend easy diary completed.
      • As with all modern spell book teleports, it will not require the runes to use the teleport, and will not give any magic experience.
        • Players will still require level 69 magic to use this teleport spell.
  • General Graardor changes:
    • All melee damage from General Graardor can now be negated using protect from melee.
      • Previous it would negate 70% of the damage.
    • The defence of all the Bandos GWD minions has been reduced by about 66%.
      • If these numbers are too high or too low, please let us know, and we’ll investigate further.
  • Skotizo changes:
    • Players who sacrifice totems to Skotizo in the Catacombs of Kourend will no longer need to wait the 12 hour timer each time they summon it.
  • Motherlode mine donator perk:
    • Players who have a donator rank will now have a chance to get a bonus golden nugget when depositing pay-dirt into the hopper.
      • To be eligible for this bonus, players must deposit at least 24 pay-dirt into the hopper.
        • The higher the player’s donator rank, the more likely they are to get a bonus nugget each deposit.
        • The bonus nugget is an extra ore, and will not count as a pay-dirt if it’s obtained.
        • The maximum amount of bonus nuggets a player can earn with a hopper that has capacity for 108 pay-dirt is 4 nuggets (assuming they got the bonus nugget for each deposit).
  • Extended Antifire potions:
    • Players can now make extended antifire potions.
      • To do so, players must use lava scale shards on a regular anti fire potion.
        • This requires 1, 2, 3, or 4 shards based on the doses you’re making, and will provide 27 experience per dose, with a maximum of 110 Herblore experience for making 4-dose potions.
    • The extended antifire potion works the same way as the regular antifire potion, however it lasts for 12 minutes as opposed to the normal 6.
  • New mining ores:
    • Players can now mine Granite in the quarry south of the bandit camp.
      • Granite has a chance of giving 500g (50 experience), 2kg (60 experience) or 5kg (75 experience) blocks each time a player mines the ore.
        • Players will need level 45 mining to mine granite.
    • Players can now mine Sandstone in the quarry south of the bandit camp.
      • Sandstone has a chance of giving a 1kg (30 experience), 2kg (40 experience), 5kg (50 experience) or 10kg (60 experience) sandstone block each time a player mines the ore.
        • Players will need level 35 mining to mine sandstone.
  • Sandstone grinding:
    • In the quarry south of the bandit camp, players can now use the sandstone grinder to create buckets of sand.
      • Players can store empty buckets with Drew, the resident sand grinder, which will be used to store the sand.
        • Friendly reminder: Trader Stan’s charter shop sells bucket packs players can use to quickly get noted empty buckets.
      • Once a player has mined their sandstone, they can deposit it into the grinder nearby, which will grind the sandstone into a specific quantity of sand.
        • Sandstone 1kg provides enough sand to fill 1 bucket.
        • Sandstone 2kg provides enough sand to fill 2 buckets.
        • Sandstone 5kg provides enough sand to fill 4 buckets.
        • Sandstone 10kg provides enough sand to fill 8 buckets.
      • Once ready, player’s can right click “claim-sand” or speak to drew to claim their noted buckets of sand.
        • Each bucket of sand requires 1 empty bucket (stored with Drew) and enough sand to fill it.
          • Players will also require 50 gold for each bucket they claim.
      • Players can store at most enough sand/empty buckets to create 25,000 buckets of sand.
    • Removed granite (5kg) from Construction supplies shop.
  • Ammo mould changes:
    • The ammo mould has been removed from the Slayer shop.
      • Players can now acquire the ammo mould from the Achievement shop for 5 Million gp after completing the Fremmenik Medium Diaries.
    • We’ve also increased the delay to smith cannonballs by a few ticks (it’s still quite a bit lower than OSRS).
  • Chambers of Xeric changes:
    • Vanguard changes:
      • For teams of 4 or less, the max hp difference the vanguards can have before they heal is 40% instead of the previous 25%.
        • For teams of 5 or more, this difference has been increased to 30% from 25%.
    • Re-entering raids:
      • Players can now re-enter raids that they’ve disconnected out of.
        • If a player leaves/disconnects from a raid, the total points for the raid will be reduced by the amount of points that player had.
          • When they re-enter, the points will be re-added.
        • This will not work for solo raids, since the raid is destroyed when no players are left in it.
    • Twisted ancestral recolour kit:
      • This has been added as a rare drop from the Chambers of Xeric.
        • Players will have a small chance of obtaining a kit after each completion.
          • If the player has received the kit, the chest will glow with a green hue, as opposed to the white/purple.
            • If the player obtains a metamorphic dust, they may still have gotten the kit, but the chest will be Cyan instead of green.
      • Obtaining this item will be a tertiary roll that is separate from the metamorphic dust, meaning that if a player receives this item, it will be an extra separate item that is obtained, as opposed to replacing another item.
    • Double grub worms:
      • Players will now have a chance to get a second grub worm from the Grub worm chests, with the chance being higher based on their thieving level.
    • Chest light color:
      • The raids chest color will now be Cyan instead of purple if the chest contains metamorphic dust.
    • Resource drop improvements:
      • The # of Resource drops received will now be increased, depending on your performance in the raid.
    • Olmlet pet changes:
      • 2 new pet options have been added to Olmlet's metamorphosis:
        • Enraged Tektiny
        • Flying Vespina
      • Both of these pets were previously available, but not in the enraged/flying variants.
  • Thieving:
    • Gnomes can now be pickpocketed at level 75 Thieving.
      • Gnomes will provide 2000-3000 gold when pickpocketed, and provide 198 base thieving experience.
    • Thzaar-Hur can now be pickpocketed at level 90 Thieving.
      • They will provide 104 base thieving experience.
      • Loot:
        • The most common loot will be between 3-16 Tokkul, but there will also be a chance to receive an emerald, sapphire, ruby, or diamond from them.
      • Players who are not wearing ice gloves will take 4 damage each time they attempt to pickpocket the NPC.
      • Only Tzhaar-Hur’s in the new inferno-area of Tzhaar City have the option to be pickpocketed. 
    • Vyres can now be pickpocketed at level 82 thieving.
      • They will provide 307 base experience.
      • Loot:
        • Most commonly, they will provide between 2500 and 3150 GP per pickpocket, but players also have a chance to obtain 5 death runes, 10 blood runes, a diamond, or an uncut ruby on as uncommon loot.
          • There is also a 1/3000 chance that a player can get a blood shard from the Vyres.
  • Lizardman Shaman changes:
    • The Lizardman shaman’s ranged attack now has the proper projectile showing.
    • The Lizardman shaman’s jump attack now has a reduced radius by 1 tile if the player is in the Lizardman temple.
    • The Lizardman shaman’s will no longer summon more spawns if the previously summoned ones are still alive.
    • The Lizardman shamans will now stay in the air for 1 tick longer when doing their jump attack to give the player a better chance at getting out of the damage radius.
  • Kq head (tattered):
    • Players will now be guaranteed the Kq Head (tattered) on their 256th Kalphite queen kill.
      • This will only be obtainable once, and only for players who current have less than 256 KQ kills.
      • The only use for the KQ head (tattered) will be for the desert elite diaries, so player will not be able to make the Slayer helm variant with it.
  • Zuriel’s Staff changes:
    • The Zuriel's staff now causes blood barrage to heal 50% more hitpoints.
    • The Zuriel's staff now has a 10%  accuracy bonus for ice spells.
  • Darkmeyer Additions:
    • The city of Darkmeyer has been added!
      • You can access Darkmeyer through the Teleport Wizard on the cities page as long as you meet the following requirements:
        • 4 Quest points
        • 62 Woodcutting
        • 60 Fletching
        • 56 Crafting
        • 52 Agility
        • 50 Attack
        • 50 Slayer
        • 49 Magic
    • Dark graceful:
      • Players can use the Dark dye item on any graceful piece (of any color) to recolour it to the darker variant for graceful.
        • We found that the original shade that the dark graceful models had was a bit too light compared to what many people expected, so we made some tweaks, and have allowed players to choose whether they wish to recolour their graceful to the original variant, or to a darker version.
      • Dark dye can be obtain by either trading Grace in the rogue’s den and purchasing it for 125 marks of grace, or they can be purchased through the forum store.
    • Dark squirrel:
      • Players have a very rare chance when completing any agility course to obtain a Dark acorn, which can be used on the giant squirrel pet to turn it into a Dark squirrel.
        • This process cannot be undone.
    • Amulet of blood fury:
      • Players can now combine a Blood shard with an Amulet of fury to create an Amulet of blood fury.
        • This amulet will give players a 10% chance to heal 20% of the damage they’ve just dealt with a melee attack.
          • The 20% of damage dealt is different from OSRS’s 10%, but we felt that 10% of the damage dealt is too insignificant, so we decided to adjust it.
          • The amulet has 10,000 charges, and degrades back to an amulet of fury when the charges have been used.
            • A charge will be consumed each time a player attacks and deals damage above 0 to a target using melee.
      • The blood shard can be obtained from pickpocketting or killing Vyres in Darkmeyer.
    • Vyre sentinels can now be attacked by players.
      • Although their drop tables are a bit lacklustre, they also provide a small chance of obtaining a blood shard.
        • Players do not have to be on task to obtain the blood shard.
      • Across from the sentinels, there is a statue where you can restore your prayer points. Restoring prayer here will also cost 2 hitpoints.
    • Ring of endurance:
      • Players can now purchase the ring of endurance from Grace’s agility store for 300 marks of grace.
      • The ring, when charged, has the following properties:
        • When a dose of stamina potion is drank, it will restore 40 run energy instead of 20.
        • When a dose of stamina potion is drank, the duration will be doubled (4 minutes instead of 2 minutes).
        • If the ring holds at least 500 charges, players run energy will drain 15% slower than usual.
          • This effect stacks with the stamina potion effect.
      • Players can charge the ring by using noted stamina potions on it, and each charge will cost 1 stamina dose.
      • The ring is tradable in it’s uncharged form only, and uncharging a charged ring will cause all the doses that were put into it to be lost.
    • Daeyalt essence mine:
      • For players with 60 Mining and who meet the requirements to enter Darkmeyer, you can now mine essence in the Daeyalt mine! The entrance to the mine can be found in the south end of Darkmeyer.
        • Instead of pure essence, you will be able to mine Daeyalt rocks which give stackable Daeyalt shards.
          • These shards can then be exchanged with Noranna Tytanin on the eastern side of the mine at a 1:1 ratio for Daeyalt essence, which gets sent directly to your bank.
      • Benefits:
        • Runecrafting with Daeyalt essence will earn you 50% more Runecrafting experience for any Runecrafting action, making this a more efficient way to train RC, especially for trade-locked accounts.
          • You can also store Daeyalt essence in Runecrafting pouches, but cannot mix types in the same pouch. For example, if you already have 5 Pure essence in a Medium pouch, you cannot add any Daeyalt essence to it without first emptying it.
            • Your pouch will prioritize Daeyalt essence, so if you have both types in your inventory, Daeyalt will get filled first.
        • The shards you mine are stackable, and the converted essence gets sent straight to your bank, meaning you won't have to leave the area for awhile.
        • You can also receive uncut gems while mining here, unlike Pure essence mines.
      • Notes:
        • Daeyalt essence is not tradable.
        • There are 3 essence rocks in the area, and only 1 will be active at any given time. The active rock will change approximately every 30 seconds.
  • Special attack orb:
    • Players can now click the special attack orb next to the minimap to toggle their special attack on.
      • This can only be used in safe zone PvM situations, and is strictly off limits in the wilderness.















We hope you enjoy this update as much as we've enjoyed putting it together for you :)


As always, please report any bugs that you encounter immediately so that we can patch them up.



Omicron & Chad

Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:02 AM #2

Elite Ironman

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Pog  :Poggers:

Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:13 AM #3

Supreme 42
Elite Ironman

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beautiful update! 


Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:14 AM #4

Cunt Crusher
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Holy fuck that just made me nut... I fucking love this update! Keep up the good work!!

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Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:14 AM #5


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10/10, this update is much needed and wanted, thanks very much for the hard work. 

UnCreative 75 days played
Alora sweater owner < Actually such a flex


DenzelCurry ~ 9 days played Maxed UIM

Too many to count Dead HCIM

Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:15 AM #6

dang i died
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dang i died
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Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:31 AM #7


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Quality update!

Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:37 AM #8

Elite Ironman

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Amazing update.... thank you for the hard work omi!! Looking forward to runelite as well >:)

Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:39 AM #9

EIM Zarox

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holy fuck, this is so nice.

Graveyard [only dcs sad game]

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Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:44 AM #10

skt faker

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big boy update

Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:45 AM #11

Real Alan

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Big update!  I'll be editing this post with feedback!


Edit 6/10

1. much love for the poh bug fixes!  thrones finally work!  Does that mean papyrus is also coming out soon?


2. the extended antifires are a nice add, but consider adding extended superantifires as well!  Regular potions are useless to end game players.


3. Love the slayer shop fixes!  In future updates, I'd also recommend reducing the price of colored slayer helms.  Currently, players need to spend 400 points to learn how to assemble slayer helm and 1,000 points to unlock each color, which means you'll need 7,400 slayer points to unlock all slayer helms.  The high cost deters players from coloring their slayer helms, which means less demand for black masks.  Previously, players would purchase multiple black masks (one for each color).  Now, there's little point.  The limiting factor has changed from black masks to slayer points, causing black masks to flood tp.


4. Personally, I would prefer a blood fury that matched OSRS but does not degrade over a buffed blood fury that does degrade.  This would make blood fury a viable alternative over torture/anguish/occult.  The 1/3,000 pickpocket rate for a fast degrading blood shard seems a little steep.  It would be far more reasonable for an item of that rarity to not degrade.  


Edit 6/13

abyssal sire testing (slay helm, max range with bp -> max melee with arclight)

1. the reduced defense on respiratory systems makes doing sire so much more enjoyable!  I can usually take out at least 3 of the systems before sire attacks again, significantly reducing my kill times and supplies used.

2. for smooth runs, my average kill times were about 90 seconds 

3. I tested 75 sire kills and noticed you can get 0-2 drops each kill.  I approve of the current unsired drop rate. 

4. In my 75 kills, I only experienced 1 bug.  After defeating the respiratory systems, Sire teleported me to a stuck tile, started to walk off, and forced me to teleport out.


Lizardman Shaman -> great fix -> Shamans are significantly easier to kill now that...

1. spawns have a longer delay before exploding (fixed in a previous update)

2. shamans do not summon more spawns if current spawns are still running around 

3. close combat jump attacks are much easier to dodge

Overall, this shaman update and the previous patches have really improved the enjoy-ablity factor on grinding dragon warhammers.  A few years ago, I grinded out dragonwarhammer on my iron and simply put, that experience was as close to bukkake gangbang as I ever want to get.  Thanks Omicron!



I was 133 cox kc completely dry with 0 purples prior to the darkmeyer update, so bar is set very, very low.

I did complete 1 run post update without twisted bow and guess what?  Still dry!  But that's okay!  Here are some things I noticed...

1. the reduced healing of vanguards make solo runs much more enjoyable especially for those without twisted bows 

2. the occasional double worm drops slightly sped up the painstakingly slow collection process

3. food/potions were dropped much, much more reliably.

More cox testing to come!


------ will be testing graardor, cox, and tob soon! -------



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Posted 10 June 2020 - 01:54 AM #12


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Pog update, can't wait to dc in COX, thanks @Omicron!







Posted 10 June 2020 - 02:33 AM #13


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This is insane! Thanks for all the work you put in for this update @Omicron!

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Posted 10 June 2020 - 04:34 AM #14

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Holy Updates! This is amazing.

Posted 10 June 2020 - 05:08 AM #15

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Hot updates as always, keep up the good work Dan <3











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Posted 10 June 2020 - 05:43 AM #16

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Pog update

Pog update

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Posted 10 June 2020 - 05:53 AM #17

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So, Where's Paul gone?

Posted 10 June 2020 - 06:23 AM #18

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sick update! Thanks! 


Are we able to turn off the auto deposits for the items like sand and seaweed?


Also can you make sure that the ornament kits are significantly more rare from cox than the twisted horns and ancestral? Also, nerf the horns drop rate. 



Posted 10 June 2020 - 06:31 AM #19

beans n cake

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Amazing updates on here. So excited and just some great POG updates. Excited for those Cox updates. Vanguard solos won't be nearly as aids







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Posted 10 June 2020 - 06:32 AM #20

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What a god damn Big boy update, poggies. 


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